Ok. My third iMac has exactly the same issue. But this time it's more yellow on the right side and not in the middle like with the other two.
Very similar predicament here. I'm on my second iMac -- with a blistering hotspot on the left side of the screen -- and trying to figure out what to do next.
Today, I took my light meter (digital camera) to the local Apple store to assess the chances of swapping mine for "a good one."
Executive summary: All four 24" iMacs on display had serious brightness gradients -- all in exactly the same location. Three of them had identical L:R luminance ratios of 2.5:1, and the fourth was an indescribably horrible 3.7:1. So, they all measured WORSE than my current machine's visually painful 2.2:1.
For reference, the most recent ergonomic standard (TCO'03) caps LCD luminance non-uniformity at a maximum of 1.5:1 -- so, the best iMac in the Apple store was three times worse than many TCO'03-certified monitors bearing "prestige" names such as Samsung, Acer and PackardBell (see tcodevelopment.com).
Although Apple doesn't appear to specify
anything WRT display uniformity of iMacs, it's pretty clear that their measured performance would be considered seriously deficient by the ergonomic standards community.
To be fair, the units in the store all had lower serial numbers than mine -- but I have no reason to believe that makes much difference. In any case, I'm extremely reluctant to risk making a trade for something worse -- with little/no chance of getting something better. My iMac is excellent WRT backlight bleed, and has only one dead green subpixel -- way down in the bottom right corner, where it's a total non-issue.
So now what? I doubt that they will send me yet another replacement. So I guess I will have to decide if I should keep it or return it for a refund.
Yep, tough decision. As I see it, the current iMac display situation leaves a huge hole in Apple's product line. If you want to run OS-X (but demand an ergonomically
acceptable screen), you're stuck with the choice of the anemic econobox MiniMac or a budget-busting, fire-breathing monster in a huge tower.
So for now, the only course of action is to pressure Apple for a solution -- on the message boards, on the phone, and by email.
"If it's not one thing, it's another."
-- Roseanne Roseannadanna