The network problems are definetely a known issue...Between apple support boards/macfixit/macintouch - there are numerous problems.
Anyways - Thought I finally was in the clear with the 3rd(yep - glutton for punishment!
) box. Did the 10.4.5 and my network problems became worse...
To be specific - internet is slow, dropped downloads, hiccups in streaming(usually not possible)
After spending 4 hours on the phone with apple support (and hoping the next calls are with someone knowledgeable - the first - well never mind)...which to date they refuse to think it is "their" problem...
I did some more checking - apparently there is a known set of issues going back a couple of OS X releases - that apperently rear up here and again..
One is regarding IPv6 - If you have not already done so - configure this to be off - it may help.
Check your console system logs - I am seeing a message that there is a 5 second delay in resolving the mDNS set somewhere in the OS X(still trying to locate where - UGH). This can be validated with pinging etc. Any web page that needs to load from several sources will be severely impacted by the latency invoked here.
Doing a google search on this - leads to prior known issues with the resolution of the DNS - etc - creating slow internet.
Between this and the IPv6 issue - you will see dropped responses - variable pings and significant latency - leading to the symptons many have described.
I have everyhting else finally working but the darn 5 second delay and am hesitant to do anything invasive. Am hoping to get a tech on the phone who can undersatnd more than restore the box from the install disks. As of right now that is the only remedy being offered.
Please don't flame me stating live with the 5 sec's - that translates into 10 sec's for a basic google splash screen, 30-45 secs for the Apple site and close to a minute for the Ebay site to resolve. These are just examples. Causes drops in downloading/uploading and is impossible to stream. Am already taking a hit on the overall network performance because of the chipset used in the network(airport) card.
Outside of this issue - I love my iMac - but this has to get resolved. I am going back to 10.4.4 - this weekend to see if I can live with it's issues and undo the current network issues. But I want to work with Apple tech to see if they can nail this so that yet another release doesn't have it!(I believe it will and the 10.4.4. network issues were more liveable than the current state)
Not sure another machine is actually gonna address this set of issues....