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PHAIL double-glazing (of any good quality) uses a vacuum as an insulator

Uh, then you should have no problem supplying a link to just ONE window
manufacturer -- anywhere on the planet -- that advertises vacuum as an
insulating material for double-glazed windows, huh? ...just ONE?

...without it, there is increased risk of condensation inside
the panel, which is really bad quality.
"Economy grade" double-glazed windows use dry air or dry nitrogen; at a
slightly higher cost, you can upgrade to dry Argon. In either case, there's
no possibility of condensation as long as the gas-tight seal remains intact.

dear me Leon, what kind of physics 101 do you guys get over the pond?
Duh! We get the kind of physics that recognizes the insanity of expecting even a
small (flat!) glass pane to withstand 10300 kg/m^2 of atmospheric pressure.

...OTOH, your 'superior education' would work just fine -- on the moon,

Uh, then you should have no problem supplying a link to just ONE window
manufacturer -- anywhere on the planet -- that advertises vacuum as an
insulating material for double-glazed windows, huh? ...just ONE?

"Economy grade" double-glazed windows use dry air or dry nitrogen; at a
slightly higher cost, you can upgrade to dry Argon. In either case, there's
no possibility of condensation as long as the gas-tight seal remains intact.

Duh! We get the kind of physics that recognizes the insanity of expecting even a
small (flat!) glass pane to withstand 10300 kg/m^2 of atmospheric pressure.

...OTOH, your 'superior education' would work just fine -- on the moon,


Hey LK, that's called "Hook, Line and Sinker" you're too easy, because your superiority complex is so huge.
Leon Kowalski said:
Duh! We get the kind of physics that recognizes the insanity of expecting even a
small (flat!) glass pane to withstand 10300 kg/m^2 of atmospheric pressure.

...OTOH, your 'superior education' would work just fine -- on the moon

You are the man Leon :cool:
I had an iMac with over heating issues and had the whole computer replaced, the New iMac runs a great deal cooler and is much quieter under the same stress as the old machine.
Macbook Pro Vs Vista Laptop temperatures

:p........I think this temperature thing is blown out of proportion. Like most I became obsesed with all the aledged hype surrounding the Macbook Pro temp issues. I have a new Macbook Pro and a year old Acer Aspire Vista laptop, as rendering video is CPU intensive I rendered video footage on both and monitored CPU temp in both cases and found that both ended up at around 80C, the Macbook Pro is by far the more powerfull machine therefore the CPU temp being the same as the lesser Acer would suggest it actually performs well in the temperature stakes. At rest my Acer runs at a CPU temp of 49C, my MBP runs at the same temp. Please don't reply suggesting my Acer is running to hot, it isn't, you just have a fixation with this temperature thing:

2.5ghz Penryn
T9300 Intel Core 2
Geforce 8600M GT 512Mmb
2gb ram

T7300 Intel Core 2
Geforce 8600M GT 256Mmb
2gb ram

Don't forget that the case temperatures will differ significantly because the Acer case is plastic like 99.9999999999% of laptops, plastic is a poor conductor of heat whereas the MBP case is aluminium which is an excellent conductor of heat. External temperature comparissons is not a guide to internal core temperatures as my test proves. My advice is don't get carried away with the paranoia being generated by the so called heat issue. I read an awful lot about this so called issue before buying my MBP and reached the opinion that it all started with people being concerned over the external temperature of thier MBP, plastic case vs aluminium case DOHHHHHHH.
Overheating on iMac's

I wouldn't consider myself fixated with overheating, but I do admit to being concerned about the fan coming on not even 15 minutes after starting up in the morning and running continuously- and sometimes the machine would be so hot I couldn't hold a finger on it. Sometimes the iMac would crash in the middle of writing an email or whatever and then come back on all by itself, or else not come on at all, no matter what I did, until it cooled down and then it would let me power up again. So I got tired of it crashing- I figured that couldn't be normal. I took it in to my local Mac genius, 2 hrs and 15 minutes away. They kept it- said that is not a "setting" that can be adjusted, something was wrong. I got a call yesterday saying it was finished and ready for me to pick up when I get back to town next Monday- they replaced the logic board, if that means anything to anybody. (I have no idea what the logic board is, but it obviously was causing the problem). The Mac guy also found my cd/dvd drive was bad, so he replaced that while he was at it. I didn't know it was bad, because I never use it. But good to know!

