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Does it matter? It's going to be outdated eventually, might as well be sooner than later. It's plenty powerful for your needs.

A computer is meant to be used not bragged about having the latest.
^^lol nice logic. im sure apple loves you.

"hi, im in the market for a new computer."
"great! we have two choices for you. this one, which will be out of date about a year from now, or this one, which we'll be releasing in two weeks but which should last you twice as long. they cost the same."
"hmm well i figure since theyre both going to be outdated eventually, i guess i might as well get the first one!"
"fantastic! nice doing business with you!"
Ok so here's a few updates after talking to several Apple reps. Every single person I talked to said they have NO idea when the new imacs are coming out but to be watching for the change online. With that said, I asked what my options were after I received the computer and I was told I have 14 days to return the system unopened and if i do decide to open it, it will cost a 10% restocking fee. The total of my system was $3255.

I also asked about the possibility of a refund of the difference if the current systems went down in price and I keep getting the same answer, we do not know at this time. I also was given a few examples about ipods and when upgrades were made to them and customers called in to complain about it and were given the difference back. So im hoping that could be the case for me as well.

At this point im just going to hold onto the box and not open it until the 14th day. If anything new comes out , then I can change my order and just send it back and only pay the shipping fee. I just find it kind of lame that apple would make there customers go through all this and still allow us to purchase older systems when clearly something is coming out sooner or later. At least give us a date and a heads up. $3000 is a lot of money to just toss around.

1. No computer company that I am aware of, tells its customers when they are upgrading their computers, or what the projected prices might be! When I worked retail, selling computers, the sales people knew a couple of weeks in advance, (the earliest), when we would be getting new computers.

2. Buy the computer that works for you NOW. Even if a new imac came out this Tuesday, it is already outdated, as all computer companies are working on the next generation of computers!
...I just find it kind of lame that apple would make there customers go through all this and still allow us to purchase older systems when clearly something is coming out sooner or later. At least give us a date and a heads up. $3000 is a lot of money to just toss around.

...:apple: is a business, they could care less if you purchase a system now = they will want to sell you that newer model later as the features are "now superior" to the "old" model you bought so they can stay in business... why do you feel they need to tell you when new machines are coming out = its your job to be the informed or uninformed customer and spend your own $$ how you like...
:apple: doesn't need to hold anyones hand = something new is always on the horizon...
I just find it kind of lame that apple would make there customers go through all this and still allow us to purchase older systems when clearly something is coming out sooner or later.

There is always "something coming out sooner or later." You really expect Apple not to allow people to buy their current product line?

At least give us a date and a heads up.

If Apple did that, their current sales would take a big hit. I have a number of problems with the decisions Apple makes but I wouldn't expect them to operate in a manner guaranteed to lose sales.
even if new imacs come out it won't make yours any worse, u have a great machine and should enjoy it :)
Uh oh... I just found this forum and purchased an iMac over the phone 10 days ago but it hasn't arrived yet. It was the basic $1499 (discounted down to $1299) 24" iMac - 2.66 version with the $119 Apple Care, 1-1 service for $99, iWorks for $41, and the wireless keyboard and mouse for $50 plus Tax. I got a great educational discount and they also discounted it $100 more because it didn't ship when they originally said it would (thus, $1499 becomes $1299 - the same price as a Refurb!). It was supposed to ship 24 hours after I ordered it but it took about 6 extra days to ship. I should have just bought it IN the store but the online guy said I would get it really fast after we talked for 20 minutes about the computer. He was wrong. It won't come till this Wednesday.

So now I'm reading in this thread that a new iMac may come out within the next month or so and I'm confused about what to do. I have a 7 year old Dell that is merely slow, but works fine. I COULD wait. It's REALLY slow but I certainly will wait if that option is still there for me with Apple. I'd feel a little odd about returning it before I actually open it up. I don't want to look like a dork when showing up back at a local Apple store or mailing it back to them. What would YOU do? Wait for the new machine? I thought this current iMac is basically a killer machine as it is? Could the new one be really worth waiting for?

All I use it for is to read and send emails, surf the net, write Word doc's, and do some Excel spreadsheets now and then. Maybe a powerpoint doc now and then. That's it. For $1299 plus the other goodies I bought with it, I thought it was a great deal. Am I going to get a significantly better machine for waiting? And would it still be $1499 less the $100 or $200 for my educational discount?

I know you have no crystal ball so these questions are silly to ask. But, what are my options. Not accept the shipment? Or accept the shipment and then mail it back? I'm guessing that if I don't accept the shipment... they just return my money? Or is there still that dreaded restocking fee?

