I like to keep my iMac powered off and use it as an ornament.
How's that working out for you?
I like to keep my iMac powered off and use it as an ornament.
I think that a woman would prefer a man who can afford to buy them pretty things in place of all that extra money spend on a similar mac.
As rubbish as the OP. Well done mate.I don't think you've seriously read any of the replies here. You can spend your money on a cheaper PC but you'll still only be buying a cheaper PC. You spend more on the iMac and you get an iMac. They are not the same. Your comparisons don't add up. You are still buying a cheap PC and not an iMac equivalent. No doubt the PC will do a job for you but don't kid yourself into thinking that you've saved money by not buying a Mac. All you've done is buy a cheaper PC. People buy Macs because they want the whole Mac experience: better hardware, elegant software, cool design, better security, customer service etc. They don't want a cheap PC running Windows.
Actually, I've got 3.3k machine (monitor included) as my main computer, I wouldn't call it a Fiat, more like the opposite.Now troll along to an Aston Martin forum and tell them you've just discovered that a Fiat is a lot cheaper and remarkably also gets you from A to B. I'm sure they'll be dismayed to hear it and curse you for not telling them sooner...
Since I've already made up my mind earlier, I'm just debating points being made in this thread.
a) Sure OSX is unix based, but it has taken away all the modularity that has given Unix a good reputation. By using OSX you are completely locked into what Apple decides your experience should be. OSX is dumbed down to the point where one would think it was made by Fisher Price.
b) Don't you think that a $1000 display is a bit overkill for a line of products that are designed for the average family? The new display in the iMacs which take up half of its cost are only truly useful if you want 100% accurate color reproduction in professional photo editing. For any other purposes such as photoshop and video especially, a regular TN panel is just fine. TN panels have a much much faster response time than the ones in the iMac so you won't see ghosting with high frame rates. There are advantages and dis-advantages with both.
Since I've already made up my mind earlier, I'm just debating points being made in this thread.
a) Sure OSX is unix based, but it has taken away all the modularity that has given Unix a good reputation. By using OSX you are completely locked into what Apple decides your experience should be. OSX is dumbed down to the point where one would think it was made by Fisher Price.
b) Don't you think that a $1000 display is a bit overkill for a line of products that are designed for the average family? The new display in the iMacs which take up half of its cost are only truly useful if you want 100% accurate color reproduction in professional photo editing. For any other purposes such as photoshop and video especially, a regular TN panel is just fine. TN panels have a much much faster response time than the ones in the iMac so you won't see ghosting with high frame rates. There are advantages and dis-advantages with both.
b) Don't you think that a $1000 display is a bit overkill for a line of products that are designed for the average family? The new display in the iMacs which take up half of its cost are only truly useful if you want 100% accurate color reproduction in professional photo editing. For any other purposes such as photoshop and video especially, a regular TN panel is just fine. TN panels have a much much faster response time than the ones in the iMac so you won't see ghosting with high frame rates. There are advantages and dis-advantages with both.
The OS, the zen, the no stress, the no irritations/nagging/annoyances.
People who focus on hardware, clearly don't get it.
I experience none of these things when using a computer no matter the OS (well, maybe Arch linux). It's arrogant to assume that everyone has the same problems while using a computer as you do.
No need to get touchy. Fiat make perfectly good cars. They own Alfa Romeo I understand. FYI it was Steve Jobs who drew the parallel between Apple and BMW when comparing Apple's market share to BMW and Mercedes. So no need to make spurious generalisations about people who buy Macs for perfectly good reasons like they prefer the operating system, the overall user experience and superior design of the machines. These things are of value and people choose to pay for them. Or not as the case may be.Actually, I've got 3.3k machine (monitor included) as my main computer, I wouldn't call it a Fiat, more like the opposite.
It's amusing how the Apple trolls keep on comparing their computer with a car. It seems as if they have to compensate for the lack of a nice car by buying a good looking computer.
cheesy looking case you're buying.
What have market shares to do with this?Strange assertion. FYI it was Steve Jobs who drew the parallel between Apple and BMW when comparing Apple's market share to BMW and Mercedes.
Read again.So no need to make spurious generalisations about people who buy Macs for perfectly good reasons like they prefer the operating system, the overall user experience and superior design of the machines. These things are of value and people choose to pay for them. Or not as the case may be.
You best be joking, the Antec 900 is a hell of a case.
I registered with temporary email and am here to tell you that original poster 100% is a troll from 4chan's /g/ (he even requested help from people to stir up more trouble in this thread).
Great job on handling him by the way, your community is 10 years ahead of /g/.
I'd have thought it was obvious. Apple don't compete in certain segments of the market. That's where the comparison with BMW and Mercedes originates from. It's how Steve Jobs once described Apple's relationship to the PC market. Hence the comparison of PCs with cheaper cars.What have market shares to do with this?
Tell that to Steve Jobs. I'm sure he'll appreciate the advice.You imply that a Mac is better car (Aston Martin) while PC's are cheap/slow etc. etc. (Fiat). Not only is the comparison idiotic, it's just plain wrong.
If you didn't want the mac OS why are you even looking at this machine? Obviously you would get a better windows machine by building your own...