My suggestion if your computer is doing something more then just feeling hot to the touch- if it is crashing on you at all, I would take it in to be looked at. Just my two cents-
I wouldn't consider myself fixated with overheating, but I do admit to being concerned about the fan coming on not even 15 minutes after starting up in the morning and running continuously- and sometimes the machine would be so hot I couldn't hold a finger on it. Sometimes the iMac would crash in the middle of writing an email or whatever and then come back on all by itself, or else not come on at all, no matter what I did, until it cooled down and then it would let me power up again. So I got tired of it crashing- I figured that couldn't be normal. I took it in to my local Mac genius, 2 hrs and 15 minutes away. They kept it- said that is not a "setting" that can be adjusted, something was wrong. I got a call yesterday saying it was finished and ready for me to pick up when I get back to town next Monday- they replaced the logic board, if that means anything to anybody. (I have no idea what the logic board is, but it obviously was causing the problem). The Mac guy also found my cd/dvd drive was bad, so he replaced that while he was at it. I didn't know it was bad, because I never use it. But good to know!

My suggestion if your computer is doing something more then just feeling hot to the touch- if it is crashing on you at all, I would take it in to be looked at. Just my two cents-

i know in your case i would have been extremely worried if the computer was crashing when writing emails!!!!!! if its overheating from that then thats terrible!! but the case of the computer does get hot to the touch, it should definately not overheat but, it wasnt made to do that haha.

i hope your new logic board fixes it.
Overheating not caused by my motherboard

Just had my motherboard replaced in my new iMac for the THIRD time! It's still overheating. They replace the optical drive, airport express and power supply (internal) not the cord. Apple is now suggesting I take the computer into an Apple store for a thermal test -- so they can tell me it's "Hot." Paris Hilton can tell me the same thing.
Great Products Poor Quality

:eek:......I am reading of excessive heat problems with Apple MB and MBPs all over the net. Apple notebooks look excellent but quality is poor. These notebooks are to small for the heat they generate, the quicker Apple accept this and make them bigger to last, the better. I have owned at least 15 Windows laptops from Sony to Acer and experienced little problem with any, I always buy extended warrantys because I travel with mine alot so accident damage cover is handy though never had to claim yet, it's peace of mind.

:)......Windows notebook manufactureres and insurers offer extensions in to warrantys which reflacts confidence in the goods, they can be pricey but at least they are offered. What do Apple offer, 3 year Applecare but it stops at 3 years, so even Apple have no confidence in their own products, I guess they expect them to breakdown after 3 years and don't want to risk insuring them. So all you MB and MBP owners if in the very unlikely event your notebook lasts 3 years without a fault then expect one after 3 years because Apple do, that's nice to know isn't it.

:confused:.......I've just moved from Vista to OSX and love both OSX and Final Cut/I-DVD etc for video editing, It's a shame that Apple and Mr Steve Jobbs seem to be obsessed with looks and performance over quality when it comes to notebook computers. We can write our complaints on this website all day long but it doen's make any difference to Apple. Perhaps we could somehow do with forcing all the compaints on this website on Apple so that they sit up and take notice. One of the main problems with their notebooks is that they are assembled in China for cheapness though the price to the consumer hasn't been reduced and it would appear that disregard is shown during assembly to correct application of heat transfer compounds used for heat disipation, hence the root cause of many of the excessive heat problems. One of Apples get outs is to increase fan speed across the temperature range which shortens fan life, why don't they fit better quality fans in the first place and set them to run at higher speeds (noise inrease would be minimal), the reason is that they want to build these things as cheap as possible, but it's backfired on them because as CPUs have become more powerfull they generate more heat which has caught out Apple and their build em cheap, price em high, make loads of dosh policy.:(

