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as far as i was concerned, macs were never really feature packed. they offer innovation in other areas such as ease of use, logical design of their hardware, beautiful/quality designs- and of-course osx.

apple wants you to use itunes as your media source, so i dont blame them for the lack of blu-ray, and i dont really expect them to in the near future.

if youre so concerned about clock speeds and video cards, you should just get an ailenware or an xps, but theres more to computers than that.
I completely agree, and think you put it quite beautifully. All I ever hear about with computers is how well they can play some game called Crysis, and how macs cant therefore they suck. Seriously, the beautiful thing about Apple is that there's more to their computers then specs. They're all pieces of individual art, and very user-personnel objects. It's a very unique and awesome consumer phenomenon, and it's why we all come to these forums :D.
I skimmed through the posts and I think that something that Apple has that nobody else is even close to is the OS. Sure, the tech specs of Macs may not be the absolute best, but people buy their products because the products just "work."

When I was a younger man, I loved to tinker with my computers, and was very into playing around with them.

Now, I just want to use them.

I agree with some of the posts on Blu-Ray, I think they missed their window. The future of media is either streaming, online rentals, or online purchases. I was recently looking through my closets and was struck by how many CD's I have and will never listen to again. Having my music on the computer is just so much easier. I've given up on buying CD's and DVD's and have not thought seriously about Blu-Ray. The technology is still a bit behind, but steps like apple tv are a step in the right direction.
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