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I think that a woman would prefer a man who can afford to buy them pretty things in place of all that extra money spend on a similar mac.

I don't think you've seriously read any of the replies here. You can spend your money on a cheaper PC but you'll still only be buying a cheaper PC. You spend more on the iMac and you get an iMac. They are not the same. Your comparisons don't add up. You are still buying a cheap PC and not an iMac equivalent. No doubt the PC will do a job for you but don't kid yourself into thinking that you've saved money by not buying a Mac. All you've done is buy a cheaper PC. People buy Macs because they want the whole Mac experience: better hardware, elegant software, cool design, better security, customer service etc. They don't want a cheap PC running Windows.

So don't come onto a Mac forum and try and look clever by claiming you've made a remarkable discovery. Everyone knows there are cheap PCs out there. But the fact is, they're not Macs. If you want a Mac you have to buy one. If you want to spend the money on something else, no-one is stopping you. It's nothing to feel smug about.

Now troll along to an Aston Martin forum and tell them you've just discovered that a Fiat is a lot cheaper and remarkably also gets you from A to B. I'm sure they'll be dismayed to hear it and curse you for not telling them sooner...
Troll Police

While I recognize this inquiry to be nothing more than gnome-ish, I will oblige with a serious response.

I have been a PC person my whole life and am strongly considering this new iMac - and the number 1 reason is the display. I challenge you to find a backlit 27 inch LED screen that is more brilliant and vibrant than this one... but I'll save you some time by telling you that you won't find one (especially for a comparable price). Even if there is a 27" 2560/1440 res screen out there, I highly doubt that it has the same clarity and quality as this iMac's.

So come back with a fair comparison - who wants 3 21" Acer pieces of ****? That's garbage. And while you're at it, show me the giant, gaudy alienware blinking-lights bucket-of-bolts case that you are going to put all those components in and then compare it with the elegance of an iMac.

I'm still going to keep my quad-core i7 920 pc as I still want it for some specific uses, but I am excited to try out Mac and feel they have absolutely superior displays.
This is the case that I plan on getting:

First of all, the components aren't the same. They're actually better except for the monitor, which itself is a huge difference. Plus, you've forgot to add some input devices and other hardware. Doesn't matter if you already own it or not.
Also, you shouldn't forget that the iMac is an all-in-one system, they're always going to be more expensive than a self-made one.
You also neglected the importance of the OS and the programs coming along with it.
Bottom line, what a rubbish attempt, try again.

I don't think you've seriously read any of the replies here. You can spend your money on a cheaper PC but you'll still only be buying a cheaper PC. You spend more on the iMac and you get an iMac. They are not the same. Your comparisons don't add up. You are still buying a cheap PC and not an iMac equivalent. No doubt the PC will do a job for you but don't kid yourself into thinking that you've saved money by not buying a Mac. All you've done is buy a cheaper PC. People buy Macs because they want the whole Mac experience: better hardware, elegant software, cool design, better security, customer service etc. They don't want a cheap PC running Windows.
As rubbish as the OP. Well done mate.

Now troll along to an Aston Martin forum and tell them you've just discovered that a Fiat is a lot cheaper and remarkably also gets you from A to B. I'm sure they'll be dismayed to hear it and curse you for not telling them sooner...
Actually, I've got 3.3k machine (monitor included) as my main computer, I wouldn't call it a Fiat, more like the opposite.
It's amusing how the Apple trolls keep on comparing their computer with a car. It seems as if they have to compensate for the lack of a nice car by buying a good looking computer.

Whether they are Apple or Microsoft trolls, they all lack this thing between the ears.
Since I've already made up my mind earlier, I'm just debating points being made in this thread.

a) Sure OSX is unix based, but it has taken away all the modularity that has given Unix a good reputation. By using OSX you are completely locked into what Apple decides your experience should be. OSX is dumbed down to the point where one would think it was made by Fisher Price.

b) Don't you think that a $1000 display is a bit overkill for a line of products that are designed for the average family? The new display in the iMacs which take up half of its cost are only truly useful if you want 100% accurate color reproduction in professional photo editing. For any other purposes such as photoshop and video especially, a regular TN panel is just fine. TN panels have a much much faster response time than the ones in the iMac so you won't see ghosting with high frame rates. There are advantages and dis-advantages with both.
Think of it this way. If you buy the iMac you will be spending your $1200 for the best available monitor on the market for that price (and you will be able to use it for 10-15 years even after the computer itself becomes obsolete). The remaining $800 will get you an invisible, powerful i5 computer that can run more than one OS, sleek bluetooth peripherals, best OS and best customer support in the market, minus clutter, cheap plastic, noise, viruses (or time, money and computing power that keeps viruses away from your PC). And yes, I am pretty sure that an iMac i5 with 4G RAM will be much faster than an i7 PC with 8G RAM running any MS OS along with an antivirus program. My almost 5 yr old Powerbook G4 runs much faster and with less problem than the 1.5 year old Dell C2D tower that I use at work.