:apple:......I have an Apple Touch and love it so this tirade isn't because I dislike Apple it's because I believe we have the right to expect a level of quality for the money we spend particularly when we buy at Apples over inflated prices. I wish someone would enter into competition with Apple by designing a similar operating system as an alternative for Windows, then Apple may sit up and sort designs/assembly quality and prices may come down to a realistic level.:(
Apple Note Book Problems

:eek:......I am reading of excessive heat problems with Apple MB and MBPs all over the net. Apple notebooks look excellent but quality is poor. These notebooks are to small for the heat they generate, the quicker Apple accept this and make them bigger to last, the better. I have owned at least 15 Windows laptops from Sony to Acer and experienced little problem with any, I always buy extended warrantys because I travel with mine alot so accident damage cover is handy though never had to claim yet, it's peace of mind.

:)......Windows notebook manufactureres and insurers offer extensions in to warrantys which reflacts confidence in the goods, they can be pricey but at least they are offered. What do Apple offer, 3 year Applecare but it stops at 3 years, so even Apple have no confidence in their own products, I guess they expect them to breakdown after 3 years and don't want to risk insuring them. So all you MB and MBP owners if in the very unlikely event your notebook lasts 3 years without a fault then expect one after 3 years because Apple do, that's nice to know isn't it.

:confused:.......I've just moved from Vista to OSX and love both OSX and Final Cut/I-DVD etc for video editing, It's a shame that Apple and Mr Steve Jobbs seem to be obsessed with looks and performance over quality when it comes to notebook computers. We can write our complaints on this website all day long but it doen's make any difference to Apple. Perhaps we could somehow do with forcing all the compaints on this website on Apple so that they sit up and take notice. One of the main problems with their notebooks is that they are assembled in China for cheapness though the price to the consumer hasn't been reduced and it would appear that disregard is shown during assembly to correct application of heat transfer compounds used for heat disipation, hence the root cause of many of the excessive heat problems. One of Apples get outs is to increase fan speed across the temperature range which shortens fan life, why don't they fit better quality fans in the first place and set them to run at higher speeds (noise inrease would be minimal), the reason is that they want to build these things as cheap as possible, but it's backfired on them because as CPUs have become more powerfull they generate more heat which has caught out Apple and their build em cheap, price em high, make loads of dosh policy.:(

:apple:......I have an Apple Touch and love it so this tirade isn't because I dislike Apple it's because I believe we have the right to expect a level of quality for the money we spend particularly when we buy at Apples over inflated prices. I wish someone would enter into competition with Apple by designing a similar operating system as an alternative for Windows, then Apple may sit up and sort designs/assembly quality and prices may come down to a realistic level.:(

:confused:.....I forgot to ask in my posting above. Apple notebooks are expiencing many faults, far to many for comfort. Does anybody know of Windows notebook manufacturers offering notebooks which experience anywhere near the same fault rate. I know many people with high end Windows notebooks using the same latest Intel CPUs as the latest MBPs, none have experienced heat issues, no motherboards replaced, no silly fan noises, no messing with fan speeds etc, etc, etc. How about you?
1. :eek:......I am reading of excessive heat problems with Apple MB and MBPs all over the net. Apple notebooks look excellent but quality is poor. These notebooks are to small for the heat they generate, the quicker Apple accept this and make them bigger to last, the better. I have owned at least 15 Windows laptops from Sony to Acer and experienced little problem with any, I always buy extended warrantys because I travel with mine alot so accident damage cover is handy though never had to claim yet, it's peace of mind.

2. :)......Windows notebook manufactureres and insurers offer extensions in to warrantys which reflacts confidence in the goods, they can be pricey but at least they are offered. What do Apple offer, 3 year Applecare but it stops at 3 years, so even Apple have no confidence in their own products, I guess they expect them to breakdown after 3 years and don't want to risk insuring them. So all you MB and MBP owners if in the very unlikely event your notebook lasts 3 years without a fault then expect one after 3 years because Apple do, that's nice to know isn't it.

