This is a short guide, only.
Tools: Everything to open an iMac, a simple 10W solder iron to connect three cables.
You will get AirDrop, Handoff and Continuity, you are going to loose the Internet recovery via WIFI. Use a LAN cable directly connected to a router in that case. (Is there a way to change the EFI to support the new WIFI module in such a case?)
Today I managed to install and activate both a BCM94360CD, and a BCM94331CD. I had to solder the three D+/D-/3.3V cables on my own because China cannot deliver right now everything at any time - Corona infects the computer industry, too. I ripped the old connector in parts, not reason to go back and when, I will buy a new cable.
You need the 3.3V line *only* to make sure that BT is still working when disabling WIFI in the system pref pane.
I used the guides from the following posts
#120 and
#269 (where do I exactly get the D+/D-/3.3V signal from and which parts in general do I need)
and for patching in one single step (first do the disable SIP and mount command)
#273 (use of the
Continuity-Activation-Tool works even with Catalina, but does not the complete job)
#275 (cheating Apple's blacklist to lock out old models)
Start your Terminal and enter the following commands to do the steps mentioned in the former posts:
1. check for SIP enabled, if enabled, please search the web how to disable SIP on a Mac, probably check this in advance. On Catalina systems installed with Dosdude's Patcher SIP is disabled. You can go on to command #2.
2. make root filesystem writeable to change config
sudo mount -uw / ; killall Finder
3. run the
Continuity-Activation-Tool script in terminal after download to your Downloads folder:
sudo ~/Downloads/Continuity-Activation-Tool-beta/Continuity\ Activation\
4. get your iMacs board-id (the input if command #5 has to be changed according to the output of your result)
ioreg -l | grep board-id | awk -F\" '{ print $4 }'
5. cheat Apple by changing it's black list, enter YOUR board-id, not my
sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set:Mac-942B59F58194171B:ContinuitySupport true" "/System/Library/Frameworks/IOBluetooth.framework/Versions/A/Resources/SystemParameters.plist"
6. restart your Mac using the Menu->Restart
7. If for some reason on your older Mac the AirDrop does not show up in the Finder->Go menu try this:
defaults write BrowseAllInterfaces -bool TRUE; killall Finder
8. sign out and in iCloud, again
The BCM94630CD (30 USD/EUR) is said to allow "Apple watch unlock" in addition to the features of the BCM94331CD (10 USD/EUR) which are Airdrop/Handoff/Continuity. I do not own an Apple watch.
Thank you, again!