Thanks A LOT if you have any suggestions. It would be really neat to get a newer incarnation of the wonderful iMac I looked at in the store. Maybe they'll have a matte screen iMac though in this new version. It seems the the glossy screen isn't everyone's cup of tea here and may cause eye strain. I don't need any more eye strain than I already have.

Steve R
Gaithersburg MD
All I use it for is to read and send emails, surf the net, write Word doc's, and do some Excel spreadsheets now and then. Maybe a powerpoint doc now and then. That's it. For $1299 plus the other goodies I bought with it, I thought it was a great deal. Am I going to get a significantly better machine for waiting? And would it still be $1499 less the $100 or $200 for my educational discount?

The machine you bought is perfect for what you'll be doing. Don't worry about the new machines, if anything the only different will be slight cosmetic changes and slightly faster hardware. The hardware is meaningless for what you're doing. The educational discount would still apply, so if you return your machine you could apply it again. But don't return your machine.
The machine you bought is perfect for what you'll be doing. Don't worry about the new machines, if anything the only different will be slight cosmetic changes and slightly faster hardware. The hardware is meaningless for what you're doing. The educational discount would still apply, so if you return your machine you could apply it again. But don't return your machine.

Thanks so much for the quick response. But... if I'm getting some cool cosmetic change, even the ever so slight one, and slightly faster hardware, even if it won't really affect what I do that much, wouldn't it be better to wait? I called Apple and they're sending me a return sticker to simply return what they're sending, no questions asked, no loss to me.

If I CAN wait for the latest and greatest new product wouldn't it be better to do so? The idea of getting a newer machine with the potential for better resale value down the road (not that I'm even thinking of selling it now) for the same or better price, shouldn't I wait? Or not? :confused:

Maybe that screen burn in issue I hear about on the Mac Forums on Apple's website would be resolved with a newer machine?
Thanks so much for the quick response. But... if I'm getting some cool cosmetic change, even the ever so slight one, and slightly faster hardware, even if it won't really affect what I do that much, wouldn't it be better to wait? I called Apple and they're sending me a return sticker to simply return what they're sending, no questions asked, no loss to me.

If I CAN wait for the latest and greatest new product wouldn't it be better to do so? The idea of getting a newer machine with the potential for better resale value down the road (not that I'm even thinking of selling it now) for the same or better price, shouldn't I wait? Or not? :confused:

Maybe that screen burn in issue I hear about on the Mac Forums on Apple's website would be resolved with a newer machine?

If ALL you're doing on a computer is, "read and send emails, surf the net, write Word doc's, and do some Excel spreadsheets now and then" then you should probably just get another cheap Dell or something. $1499 +all the extras is WAY too much for that.
I'm Canadian. And after Apple care and the AtI Radeon Uprade + $129.99 printer (theres a promotion going on, $100 mail in rebate), the total came to $3200.

Well Happy Thanksgiving, fellow Canadian.

If you've been following the general trend of Apple updates, Apple "usually" makes updates to their product lines on Tuesdays. So let's see what happens tomorrow.
According to your second post your old comp died and you require it for work so i don't see a choice here.
But... if I'm getting some cool cosmetic change, even the ever so slight one, and slightly faster hardware, even if it won't really affect what I do that much, wouldn't it be better to wait?

The waiting game can get to be like chasing your tail. The best thing is to research whether there's likely to be a real jump in technology soon. If not, just buy now - you'll appreciate having your system all that time you would have been waiting.
The waiting game can get to be like chasing your tail. The best thing is to research whether there's likely to be a real jump in technology soon. If not, just buy now - you'll appreciate having your system all that time you would have been waiting.

Normally, I'd agree with you, but there are rumors of a 5-7% price cut across the line. That alone makes it worth waiting a bit.

Secondly, it doesn't make a lot of financial sense to purchase a new mac at the end of its product cycle. You're overpaying for older technology.

Unless you're in desperate need of a computer right now, it's probably best to wait.
Normally, I'd agree with you, but there are rumors of a 5-7% price cut across the line. That alone makes it worth waiting a bit.

Secondly, it doesn't make a lot of financial sense to purchase a new mac at the end of its product cycle. You're overpaying for older technology.

Unless you're in desperate need of a computer right now, it's probably best to wait.

Thanks for this advice. This is kind of what I expected to hear from you folks, not to "you should probably just get another cheap Dell or something. $1499 +all the extras is WAY too much for that."

I had a cheap Dell and it got really slow, really fast. I never want to go back to a PC after spending days upon days using the iMac's and Mac Power Books in the Apple store near where I live. The thought of not needing spyware protection and a computer that won't get clogged with viruses is very appealing. I love the way the iMac would look on my desk, and I love their notebooks too. My Dell was fine, but I want a beautiful iMac or ACD monitor instead now. Plus, if my need for speed changes, I'll have a really fast machine already. I plan to keep it for 10 years if possible so I'd like a killer machine.