3. :confused:.......I've just moved from Vista to OSX and love both OSX and Final Cut/I-DVD etc for video editing, It's a shame that Apple and Mr Steve Jobbs seem to be obsessed with looks and performance over quality when it comes to notebook computers. We can write our complaints on this website all day long but it doen's make any difference to Apple. Perhaps we could somehow do with forcing all the compaints on this website on Apple so that they sit up and take notice. One of the main problems with their notebooks is that they are assembled in China for cheapness though the price to the consumer hasn't been reduced and it would appear that disregard is shown during assembly to correct application of heat transfer compounds used for heat disipation, hence the root cause of many of the excessive heat problems. One of Apples get outs is to increase fan speed across the temperature range which shortens fan life, why don't they fit better quality fans in the first place and set them to run at higher speeds (noise inrease would be minimal), the reason is that they want to build these things as cheap as possible, but it's backfired on them because as CPUs have become more powerfull they generate more heat which has caught out Apple and their build em cheap, price em high, make loads of dosh policy.:(

4. :apple:......I have an Apple Touch and love it so this tirade isn't because I dislike Apple it's because I believe we have the right to expect a level of quality for the money we spend particularly when we buy at Apples over inflated prices. I wish someone would enter into competition with Apple by designing a similar operating system as an alternative for Windows, then Apple may sit up and sort designs/assembly quality and prices may come down to a realistic level.:(

First of all let me say, do your research PROPERLY.....

1. MB's and MBP's havent had excessive heat problems since the introduction of the CD, after that many of the heat problems were reduced right down to smaller problems with individual machines, not the whole line (this can be put down to intels fault and the fact that the MB and MBP's have such small cases). My GF has a Penryn MBP and there are absolutely no problems with heat even when running at 100% CPU, yes it gets hot but nothing that will cause an 'overheat'.

2. Ok Ok Ok... Apple offers a 3 year warranty on their products which you can purchase.... Right??? (And ASAYK that's as far as it goes). But when that 3 years is up, what do you do?? Go buy ANOTHER 3 year warranty AppleCare :) It's simple!!! I'm not even going to take notice of the **** you rambled on about there.

3. If you are getting annoyed at Apple not taking any notice of you (i think a lot of us have come to terms with that here) then go back to Windoze and the other stuff. Apple makes QUALITY products, just because they are made in China doesn't make them bad products. They are not cheap let me assure you.

CPU's are becoming LESS hotter as the technology evolves, Apple wants to be in the market with the current CPU's and the main problem that is making them get (a little bit) hot is because of their aluminium cases (which acts as part of the heat sync).

Uhhh.. better fans you say?? I say that will not do anything.... Apple have increased the default RPM speed in the MBP's since mine. Mine defaults at 1000RPM, I noticed that the newer Penryn MBP's default at 2000RPM. So what!?!?! Fans are made to move and can do that easy. It will not shorten life AT ALL. If they were running at like 4000>6000RPM then yes, that will definitely have an effect on their life.

:confused:.....I forgot to ask in my posting above. Apple notebooks are expiencing many faults, far to many for comfort. Does anybody know of Windows notebook manufacturers offering notebooks which experience anywhere near the same fault rate. I know many people with high end Windows notebooks using the same latest Intel CPUs as the latest MBPs, none have experienced heat issues, no motherboards replaced, no silly fan noises, no messing with fan speeds etc, etc, etc. How about you?

Alas, I'm afraid you are one of those "everyone is complaining so it must be true" people. On MR there are many more of these "complainers" as there are the "Yay my MB/MBP is the bomb" style people. Apple is having a VERY good run on these Penryn MB/MBP's. The only main problem they have had was the WD hard drives (which WASN'T their fault) and the dodgey LCD screens (which can be put down to bad selection of products).

AFAIK there wouldn't be 1 in 1000 motherboard issues, or fan noise issues, or even overheating issues.

First of all let me say, do your research PROPERLY.....

1. MB's and MBP's havent had excessive heat problems since the introduction of the CD, after that many of the heat problems were reduced right down to smaller problems with individual machines, not the whole line (this can be put down to intels fault and the fact that the MB and MBP's have such small cases). My GF has a Penryn MBP and there are absolutely no problems with heat even when running at 100% CPU, yes it gets hot but nothing that will cause an 'overheat'.

