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If you don't care about running mac os, aren't interested in apple software, and dont care about the appearance of the machine, then you don't need a mac. So it can be deduced that the only reason you are on here is to stir up frustration.... thus, people think you are a troll.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Thanks for putting it in the right context Groovsonic.
I made a similar thread in the iMac section and came to a similar conclusion about the price vs stuff off of newegg, but I used a i7 for my example and a 24' LED (which to my knowledge is the biggest newegg offers) although the LG model for which the iMac monitor is based can be bought somewhere out there, it is somewhat difficult to find in United States so far.

While I see the point of building a PC you also have to figure out and fix any (likely) problems it will give you down the road, trust me bought some stuff from newegg before graphics card would **** out, sound would do weird things, and these arent crappy parts these are high quality well reviewed on newegg and otherwise. Then you have a giant box and some monitors as opposed to a monitor with a computer slapped on its back. Paying $300 for the best version of Windows, when you would at most pay $130 for Mac OS X Lion (or w/e) down the road, and with no modifications can already run the 2 main OSes out there with an iMac totally legally and supported.
Why does comparing Apples with banana skins make one a troll? What is a troll [MRoogle didn't offer a strict definition]?

Why does one compare an Apple with a banana skin?
This is the most pathetic troll attempt, you actually made a graphic and planned it all out. I pity you sir. Enjoy your 65 pound massive, environment killing, screaming loud virus machine and leave the iMac community alone.
Thanks guys, I suppose I'll go ahead and build the custom build pictured above. I haven't really heard any real pros for the mac side yet.

You should also add in your virus protection software... your time in running it.... your time in fixing it.....
Oh well, maybe the OP is just very insecure and secretly really admires the iMac, but searches for some persuasive arguments to make him switch ;) . Not the right place or approach for that, though.
I think the folks on here are more than willing to help someone the op seems to have had an agenda. I own a quad core gaming pc so I am not a fanboy but I can usually spot them. In my opinion the point of this post was to show us how much more of a machine he could buy for the same price. He also mentioned osx was not for him then why come here? I know some of you on this forum are very kind hearted people and may not see it this way but I just thought I would explain. I for one enjoy pc's as well :)
I'm not a troll! I haven't even insulted anybody. Please explain to your reasoning to me.

You don't have an interest in OS X but you do have an interest in Windows 7.
You try an compare something that's a kludge to an engineered product - the iMac.

Clearly you're either here to stir up your Windows 7 / PC propaganda or you're IQ is less than your shoe size. Go away now. Oh and, have a nice day Ballmerclone.
Personally, I would go with the iMac.
With a custom build you'd have to run Windows 7.
Which from my experience isn't anywhere as nice as Snow Leopard (I've used it since the first beta came out, up until now with the final version.)
And also another thing, you wouldn't have any kind of insurance for it, and PCs tend to break a lot sometimes, once again, from experience with them.

So, if I were you, I would definitely go with the iMac, because the custom build might look cheaper now, but when one part breaks, you'll have to fully pay for it, which will end up being more expensive than the iMac to begin with.

And if the price is not something you really care about, you can never go wrong with a iMac because of one simple reason, OS X.
And the iMac is good enough to run pretty much ANYTHING you want it to run for today, and at least a few more years.
The custom built does look more powerful.. but then again, if you think about it, why would you ever need to use 4TB? It just seems kinda silly, and I doubt that anyone really needs that much space, unless you're a serious movie editor who works for a major movie company and space is a must have.

Pretty much what it boils down to is Windows 7 or OS X?
Which one do you want to use more?
my advice is do your homework properly and add a case (what the hell you gonna but your parts in lol?) and OS to your PC pricelist

and whats te justification for 4 hardrives and 3 21" monitors?

and as somebody quite clearly said you should compare a 27" monitor in your pricelist
You get what you pay for. 20 years in the IT industry, I've yet to see a PC be useful for more than a few years, especially cheaply built ones.

Macs tend to be thrown out because people are fed up looking at them, or just want something newer.

I know folks still using the old Performa 5200 machines with the CRT built in for everyday business work. Same company is doing CAD drawings for large architectural projects on Performa 6300s.

