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Im new to the Iphone world so please excuse my noobness.. My phone is currently coming with the lastest 2.2.1(Iphone 3G 8GB) software if i use itunes to restore it.. what software will it go to, do i have to download or purchase the latest software from Itunes? As far as activation goes..I'll be using a sim adapter to use my Tmobile SIM card.. what steps does the activation include?
Wow. You caught that huh? You're pretty C-A-T smart. :rolleyes:

(I'll just sit here and wait how long it takes you to figure out the connection between the picture and my use of the word "spastic." No rush. I can't wait for quite a long time. I have some M&Ms here.)


How come there's so many anti-jailbreak people in the Hacks forum?
I would suppose that in a HACK section is where you would talk about hacking/unhacking procedures.. you may go to the "tips and hints" section and they may not have a clue what one's asking
Can someone help with my question.. if i restore the phone to unhack would i go about activating it with my tmobile card and turbosim or skiping the step? thanks
People act like it has to be all or nothing.

Just because you jailbreak, it doesn't mean you have to install EVERYTHING!
You can jailbreak and just install the things you know won't decrease the performance of the iPhone (Cycorder for example). That way you will still have some advantage over a stock iPhone but keeping the performance.

That's why people who jailbreak get annoyed at those who say jailbreaking slows the iPhone down: it doesn't, only if you install certain things that are memory hogs. But there's still plenty left that's not available to those with the stock firmware and that doesn't slow down the iPhone!

It's really not worth it. Siorai was right. Let them continue their ignorance as it's really their loss.
How come there's so many anti-jailbreak people in the Hacks forum?
Because they're arrogant and think they have to save everyone from themselves and because they have no other meaning in their pitiful lives (who else sits around running timings on iPhones), this makes them feel needed.
Is the only way to activate a phone once i unjailbreak it with an ATT sim card?
wont hacktivating require me to jailbreak it? Or use quickpwn or something like that. In other words it can't be activated(without ATT) without jailbreaking it frst.
wont hacktivating require me to jailbreak it? Or use quickpwn or something like that. In other words it can't be activated(without ATT) without jailbreaking it frst.

I believe so, yes.

Why not just jailbreak it?
Just wondering.. im jailbroken.. and everything is running great.. no complaints
There are only two reasons I stay with a jailbreaked iPhone.

1. Ability to hide unused icons. I hate clutter.
2. iLocalis
lol sounds neat...
how do i hide unused icons.. and what is that localis?
lol sounds neat...
how do i hide unused icons.. and what is that localis?

I use SBSettings to hide the unused icons, but you could also use Boss Prefs or Poof

iLocalis tracks your iPhone in the background. You can see where your iPhone is from the website and remotely lock it, place silent phone calls, etc.
Unjailbreak my iPhone 3G

So I want to unjailbreak my iPhone 3G and just get rid of the hack so that I can do a clean install for 3.0 when it comes out in a couple of weeks. Currently I am running Bootloader version 06.02 and Baseband version is 04.26.04 and running 2.2.1
Is there a way to unjailbreak/unhack it and have the original OS back?
I've been looking everywhere but doing a normal restore always seems to mess my phone up again. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hmm... that's not really what I said. I said that some people say they have all this crap running and they don't notice a slowdown. I even saw one guy post a youtube video where he had side by side comparison and his jailbroken iPhone was slower, but he said it was faster for some reason. He thought it was faster because when he launched the weather channel app, his app took longer to start up but then it was faster to DOWNLOAD new data... and to him that means it started up faster.

you mean me, and by downloading faster you mean 2 3g iphones side by side using the same service.... I saw the weather before the non JB iPhone on my JB iPhone with tons more crap on it.... If I see it before the non JB phone, doesn't that mean my JB phone was faster? If the 10ths of a second difference is that big a deal to you, then go non JB.... I for one like the customization I get with JB. Oh, and here is the video for you again:
So I want to unjailbreak my iPhone 3G and just get rid of the hack so that I can do a clean install for 3.0 when it comes out in a couple of weeks. Currently I am running Bootloader version 06.02 and Baseband version is 04.26.04 and running 2.2.1
Is there a way to unjailbreak/unhack it and have the original OS back?
I've been looking everywhere but doing a normal restore always seems to mess my phone up again. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Just plug into iTunes and restore, only way to "un-jailbreak". 3.0 in 8 days, not a couple weeks.
i have done that and every time i do it gives me an error and wont let me update and i have to jailbreak it again. suggestions?

I suggest you provide more details. What OS, what version, what version iTunes, what firmware does your phone have, etc. :)
From my experience its certain aspects of Winterboard that really consume resources. Once you get into changing the App overlay and page dots WB uses a lot of RAM. There are soem ugly stock icons out there so even if you don't use WB you can change those. Its debatable whether FontSwap caused any lag, but the solution is to just replace the actual font helvetica font file. I enjoyed Myriad Pro so much more than Helvetica as my system font, and you can easily use iFile to change between different fonts so you won't get any lag there. SBsettings is fantastically handy and lets say you want to play a 3d game you can turn off MobileSubstrate and its extensions and turn it back on once you are finished playing.

What's important to remember is that the 3G$, with its faster processor and more RAM will give far more breathing room to allow for JBing. Its like that phone was made specifically for JBing.
So I want to unjailbreak my iPhone 3G and just get rid of the hack so that I can do a clean install for 3.0 when it comes out in a couple of weeks. Currently I am running Bootloader version 06.02 and Baseband version is 04.26.04 and running 2.2.1
Is there a way to unjailbreak/unhack it and have the original OS back?
I've been looking everywhere but doing a normal restore always seems to mess my phone up again. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Try restoring and set up as a new device rather than restore from backup. Unfortunately this will loose any application-specific data.
Returning to the original topic, it was Winterboard that made my phone "lag". I love the power that jailbreaking gives you, but performance was important to me. I just changed around some of my icons and my dock manually, and that was good enough for me.

Jailbreaking doesn't lag, but background processes/Substrate kills. Apple makes it hard to **** up your phone's performance; if you can't handle the freedom, don't jailbreak.

Anyway, I could argue that jailbreaking allows me to make my phone FASTER by reducing icons (Categories) and killing processes at will, so it's really up to you.
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