2. Ok Ok Ok... Apple offers a 3 year warranty on their products which you can purchase.... Right??? (And ASAYK that's as far as it goes). But when that 3 years is up, what do you do?? Go buy ANOTHER 3 year warranty AppleCare :) It's simple!!! I'm not even going to take notice of the **** you rambled on about there.

3. If you are getting annoyed at Apple not taking any notice of you (i think a lot of us have come to terms with that here) then go back to Windoze and the other stuff. Apple makes QUALITY products, just because they are made in China doesn't make them bad products. They are not cheap let me assure you.

CPU's are becoming LESS hotter as the technology evolves, Apple wants to be in the market with the current CPU's and the main problem that is making them get (a little bit) hot is because of their aluminium cases (which acts as part of the heat sync).

Uhhh.. better fans you say?? I say that will not do anything.... Apple have increased the default RPM speed in the MBP's since mine. Mine defaults at 1000RPM, I noticed that the newer Penryn MBP's default at 2000RPM. So what!?!?! Fans are made to move and can do that easy. It will not shorten life AT ALL. If they were running at like 4000>6000RPM then yes, that will definitely have an effect on their life.

Alas, I'm afraid you are one of those "everyone is complaining so it must be true" people. On MR there are many more of these "complainers" as there are the "Yay my MB/MBP is the bomb" style people. Apple is having a VERY good run on these Penryn MB/MBP's. The only main problem they have had was the WD hard drives (which WASN'T their fault) and the dodgey LCD screens (which can be put down to bad selection of products).

AFAIK there wouldn't be 1 in 1000 motherboard issues, or fan noise issues, or even overheating issues.


1. So you were paying attention to what I said and agree that Apple are unable to handle changes in technology like addition of the CD. Nice to see you also agree the the MB/MBP case is to small, why do you say that, is it because the heat isn't disippated correctly in the small case, hmmmmm that's what I said. I have a 2.5ghz Penryn MBP, bought it 3 weeks ago and it's being picked up by the courier soon to be returned to Apple for repair because the left side of the case(the hot side) has started bulging out due to excessive heat. Your GFs will to, just keep and eye on it.:mad:

2. Perhaps I didn't make my point clear enough for you. Apple do NOT offer extensions to their Warranty's. The Applecare 3 year Warranty mast be taken out within a year of purchase, it starts from the day of purchase, so if you take it out 6 months after purchase you only have 2.5 years left. After the first year you can't take out Apple care 3 year warranty, and why do you think that is, Apple have no confidence in the durability of their own product DOHHHH.

3.Yes Apple want to move farward with technology the cheap way. Use Chinese to build them who don't know how to apply thermal paste correctly. As an Electrical Engineer I fully understand the importance of applying thermal paste correctly and the damage that can be cause by misapplication. Search on the net for Macbook Pro Thermal Paste and you'll see for yourselves. When my MBP goes back I've asked Apple to fully strip it clean away and reapply the paste which will improve running temps by 15degC plus. Oh and by the way the case acting as a heat sink requires the thermal paste to be applied correctly and the fans to move enough air pulling heat from the CPUs and case.

:confused:...I don't think you are very technical so I'll explain my comment about the fans. Fans are mechanical devices which will last a certain ammount of runnung time then wear out. Life span of a fan depends on how much it is used, if you run it faster and for longer you use it more so it wears out quicker. To maintain the life span of a fan during increased useage the fan should be uprated to handle that useage.

I'm not sure why I'm responding to your last comment, it seems as though you don't take note of info widely available on the net and this forum. Try searching for Macbook Pro Temperature and read all the threads regarding excessive heat damage to these notebooks and you'll see your comment about HHD and so called dodgy LCD screens is out of touch with what's actually happening in the big wide world.

3.Yes Apple want to move farward with technology the cheap way. Use Chinese to build them who don't know how to apply thermal paste correctly. As an Electrical Engineer I fully understand the importance of applying thermal paste correctly and the damage that can be cause by misapplication.