Try that on a 15 year old PC...
Sorry if I get a bit argumentative here, but this is a forum isn't it? This place would be useless if everyone agreed with each other about everything. Anyways, here it goes:

1) Although I am not a Microsoft fan in any way, I only said that I would run Windows 7 in a VM. Ignoring the irrational hate of those that haven't even tried Windows 7, it is objectively a very solid OS. This is just so that I can use a certain range of programs. I have no interest in OSX because it gives the user little control and holds your hand through the entire experience. I might add that I am now running OSX in a VM for iPhone app development purposes.

2) Many people have commented that because I buy the hardware from newegg that it is much more likely to randomly break on me. I have built many computers and know what I'm doing at this point. I would trust a machine I have built more than an iMac. Because unlike the iMac, I have chosen the best manufacturer for each part I purchase. An iMac's hardware comes out of the same Asian factory as parts that are sold on newegg. Also, newegg has about a month long return policy of all parts bought there, so I don't really worry about stuff that might arrive DOA.

3) At this point I may seem biased towards the custom build option. That is because I am at this point. I came here to mac rumors to have people who know a lot about Mac PCs give some suggestions to me because this area is not my expertise.

4) In regards to the "lol enjoy your virus windblows", I have not gotten a single bluescreen or virus in the past three years. I keep my system clean and know how to use it properly, so the shortcomings of windows are not much of a problem for me. I usually only restart my system once a week for updates.

I would appreciate any more reasons to choose the iMac because I am still considering it.

I would appreciate any more reasons to choose the iMac because I am still considering it.


As others have said, the iMac would be able to run Win 7 as well as OSX. And I dont believe you can develop for the iPhone in a Virtual Machine so loading OSX on a custom built rig isnt an option, to the best of my knowledge. I could be wrong though. (Please someone correct me if Im wrong on that, but I remember reading something about that when I first started developing)

I have Win 7 loaded in a VM on my MacBook Pro. I used to be strictly PC and switched to Mac about 2 years ago. I am now going to purchase the iMac next week. Mac is by far the most stable and secure OS on the market because it is built on UNIX. No matter how you slice it, that isnt something you can say for your custom built rig. Granted the GPU might be an upgrade from the iMac, but as others have mentioned, the display will not be able to touch the beauty of the 27" IPS backlit monster that comes with the iMac.
I have also used newegg to build a custom PC in the past. They may have a 30 day return policy, but they do not have Apple care or anything like it. You are at the mercy of your products manufacturing warranty which Im assuming will be a PITA to work with.

With all that said, if you are honestly looking for a new machine and the iMac is on your list of considerations, then get it. Even if you load Win 7 in boot camp and make it your default OS on the iMac, you will still have more flexibility than you would with the custom built rig.
It's more than a mere upgrade in graphics power, it's literally 6 times the pure computing power.
Well actually getting an i5 you are essentially getting a marginally more powerful chip compared to the highest clocked C2D. So just because you put i5 in your PC example for some reason over the i7 on iMac kind of makes people weary about it.

Also I can guarantee you that while some of the parts in the iMac may come from the same companies as the parts you buy on newegg, several components in the system are special built specifically for the iMac. Also besides that if you have no interest in Mac OS X then why would you buy an iMac? You seriously make no sense.
Get the iMac. You'll be a cooler guy and the girls will like you. Trust me. No girl is going to be impressed by a friggin' PC and how much cheaper it is to build than a Mac. You want to be a cheapskate all your life? Spend the dosh and make a statement that you value beauty, power and elegance over the dull, the cheap and the workmanlike. You know it makes sense.
Get the iMac. You'll be a cooler guy and the girls will like you. Trust me. No girl is going to be impressed by a friggin' PC and how much cheaper it is to build than a Mac. You want to be a cheapskate all your life? Spend the dosh and make a statement that you value beauty, power and elegance over the dull, the cheap and the workmanlike. You know it makes sense.

I think that a woman would prefer a man who can afford to buy them pretty things in place of all that extra money spend on a similar mac.
Well thanks everybody, I'm gonna go ahead and order that computer off of newegg now. What I learned from this thread:
Get an iMac only if you want a pretty computer

Since I care about the price/performance ratio of the things I buy, and also because I use my computer to get computing tasks done, I will buy the custom build.

Thanks for clearing that up everyone.
Yeah, thanks for only reading what you wanted to read. Sounds to me like your decision was already made before you even posted.
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