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i have an i5 27 and i encountered the screen flicker. like someone else said in this thread, i shutdown and unplugged the powercord waited like 30 seconds(probably not needed) and then plugged it back and bam, nothing... been a couple of days now with no flicker.
The problem now is I can't get the screen flicker to come back now. I left the computer on overnight again, but so far no signs. Idk.. I already replaced the iMac once, the first one they gave me had a HD defect and they just swapped it. I played games like CoD4, DiRT, NFS, etc on the old iMac and it had no screen flicker problems at all ever.

I got the new one about a week ago, and so far everything was cool, no flickers until last night. But only like flickers from 20 secs and yeah.

Not everyone is having the problem b/c they maybe aren't getting it into the high temperature or something. Those people that think replacing it will solve the issue that's just BS. We'll just have to wait for Apple to respond on this issue.


Do not forget, that some people do not have this kind of problems. Yes, it is a lot of work to reinstall all the enchilada, but your computer is faulty, simply speaking.

My plan would be to keep replacing, until you get a good one and only then install all the software you need.

Some people were reporting changing computer three times, before getting a good one. The screen blinking threads were shut down, but you still can read some of the posts somewhere down on the list (page 2?, 3?). It may be much more to it than just fan speed and Apple is not talking.

Also, do you really want to have a jet engine on your desk?

Tom B.

I got the new one about a week ago, and so far everything was cool, no flickers until last night. But only like flickers from 20 secs and yeah.



By replacing your computer (yes, yet again) you are adding extra two weeks you have for replacement or refund, or Apple clearing the air. This time I'd suggest don't install all the software.:)

Tom B.
The problem now is I can't get the screen flicker to come back now. I left the computer on overnight again, but so far no signs. Idk.. I already replaced the iMac once, the first one they gave me had a HD defect and they just swapped it. I played games like CoD4, DiRT, NFS, etc on the old iMac and it had no screen flicker problems at all ever.

I got the new one about a week ago, and so far everything was cool, no flickers until last night. But only like flickers from 20 secs and yeah.

Not everyone is having the problem b/c they maybe aren't getting it into the high temperature or something. Those people that think replacing it will solve the issue that's just BS. We'll just have to wait for Apple to respond on this issue.

We got 14 days to get a refund. I am not about to hang onto a machine that is effectively defective waiting for apple to acknowledge the issue, not am am i going to go through the effort of trying to replicate this issue infront of a Genius bar. Cause i know what will happen, I will take it in, power it up and behold it will work fine cause it takes about 30-60 min of gaming for mine to start crashing, do not think the Genius will wait that long, not am i going to be gaming for an hour in an Apple shop.
I thought i would just have a go at putting up the fan speeds incase i was wasting my time getting a refund if this will be fixed with just a firmware update to kick in the fans. I set them to about 50% and got a nice jet engine sound, I got the temps on the GPU down to 55 and CPU to 46. I still experienced flickers, though less i must add, and only one black screen. Now i am convinced it has to go back cause at 55/46 that is not high at all! My machine is plain defective.
I thought i would just have a go at putting up the fan speeds incase i was wasting my time getting a refund if this will be fixed with just a firmware update to kick in the fans. I set them to about 50% and got a nice jet engine sound, I got the temps on the GPU down to 55 and CPU to 46. I still experienced flickers, though less i must add, and only one black screen. Now i am convinced it has to go back cause at 55/46 that is not high at all! My machine is plain defective.

Yup, many users have reported the flicker while cold too.

Mine has flickered 3 times, each time after running for a few hours doing web browsing, iTunes, etc. Very minor, and I haven't seen it today, but still defective and its going back for a refund.
Flickering comes back! :(

I believe that shouldn't matter. It's just a display problem. And yes, my flickering came back. I think I had Parallels running. But again, that shouldn't matter I think. :( So I'll backup everything with TimeMachine and swap for another one tomorrow. It's gonna be my 2nd replacement. First one had a HD defect. Yes, extending warranty is a cool thing.

But yeah, this definitely sucks. Even if you get a new iMac, it's not that cool since you have to backup/restore, and drive to the Apple Store. It definitely sucks. And yes, the machine is beautiful. If only it worked.

Are you guys getting the flickering in windows (Bootcamp) as well as OS X?
No don't worry. My first iMac which had the HD defect problem (had some bad HD sectors), I took it in (14 days past a long time ago), and they still did the retail swap. So yeah. And the cool thing is your warranty starts over. So u get extra days :D

No matter what they should swap it for your without any problems. And if they complain, be like wtf? You sold me a defective product, be like "you'll be replacing em till I get a good, no problems iMac". It's ridiculous.

I'm gonna take mine in on Saturday. Backing everything up on TimeMachine.