You mean as a racist electrical engineer (no need for capitalization).

Exactly what does the nationality of the people assembling the Apple computers have to do with their ability to apply thermal paste.

:confused:...I don't think you are very technical so I'll explain my comment about the fans.

Can you be any more of a pompous ass?
1. So you were paying attention to what I said and agree that Apple are unable to handle changes in technology like addition of the CD. Nice to see you also agree the the MB/MBP case is to small, why do you say that, is it because the heat isn't disippated correctly in the small case, hmmmmm that's what I said. I have a 2.5ghz Penryn MBP, bought it 3 weeks ago and it's being picked up by the courier soon to be returned to Apple for repair because the left side of the case(the hot side) has started bulging out due to excessive heat. Your GFs will to, just keep and eye on it.:mad:

2. Perhaps I didn't make my point clear enough for you. Apple do NOT offer extensions to their Warranty's. The Applecare 3 year Warranty mast be taken out within a year of purchase, it starts from the day of purchase, so if you take it out 6 months after purchase you only have 2.5 years left. After the first year you can't take out Apple care 3 year warranty, and why do you think that is, Apple have no confidence in the durability of their own product DOHHHH.

3.Yes Apple want to move farward with technology the cheap way. Use Chinese to build them who don't know how to apply thermal paste correctly. As an Electrical Engineer I fully understand the importance of applying thermal paste correctly and the damage that can be cause by misapplication. Search on the net for Macbook Pro Thermal Paste and you'll see for yourselves. When my MBP goes back I've asked Apple to fully strip it clean away and reapply the paste which will improve running temps by 15degC plus. Oh and by the way the case acting as a heat sink requires the thermal paste to be applied correctly and the fans to move enough air pulling heat from the CPUs and case.

4. :confused:...I don't think you are very technical so I'll explain my comment about the fans. Fans are mechanical devices which will last a certain ammount of runnung time then wear out. Life span of a fan depends on how much it is used, if you run it faster and for longer you use it more so it wears out quicker. To maintain the life span of a fan during increased useage the fan should be uprated to handle that useage.

5. I'm not sure why I'm responding to your last comment, it seems as though you don't take note of info widely available on the net and this forum. Try searching for Macbook Pro Temperature and read all the threads regarding excessive heat damage to these notebooks and you'll see your comment about HHD and so called dodgy LCD screens is out of touch with what's actually happening in the big wide world.


1. The CD was a PATHETIC chip.. a chip that was introduced but wasn't the best (anywhere near, in-fact). The CD models are the hottest MBP from what I have experienced. I have to put up with constant 80°C (176°F) temperatures, I am guessing that you do not have to put up with temperatures that get near 90°C>95°C (194°F>203°F). If you have to return your Penryn because the side has started "buldging" then you must have a dodgy model. I dare say it will be your only problem Mac... Apple has a slight fault-rate, from what I can gather from your arguement every single Mac laptop has a problem.

2. I checked with dad, and no they do not make extensions to their 3 year Apple Care. I think that is basically because if nothing has broken in that 3 year period then it should last you a whole lifetime (unless you drop it or something). Besides, who wants to put a warranty on a 3 year old computer???? If it breaks down then its not even going to be worth much, may as well go buy something new and up to date..

3. You must clearly have a poor thermal paste job if you are getting excessive heat on a Penryn MBP. They do not run hot! My Gf's will hit 40°C (104°F) when doing nothing, and 60°C-65°C (140°F-149°F) when under load. If you are getting hotter than that, then yea you have a bad thermal paste job (I take it you've already gathered that). If you are such an expert on thermal paste, reapply it yourself!! Don't criticise other people for doing their job (whether it's good or bad), they might of had a bad day or something (we ALL have those).

4. To be frank, I don't think you are very nice (tit for tat). I will explain my situation. I am 18 years old, doing an IT degree in Network and security. You probably have 40 years of experience on me, so come back to me then.

