What makes you think I was talking about you?
Because I've been called the "fortune teller" before. I figured you were. My apologies.
What makes you think I was talking about you?
Besides, fingerprints and smudges on a monitor drive me crazy!
Blu-Ray on a high quality big screen is a thing of beauty.+1 for that - the single biggest reason I bought my son a computer was so that mine wouldn't have fingerprints on them anymore ("Look, Daddy, it's The Wiggles!")
I've tried using the HP Touchsmart in the store as well - my fingers may be kinda big, but trying to use the touch screen to even open a program was pretty tough - nailing the precise pixel(s) on the screen either takes some getting used to, or smaller fingers.
For me, anyway, touchscreen is an overrated feature (as is Blu-Ray, for the time being).
Why do people even bring up brand names when it comes to PC's? Plain and simple all companies rip you off.. People who want PC's should learn to build there own or get custom built ones, they are faster, cheaper, and better..
I've tried using the HP Touchsmart in the store as well - my fingers may be kinda big, but trying to use the touch screen to even open a program was pretty tough - nailing the precise pixel(s) on the screen either takes some getting used to, or smaller fingers.
i have no demand for iMac as it itself is a great computer to own... what i hope for is they have more easy accessible hard drive and mutli card reader options and maybe more better screen?
Blu-rays are now cheap & everywhere!
All of this talk about it not coming to mac's is a laugh at best! It's the next dvd standard!
Same gose with CD's.
People without blu-ray don't know what thier missing and how big it already is.
There is no excuse for us not being in on the act!
Booting into windows to watch a movie, is the real BAG OF HURT!
more easy accessible hard drive
and mutli card reader options
and maybe more better screen?
Fine. 2015 adoption.
Better tell that to the iTunes Store.
So what's their incentive to care?
So boot into Windows or buy a PC.
It's the same as booting into OS X.
A tray like the Mac Pro would be nice.
As opposed to... what? What's wrong with these?
When it comes to Blu Ray, I like the storage potential. People often miss that when weighing up if it's useful or useless. 1080p on 24 inch is pointless, no doubt, but 50GB of space on a single disk is attractive.
But then again, a back up external hard drive is better, since it's a lot faster then burning, you can modify the content after and you can get it cheaply (500GB for less then 100$ last time I checked.
1080p on 24 inch is pointless, no doubt
1080p on 24 inch is pointless, no doubt, but 50GB of space on a single disk is attractive.
Why do people even bring up brand names when it comes to PC's? Plain and simple all companies rip you off.. People who want PC's should learn to build there own or get custom built ones, they are faster, cheaper, and better..
Please, not everyone wants to speed the time or the energy to build it. Also you're really not going to find a netbook, MID, UMPC you can build your self(or at least that even many geeks would want to tackle as a project)
Plus businesses/school/government organizations, etc need someone to ship their stuff to, have it fixed and get it working, FAST
they should forget about innovation for a while and focus on putting their systems together with higher quality, more durable hardware.