They sent me a return shipping label so I can just send the iMac I just ordered back, so that's what I'm planning to do. I hope I'm making the right decision here, I can always change my mind when it comes on Wednesday. Or, maybe I'll literally sit on it for 14 days and see what happens with Mac iMac announcements. If I can get faster, better for the same or less money, I'm there! If not, maybe I'll just keep it.
Thanks for this advice. This is kind of what I expected to hear from you folks, not to "you should probably just get another cheap Dell or something. $1499 +all the extras is WAY too much for that."

I had a cheap Dell and it got really slow, really fast. I never want to go back to a PC after spending days upon days using the iMac's and Mac Power Books in the Apple store near where I live. The thought of not needing spyware protection and a computer that won't get clogged with viruses is very appealing. I love the way the iMac would look on my desk, and I love their notebooks too. My Dell was fine, but I want a beautiful iMac or ACD monitor instead now. Plus, if my need for speed changes, I'll have a really fast machine already. I plan to keep it for 10 years if possible so I'd like a killer machine.

They sent me a return shipping label so I can just send the iMac I just ordered back, so that's what I'm planning to do. I hope I'm making the right decision here, I can always change my mind when it comes on Wednesday. Or, maybe I'll literally sit on it for 14 days and see what happens with Mac iMac announcements. If I can get faster, better for the same or less money, I'm there! If not, maybe I'll just keep it.

I understand your perspective, but listen. You have a 7-year old Dell, of course it's going to be slow. If you had a 7 year old Mac, it would be slow too. They are both computers, nothing special. I understand you might like the look of the iMac. If that is worth the money to you then go for it. I just don't like to see people blowing $800 more for a Mac because they 'think' they want one.
I understand your perspective, but listen. You have a 7-year old Dell, of course it's going to be slow. If you had a 7 year old Mac, it would be slow too. They are both computers, nothing special. I understand you might like the look of the iMac. If that is worth the money to you then go for it. I just don't like to see people blowing $800 more for a Mac because they 'think' they want one.

I see what you're saying. My Dell is 20 gig with 512 mg of Ram. The iMac is 8 X faster and it looks cool, with some really neat features so I thought I'd invest in that instead of another Dell.

Maybe I need to rethink this, though...
I see what you're saying. My Dell is 20 gig with 512 mg of Ram. The iMac is 8 X faster and it looks cool, with some really neat features so I thought I'd invest in that instead of another Dell.

Maybe I need to rethink this, though...

Look, if you want an iMac and love the design (like I do), then it'll be a great system for you and you should probably get it. The thing I see a lot is the people who buy a Mac love it. Either it's because they have some sort of personal attachment to it, or think it's nicer to look at or like the OS or want to justify spending more, whatever, it's fine. So if you buy it I'm sure you'll love it.

BUT, don't waste your hard earned money. At least don't waste it on the one-to-one support or extras like that, not worth it.
Look, if you want an iMac and love the design (like I do), then it'll be a great system for you and you should probably get it. The thing I see a lot is the people who buy a Mac love it. Either it's because they have some sort of personal attachment to it, or think it's nicer to look at or like the OS or want to justify spending more, whatever, it's fine. So if you buy it I'm sure you'll love it.

BUT, don't waste your hard earned money. At least don't waste it on the one-to-one support or extras like that, not worth it.

I just thought it was would be easier having this 1-1 support this as they'd transfer all my old files, programs, address book, etc into my new Mac so I could find them there. I don't really have any friends that have time to do this and I'm practically computer illiterate when it comes to this stuff. I guess for me to do it I'd have to buy an external harddrive, which I don't have, transfer everything onto that and then back to the Mac? I could figure this out, in time. But that sounds complicated to me, a general computer newbie of sorts.

Then I thought with the 1-1 they would teach me cool things about my new iMac, but if you're saying it's a waste of money, then I don't need to spend $100 on this. I realize there are a lot of tutorials on line that I could get some information. And, I could instead use that $100 to get Bose speakers with. Cash is VERY tight right now due to a job change, basically, we're not even meeting our expenses at the moment so saving $100 here and there is helpful. I hope to find a better job soon that this situation will be relieved, but it's been 6 months since I lost my old job so times are tough. I took another job with my company but it only pays 1/2 of what I used to make.