I know that the problem won't occur in the Genius bar obviously, but all you gotta do is explain it to them. Tell them. Show em the Apple discussions post. But I'm sure they're aware of this issue already.

It's so sad. I mean the machine itself is so beautiful and if only it worked right. I mean Apple will be forced to fix this issue. Or else thousands of iMac buyers will return the product. Since it's defective. It's that simple. I just wish this was a software issue, so I won't have to return the product. But since I got everything backed up on TimeMachine, I'm like why not get a new iMac, and extend my warranty :D:D

We got 14 days to get a refund. I am not about to hang onto a machine that is effectively defective waiting for apple to acknowledge the issue, not am am i going to go through the effort of trying to replicate this issue infront of a Genius bar. Cause i know what will happen, I will take it in, power it up and behold it will work fine cause it takes about 30-60 min of gaming for mine to start crashing, do not think the Genius will wait that long, not am i going to be gaming for an hour in an Apple shop.
And yes. MacRumors definitely should post a news article about this iMac 27in screen flickering problem.
Just got back from the Apple store. Got another replacement. 3rd one :D
So far, everything is cool :D:D Hope it stays like that.
My i7 is flickering, on day 3. This is with Safari, iTunes open (but not playing) and Adium. CPU temp at 45-50C and GPU around 60C.

Also just did the black screen flicker

Interestingly, I have a Sony 32" HDTV hooked up (MDP to DVI, then a DVI to HDMI cable) at 1080p to the iMac. NO FLICKERING. I can watch the iMac flicker its little heart out, blackout the screen, but the Sony is as steady as a rock.

Ergo, it CANNOT be the GPU, or drivers. If it was, the Sony would also be having the same problems, but it isn't.
My experience with these issues

Hi, I have an i5 and started experiencing this issue since yesterday evening.

I first had a little blackout for a brief second while watching a dvd.
Today, it started flickering after about three hours of activity.
I also had one brief blackout, again while watching a movie.
Will return it eventually, but going to hold on to it until replacement arrives...

The screen has flickered once, during the typing of this post...
I too had a defective 27inch i7 which was very hot to the touch. Almost scolding actually. I got Apple to replace it (which took ages) and the new one is now 48 hours old. Not noticed anything yet, but that doesn't mean a lot. However this one is not hot to the touch even after it's been running for a while.

Playing Red Alert 3 only brings the graphics GPU up to 65˚C so I think this one is a good'un. If you're getting 80˚C, that sounds wrong to me. Like the heatsink isn't attached properly.
Screen flicker

27" iMac, a few days out of the box, with a screen flicker getting worse. Putting on a UPS made no difference. Phoned Apple Tech Support to get a case reference and something on file; support tech had me power the machine off, unplug USB printer, unplug mains power lead, wait 45 seconds.

Then plug the power lead back in and while holding down Cmd + alt + R, switch the machine on at its power switch and immediately (before the startup sound) press and hold P as well. Hold all 4 keys down until the desktop appears. The startup sound may play twice.

Apparently resets the video RAM and something called the P-RAM :confused: .

Whatever. No problems since. :D
27" iMac, a few days out of the box, with a screen flicker getting worse. Putting on a UPS made no difference. Phoned Apple Tech Support to get a case reference and something on file; support tech had me power the machine off, unplug USB printer, unplug mains power lead, wait 45 seconds.

Then plug the power lead back in and while holding down Cmd + alt + R, switch the machine on at its power switch and immediately (before the startup sound) press and hold P as well. Hold all 4 keys down until the desktop appears. The startup sound may play twice.

Apparently resets the video RAM and something called the P-RAM :confused: .

Whatever. No problems since. :D

Do you mean Cmd + Option +R+ P, which normally resets the Pram?
27" iMac, a few days out of the box, with a screen flicker getting worse. Putting on a UPS made no difference. Phoned Apple Tech Support to get a case reference and something on file; support tech had me power the machine off, unplug USB printer, unplug mains power lead, wait 45 seconds.

Then plug the power lead back in and while holding down Cmd + alt + R, switch the machine on at its power switch and immediately (before the startup sound) press and hold P as well. Hold all 4 keys down until the desktop appears. The startup sound may play twice.

Apparently resets the video RAM and something called the P-RAM :confused: .

Whatever. No problems since. :D

That works for a day or two. I did exactly the same, but the flicker is back.
Slightly puzzled

Do you mean Cmd + Option +R+ P, which normally resets the Pram?

Moi? Just trying to be helpful, actually, but I'm afraid I'm in danger of misunderstanding your response. The Apple tech described the "alt or option" key, which on my keyboard, says "alt".

Then again, I used to use Macs in the late 1980s / early 90's for word processing and spreadsheets, and do indeed remember an "Option" key.