If you chose building the PC, in 2-3 years you will need to build a new one and spend the same amount again (even all three of your monitors will be worthless in 2 years). If you get the iMac and if you are not a gamer, it will make you happy for an extra 2-3 years, at the end of which you can just buy a mac mini or upgrade to Mac Pro (think of the money you will save for chosing the mac and not buying a new PC in every two years). Or you can always build your PC box of your dreams if you ever want to go back to that route.
Since I've already made up my mind earlier, I'm just debating points being made in this thread.

a) Sure OSX is unix based, but it has taken away all the modularity that has given Unix a good reputation. By using OSX you are completely locked into what Apple decides your experience should be. OSX is dumbed down to the point where one would think it was made by Fisher Price.

b) Don't you think that a $1000 display is a bit overkill for a line of products that are designed for the average family? The new display in the iMacs which take up half of its cost are only truly useful if you want 100% accurate color reproduction in professional photo editing. For any other purposes such as photoshop and video especially, a regular TN panel is just fine. TN panels have a much much faster response time than the ones in the iMac so you won't see ghosting with high frame rates. There are advantages and dis-advantages with both.

a) Agreed.
That's why I favour self-built PC's but I need a good looking PC without any cables/tower whatsoever for the living room and Apple is doing an excellent job there.

b) The main advantages of IPS is its viewing angle which is important to me. Also, the colour reproduction is brilliant. The TN panels might be fine but they aren't brilliant.
I don't know for whom iMacs are designed for and I really couldn't care less.
Since I've already made up my mind earlier, I'm just debating points being made in this thread.

a) Sure OSX is unix based, but it has taken away all the modularity that has given Unix a good reputation. By using OSX you are completely locked into what Apple decides your experience should be. OSX is dumbed down to the point where one would think it was made by Fisher Price.

b) Don't you think that a $1000 display is a bit overkill for a line of products that are designed for the average family? The new display in the iMacs which take up half of its cost are only truly useful if you want 100% accurate color reproduction in professional photo editing. For any other purposes such as photoshop and video especially, a regular TN panel is just fine. TN panels have a much much faster response time than the ones in the iMac so you won't see ghosting with high frame rates. There are advantages and dis-advantages with both.

With regards to A, it is not modularity that gave Unix its reputation. Unix was conceived as a simpler and more workable OS (the name itself is a joke on Multics). Unix's reputation is the result of a number of common-sense and retroactively very smart decisions made by the original design team. Over the years it's been found that their design is typically more workable in practice than more complex designs which may seem to have more features on paper. Darwin is nowhere near as modular a design as something like the Windows NT kernel design. Nor is Linux, and definitely not older implementations like BSD.

B is a matter of opinion to some degree, but it sounds like you are not understanding the advantages of an IPS panel correctly. "Accurate" reproduction is one thing, but a wider gamut is another -- the wider gamut means that an IPS can display colors that a TN panel cannot display at all. A TN panel can be calibrated for accuracy too (more or less) but the gamut will not be there. Since computer monitors are more and more heavily used for TV/movie watching in many households, I would honestly question the need for quad-core for average users more than I would question the need for the IPS panel.
b) Don't you think that a $1000 display is a bit overkill for a line of products that are designed for the average family? The new display in the iMacs which take up half of its cost are only truly useful if you want 100% accurate color reproduction in professional photo editing. For any other purposes such as photoshop and video especially, a regular TN panel is just fine. TN panels have a much much faster response time than the ones in the iMac so you won't see ghosting with high frame rates. There are advantages and dis-advantages with both.

I am not a professional but I would spend more than $1000 for that display if I had the budget. You should check the below links if you want to have an idea about how much professional monitors cost.
I almost talked myself out of switching to Mac 3 years ago based on stuff like this. Hardware, graphics, cards, etc. I'm grateful each day I went with a Mac. The OS, the zen, the no stress, the no irritations/nagging/annoyances.

People who focus on hardware, clearly don't get it.

OP - Do you really like the looks of that case?
The OS, the zen, the no stress, the no irritations/nagging/annoyances.

People who focus on hardware, clearly don't get it.

I experience none of these things when using a computer no matter the OS (well, maybe Arch linux). It's arrogant to assume that everyone has the same problems while using a computer as you do.
I experience none of these things when using a computer no matter the OS (well, maybe Arch linux). It's arrogant to assume that everyone has the same problems while using a computer as you do.

