Problems here:
*As a photographer and graphic artist, I cannot work with you. highly reflective glass monitors.
Wah wah wah wah etc
Sorry, but that is a load of bunk.
Matte and gloss both have their advantages and disadvantages. Matte is not the Holy Grail, particularly due to the diffusion that occurs when hit by a light source, which renders the colours inaccurate. Gloss doesn't actually have this problem of diffusion, as it has a sharp reflection - irritating to be sure.
Both screen types can be calibrated accurately, but the gloss will have a higher contrast ratio.
The simple solution is that for colour critical work a gloss screen needs to be orientated in such a way that there are no direct light sources. My 27" iMac is positioned so I get zero reflections, and it works perfectly for colour - in fact, better than my old matte ACDs.