Arghhh. I know, and you're probably wondering why I'm buying a new iMac right now. It's complicated. I fell in love with it at the store.
I just thought it was would be easier having this 1-1 support this as they'd transfer all my old files, programs, address book, etc into my new Mac so I could find them there. I don't really have any friends that have time to do this and I'm practically computer illiterate when it comes to this stuff. I guess for me to do it I'd have to buy an external harddrive, which I don't have, transfer everything onto that and then back to the Mac? I could figure this out, in time. But that sounds complicated to me, a general computer newbie of sorts.

Then I thought with the 1-1 they would teach me cool things about my new iMac, but if you're saying it's a waste of money, then I don't need to spend $100 on this. I realize there are a lot of tutorials on line that I could get some information. And, I could instead use that $100 to get Bose speakers with. Cash is VERY tight right now due to a job change, basically, we're not even meeting our expenses at the moment so saving $100 here and there is helpful. I hope to find a better job soon that this situation will be relieved, but it's been 6 months since I lost my old job so times are tough. I took another job with my company but it only pays 1/2 of what I used to make.

Arghhh. I know, and you're probably wondering why I'm buying a new iMac right now. It's complicated. I fell in love with it at the store.

Interesting. I have never used the One-to-One service. It sounds like a decent idea for complete newbies. But I find that if you know how to read message boards (which you do since you're on here) you'll probably find an easy time of doing anything you want to do on your Mac.

oh and if money is tight, you could always hold off on purchasing AppleCare. You have one year from date of purchase to buy AppleCare.
Back to the original post of squall20011

You and I have something in common: making a purchase and then discovering something that leads to second guessing that decision.:eek:

That's a lot of money for a computer - especially one that does not have current desktop technology.

Does it have to be an iMac?

If you had a G4 Powerbook before, could a 13" Macbook Pro with a third party 24" monitor do?

I own a G5 iMac and a black Macbook. The iMac is a nice design, but you really are paying a huge premium for an all-in-one design. The prices really haven't stayed competitive since the time I bought my G5 iMac (5 years ago).

I have read a couple of (admittedly a bit older) articles speculating that Apple would drop the iMac in 2009. It really is in no-man's land. Most other desktops are cheaper than laptops and have more power. The iMac has laptop power without a desktop discount.

If you have to buy a desktop - does it have to be an all-in-one? Could it be a Mac Pro? Does it have to be a Mac? I was pricing a Dell desktop with an i7 processor, BluRay drive, a better video card with 1 gig memory, 8 Gigs ram and a terabyte HD. With MS office and a 24" HD monitor it was a bit over $1700 Canadian.

Bottom line for me is that the current iMac is simply a non-starter. It's underpowered and over-priced. Whether they update it soon or not is not the point. It's a bad deal. Period.

I would send it back, take the re-stocking fee and choose something else. Personally I think the 13" MacBook Pros are great deals.
I have read a couple of (admittedly a bit older) articles speculating that Apple would drop the iMac in 2009. It really is in no-man's land. Most other desktops are cheaper than laptops and have more power. The iMac has laptop power without a desktop discount.

[ ... ]

Bottom line for me is that the current iMac is simply a non-starter. It's underpowered and over-priced. Whether they update it soon or not is not the point. It's a bad deal. Period.

The iMac is a non-starter for me too, but Apple isn't going to drop it and have no desktop product at all between the mini and the Pro. Even though the iMac is basically a stationary laptop it's still the only excuse Apple has for not making a true midrange desktop. Sigh.
As others have said, if the system is enough for your needs (and judging by those specs it surely will be), then go ahead and enjoy your iMac.

Sure, the new model could be around the corner going by the Google ad's being leaked, but unless you're interested in a slightly thinner iMac and possibly a Blu-Ray drive if you believe the more extreme rumours, but I don't see the iMac being revolutionised.

I got my new iMac in March this year for a bargain £612 through a work rebate (it was the 20" that RRP'd for £782 at the time), so it was a great saving. However, at the time I got mine the update went ahead and the only cosmetic change was the thinner "foot" ... not exactly a deal breaker.

The specs were increased a little, not much on the CPU speed but the GPU was changed from an ATI to an nVidia 9400M ... again, I'm not a gamer and for my Photoshop work the ATI Radion 2400 HD handles everything fine.

I know people are clamouring for Quad Core iMac's, but the funny thing is that the majority of people clamouring for them are only going to surf the net, use iTunes, and play the odd game. I personally think Core 2 Duo's are ample for the casual users who are attracted by the iMac, because real power users are always going to look at the Mac Pro and that's where Quad Core comes into things.

Again, just my opinion, but Apple tend to move quicker than any other manufacturer on the market when it comes to their SKU's, which is why it's easier to just buy a system you need and that will do you a few years.

After that, simply enjoy it. ;)
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