LOL - OK, since you aren't into Macs and are going PC, why are you still here and not running to build your PC with that cheesy looking case you're buying.
Actually, I've got 3.3k machine (monitor included) as my main computer, I wouldn't call it a Fiat, more like the opposite.
It's amusing how the Apple trolls keep on comparing their computer with a car. It seems as if they have to compensate for the lack of a nice car by buying a good looking computer.
No need to get touchy. Fiat make perfectly good cars. They own Alfa Romeo I understand. FYI it was Steve Jobs who drew the parallel between Apple and BMW when comparing Apple's market share to BMW and Mercedes. So no need to make spurious generalisations about people who buy Macs for perfectly good reasons like they prefer the operating system, the overall user experience and superior design of the machines. These things are of value and people choose to pay for them. Or not as the case may be.

I don't regard buying a Fiat as having "saved" me money even though it's clearly cheaper than a BMW. Even though it's a good car and would get me from A to B, I wouldn't claim it was the same car as a Beamer or feel smug about how much money I've saved which I could then spend on other things. Frankly, who cares?

It's all about perceived value to the individual consumer and that applies between car users as well as between PC users and Mac users as well as between Mac users and Mac systems. Some Mac users are perfectly happy with base model Mac systems while others must have the top of the range models. You balance your needs and wants with how much you can afford or are prepared to spend.

As for claiming to see Apple trolls on a Mac forum. I'm not sure what you're getting at. You should know I guess.
Strange assertion. FYI it was Steve Jobs who drew the parallel between Apple and BMW when comparing Apple's market share to BMW and Mercedes.
What have market shares to do with this?

So no need to make spurious generalisations about people who buy Macs for perfectly good reasons like they prefer the operating system, the overall user experience and superior design of the machines. These things are of value and people choose to pay for them. Or not as the case may be.
Read again.

Talking about generalizations.
Rest of your text is as rubbish as all of your postings so far. You imply that a Mac is better car (Aston Martin) while PC's are cheap/slow etc. etc. (Fiat). Not only is the comparison idiotic, it's just plain wrong.

The case is ugly :D
I registered with temporary email and am here to tell you that original poster 100% is a troll from 4chan's /g/ (he even requested help from people to stir up more trouble in this thread).

Great job on handling him by the way, your community is 10 years ahead of /g/.
I registered with temporary email and am here to tell you that original poster 100% is a troll from 4chan's /g/ (he even requested help from people to stir up more trouble in this thread).

Great job on handling him by the way, your community is 10 years ahead of /g/.

You call 67 responses a good way of managing a troll thread? I'd hate to see when you guys really get trolled.

Mission success.
LOL !!!

Well, IDK, but if I decided to go troll somewhere, I think I'd have a lot more fun elsewhere - but whatever floats your boat. Just think, you could've been out helping stray puppies or feeding the poor.

I still say the case case = Elvis or poker dogs on velvet painting
LOL @ Antec 900! Okay, nightrider!

That case might have looked cool to me 10 years ago, but now it strikes me about the same way as an '86 IROC...
I found this on Macworld:

Eight steps to Internet unpopularity

1. Troll Let’s start with the most obvious. Take up an unreasonably opposing point of view simply to get a rise out of people. This is most effective when you visit a site devoted to Subject A and then state that just about everything related to that subject stinks. For example, visit a Nikon forum and slam its cameras in favor of Canon. Trail over to the Huffington Post and gush over Sarah Palin’s first literary effort. Drop by our sister publication PC World’s site and let them know just how much you love Snow Leopard and despise Windows......
What have market shares to do with this?
I'd have thought it was obvious. Apple don't compete in certain segments of the market. That's where the comparison with BMW and Mercedes originates from. It's how Steve Jobs once described Apple's relationship to the PC market. Hence the comparison of PCs with cheaper cars.
You imply that a Mac is better car (Aston Martin) while PC's are cheap/slow etc. etc. (Fiat). Not only is the comparison idiotic, it's just plain wrong.
Tell that to Steve Jobs. I'm sure he'll appreciate the advice.

Let me try and spell it out for you. The OP wanted to build an equivalent system to an iMac. To save money. It came to 80 dollars less. Implying it was a similar/better system. But cheaper. But what is value here? The iMac is an all-in-one machine. He's comparing it with a custom-built PC. What about the software, the larger display, the user experience, the design? If these things don't matter then he should get a PC. Others place a different value on the Mac and regard it as something they are willing to pay for. It's something that can't be replicated by a PC system (all-in-one or BTO). You could argue that the iMac is better value than the PC he came up with. Look at what else you get for that $80.

So instead of thinking what can I get that is the same as an iMac, why not just get an iMac? It's only $80 more. You can spec up a modest car to compete with a BMW - but it's not the same. It's not as well-engineered, it's not as stylish, it'll fall apart quicker and it'll lose its resale value much, much quicker. So stop faffing about. Either spend a bit more on the iMac or just be happy with your BTO PC at $80 less if that's what you prefer.
If you didn't want the mac OS why are you even looking at this machine? Obviously you would get a better windows machine by building your own...

OP is a troll. that is why.

he says he might want an iMac yet he doesn't want to use OSX, doesn't care about all-in-one, won't use any Apple Software etc etc

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