So, since this is clearly familiar territory for you, are you attempting pedantry, or sarcasm, or have I got something wrong? If it's the third, then of course you'll have my humble apologies.

And the flicker's come back, too :mad:
Well, I don't know which key board you are using; however, I have not seen an 'Alt' key on any mac key board. I have 3 iMac key boards here that I'm looking at now:

1.) Wireless Aluminium (Came with the iMac 27" i7

2.) Wired Numeric Aluminium (Ordered with iMac 27"

3.) Numeric Key board for 17" Flat Screen iMac

4.) Key board on 12" G-4 Notebook.

If you want to call the 'Option Key' by another name, that's fine with me; however, I don't think you will find any Mac keyboard with 'Alt' printed on the 'Option key.' ;)

Mate i have the wired aluminum KB and it does have "alt" printed on the option key lol. I think you need some glasses.
Mate i have the wired aluminum KB and it does have "alt" printed on the option key lol. I think you need some glasses.

Well, I put my readers on and checked all my keyboards and they all have 'Option' printed on the boards, with a VERY small 'Alt' in the upper left quadrant of the key. So, I guess you are right! Still most real Mac users don't use the Alt key term as it's too MS orientated!
iMac - highly reflective glass; where stayes matt glass ?

Problems here:

*As a photographer and graphic artist, I cannot work with you. highly reflective glass monitors. Please Apple, give us a choice. If you cannot offer an iMac with a matte screen, please give us a desktop computer with the specs of the high end iMac that we can hook up the monitor of our choice into. We need a desktop Mac in between a Mac Pro and a mini. It is good Apple builds the hardware on many levels, but we need you to give us more choices… At the very least, an iMac with a matte display. Thank

- - -

**Yesterday I tried a 27″ iMac at the Apple store in Montreal. It is such a beautiful machine, with such a horrible screen. I would have liked to buy one – I really want an all-on-one desktop, but I don’t think I will.
I’ll wait a while to see if Apple finally offers a matte screen option. If not, I’ll have to assume Apple enjoys pissing off their customers, because there’s no way they don’t know that anti-glare is better than ultra-glare.

Have Apple lost The sens of feel of phptgraphers and design peoples ? How can You do this for all Macusers and MacLovers ? Isn’t Mac anymore The macine for this kind of work ? Should I bye a PC ? (which I don not like, but there could I find the anti-glare panel. Are You still thinking Macs as designmacines and are You still going strong, as alive, Mr Jobs ? or is there some Gates working in Your office to run Macs, altogether, downside ?

How in million years is possible to make the colors right if on screen has the grale ?

- - -

***I’m running an old G5 PowerPC Mac that desperately needs an upgrade (I need to start using an Intel chip to do iPhone app development). The new i7 iMac would be perfect for me, as it would give me a dual monitor set-up, a faster computer and Intel compatibility for a £1500 outlay. However, this glossy screen issue is completely preventing me from upgrading. I can’t afford a new Mac Pro and another decent monitor, so for now I’ll have to sit tight and hope Apple come to their senses.
We all know the glass is held on with magnets, meaning it can be swapped out almost as easily as adding more RAM. It should be a simple upgrade option for additional cost.
Come on Apple, PLEASE offer the matte screen option!
- - -

****When you write to Apple, there is no public record, so Apple can keep pretending – as in Phil Schiller’s spin – that all Apple’s customers love glossy screens. Whereas, with this website, there is a permanent public record that Apple simply refused to listen to a substantial number of Apple customers.
Also, many of the online posts on other websites have been appended to transitory articles or forum posts – which tend to disappear from sight after the article becomes dated. Therefore, those pro-matte comments disappear from view.
Moreover, the online polls indicate that around 40% prefer matte – which means that comments left on other articles tend to be watered down by 60% pro-glossy comments. Thus, reduced impact.
Finally, you have to realise that Apple, as a corporation, is Steve Jobs personified. Notoriously, Steve Jobs does not listen to customers. Steve charts his own course, and he has a track record of picking winners, with few losers. So you need to realise that even if multitudes of Apple customers complain privately to Apple, it will do zip if Steve Jobs wants Macs to have glossy screens.
Therefore, this is not a typical case where a corporation is unaware of its customers sentiments. Here, Apple knows you want gloss screens but is doing a Steve-Jobs by saying they know better, or – worse – they just don’t care.
- - -

Someone should care of macusers eyes.
Well, I put my readers on and checked all my keyboards and they all have 'Option' printed on the boards, with a VERY small 'Alt' in the upper left quadrant of the key. So, I guess you are right! Still most real Mac users don't use the Alt key term as it's too MS orientated!

Yeah im from Australia mate. The key has "option" printed at the bottom and "alt" in a smaller font at the top left of the key.
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