Hi everyone!
Not sure if anyone will care but this is one of the only places I can think to post about it besides twitter! I've been on a passion project these last few weeks and I finished it the other night and wanted to share (because I'm absolutely geeking about it!)
I decided to make my dream computer and figured out a way to put and M1 chip inside an iMac G4!!
I've always wanted the iMac G4 since I was a kid and I knew a few people made some hackintosh's with them but I didn't want that, I wanted a real Mac. I always thought about putting the Mac mini internals in it but with intel chips it wouldn't work for a couple reasons (size, heat/airflow). Well now with the M1 how thermally cool it runs, I thought I'd give it another shot!
Well I'm proud to say after a lot of frustrating weeks and reengineering of the G4 dome base, it was a success! I'm typing this on the updated G4 right now
I'm certainly not an engineer by any standard and went into the mod blind, not knowing what to expect. I reached out for some help during the process and I want to give special thanks to my friend Jeremiah, who put up with my frustrating @$$ on many sleepless nights as he helped work on this with me. Also thank you Pendleton115 (from twitter) who helped me through some of the technical questions I had throughout the wiring process and encouraged me to keep going. Lastly to DremelJunkie - who's blog helped me make this idea possible with the wiring process and all of his detailed mod outlines from 10 years ago and are still remarkably helpful!
I might be the only one to find this cool but I'm pretty proud of it because I had a vision to build my dream computer and to be able to use it as my daily driver now just brings a smile to my face!
I'll attach some pictures and if you guys want see a video I can post my Twitter! Let me know what you guys think and I'd love to know if anyone has tried anything similar!