Fans are given an "average" run time based on tests. Not every fan will fit exactly to that run time, they will vary determined by a number of factors which you have said. So far, the life span of my fans seems to be going quite well. They are running as if they are new, I bet if I opened the case they would need a clean. Other than that they are quiet and effective (well, as effective as they can be on the CD).

5. You find me any Penryn related heat problems and show me then we can talk about that.

6. You make me laugh, my Gf's laptop will be lasting a nice 5 years at the least (We are even game enough to not get warranty) :).

Based on what data.... or simply opinion?

What's the ratio of "faulty" to "non-faulty" notebooks?

Probably on his 1 mac lappy experience... no idea on the ratio..
Manbook Pro Temperatures

1. The CD was a PATHETIC chip.. a chip that was introduced but wasn't the best (anywhere near, in-fact). The CD models are the hottest MBP from what I have experienced. I have to put up with constant 80°C (176°F) temperatures, I am guessing that you do not have to put up with temperatures that get near 90°C>95°C (194°F>203°F). If you have to return your Penryn because the side has started "buldging" then you must have a dodgy model. I dare say it will be your only problem Mac... Apple has a slight fault-rate, from what I can gather from your arguement every single Mac laptop has a problem.

2. I checked with dad, and no they do not make extensions to their 3 year Apple Care. I think that is basically because if nothing has broken in that 3 year period then it should last you a whole lifetime (unless you drop it or something). Besides, who wants to put a warranty on a 3 year old computer???? If it breaks down then its not even going to be worth much, may as well go buy something new and up to date..

3. You must clearly have a poor thermal paste job if you are getting excessive heat on a Penryn MBP. They do not run hot! My Gf's will hit 40°C (104°F) when doing nothing, and 60°C-65°C (140°F-149°F) when under load. If you are getting hotter than that, then yea you have a bad thermal paste job (I take it you've already gathered that). If you are such an expert on thermal paste, reapply it yourself!! Don't criticise other people for doing their job (whether it's good or bad), they might of had a bad day or something (we ALL have those).

4. To be frank, I don't think you are very nice (tit for tat). I will explain my situation. I am 18 years old, doing an IT degree in Network and security. You probably have 40 years of experience on me, so come back to me then.

Fans are given an "average" run time based on tests. Not every fan will fit exactly to that run time, they will vary determined by a number of factors which you have said. So far, the life span of my fans seems to be going quite well. They are running as if they are new, I bet if I opened the case they would need a clean. Other than that they are quiet and effective (well, as effective as they can be on the CD).

5. You find me any Penryn related heat problems and show me then we can talk about that.

6. You make me laugh, my Gf's laptop will be lasting a nice 5 years at the least (We are even game enough to not get warranty) :).

Probably on his 1 mac lappy experience... no idea on the ratio..

1. Yeah I regularly hit 80 plus when rendering video footage, the main reason I bought my MBP.:eek:

2. The reason for extending the warranty would be the excessive price of repair/replacement. I doubt your theory that if it lasts 3 years it will last forever. Good luck on that one.:eek:

I guess I must have a bad thermal paste job as you put it. My point is that we pay an awfull lot of money for Apple notebooks compared to equivanent Windows notebooks which is fine if the quality warrants it. Why shouldn't we expect to get what we pay for. My comments on the Chinese wasn't racist but making a point that they possibly don't realise what they are doing with the paste. I have worked in China and have experienced the Chinese mentallity, it wouldn't surprise me if they just slapped them together and took their Renwabi(Chinese Currency).

4. :D Nice one, not quite 40.

5. :confused:Just accept that the fans will wear out quicker if they are run more. Go to Youtube and check out the fan noise problems being experienced. You'll first notice bearing rumble or blade tip scrub as the bearings wear and allow fan lateral movement causing the blade tips to hit the fan case.:rolleyes:

6. Recently spoke to Apple about the noise made by my DVD/CD Superdrive when I load and eject discs. For example when I load a disc I get three kind of clunks and one when I eject, I've only ever heard this noise on a drive which is sick. Apple sent me some audio files as an example of what it should sound like and it was pretty much as mine sounds. Just seems strange that the MBP DVD/CD drive doesn't sound as quite as the DVD/CD drive on other notebooks. The noises I hear actually vibrates through the case, don't know how long it will last doing this. :mad:

7. Whoever made the comment about failure ratio needs to read about the MBP failures on the net at the many forums out there. At the end of the day compare Apples MBP against other Major manufacturers notebooks and the forums are full of MBP faults. The MBP seems to have experienced a series of issues since being introduced into the market, these issues still haven't all been resolved through all the model and CPU changes. The heat thing is the main problem, it doesn't matter who we are, a student or engineeer or the Queen of Sheeba we have the right to expect Apple to sort the issues out. Apple :apple::apple::apple::apple: just make the MBP case bigger to facilitate larger heat sinks and increased fan flow rates then ensure correct assembly and I'm sure the heat issue will be sorted:) Why should anybody buying any make of notebook experience rediculously high operating temps if designed properly, the Notebook manufacturer should recall and rectify faults where temps are excessive. Don't forget we actually pay good money for these things
Let the poor kid actually come back and post some numbers. It *is* possible there's something wrong with his/her Mac that's causing it to get too hot. What's the point in jumping to conclusions when he/she promised to come back in a couple of hours with temperatures?

what he said, an i-Mac is my next purchase, so I had some interest in this thread. A real compact design, but coming from a PC Tower, with 3 case fans, I am looking to some peace and quiet :apple::apple::apple::apple::apple:
AppleCare called me back about the issue a little while ago. They told me that the aluminum case does get warm, very warm but it should not get as hot as mine should not burn like mine did or reach a temp of 150 degrees on the outside even with internal temps higher than that. They are concerned about it because it is dangerous for it to get that hot on the outside. They told me that I will need to take it back to the store where I got it (an Apple Store) for the exchange. They are contacting the store to set up the exchange for me. I am supposed to get a call from the store manager shortly. I should be able to return it later today. All's well that ends well...I hope!

lessee, if that was my Dell, I'd be talking to someone in INDIA that I have to s-p-e-l-l everything to, oh for maybe 40 minutes, and after loosing the connection for 3-4 times, and after 2+ hours:mad:, I get to wait days for a call back that never comes, then begin the process again. That was last year, the year before, and the year before that.
Now I have an :apple:, and I'm just computing!. I'M NEVER GOING BACK to that BS again,:rolleyes:
Well so much for the new replacement iMac being son just turned it on and nothing...the screen sort of just glows, no chime nothing, it just sits there.

You could hear the fans start and the drives start but then the screen just sort of glows blue...maybe there is a problem with the iMacs...I am now 2 for 2 in less than 1 week.

I'm not so sure I am liking this iMac now.

The Store told me to just bring it back and they will exchange it again. This is starting to annoy me though.

DUH, yeah, me too:eek:
You mean as a racist electrical engineer (no need for capitalization).

Exactly what does the nationality of the people assembling the Apple computers have to do with their ability to apply thermal paste.

Can you be any more of a pompous ass?

:eek:Woaaaa there, I'm in no way racists having worked all over the world with many nationalities including Chinese and worked side by side with them all absolutely fine and shared a drink or two with many of them:D. My point was that it's likely that the caliber of people selected to work on these cheap labour assembly lines probably aren't aware that over application of thermal paste can be problamatic. They may think the more paste applied the better.
2. Ok Ok Ok... Apple offers a 3 year warranty on their products which you can purchase.... Right??? (And ASAYK that's as far as it goes). But when that 3 years is up, what do you do?? Go buy ANOTHER 3 year warranty AppleCare It's simple!!!

Sorry, no way Jose', taint happin in this life;)
1. Yeah I regularly hit 80 plus when rendering video footage, the main reason I bought my MBP.:eek:

2. The reason for extending the warranty would be the excessive price of repair/replacement. I doubt your theory that if it lasts 3 years it will last forever. Good luck on that one.:eek:

3. I guess I must have a bad thermal paste job as you put it. My point is that we pay an awfull lot of money for Apple notebooks compared to equivanent Windows notebooks which is fine if the quality warrants it. Why shouldn't we expect to get what we pay for. My comments on the Chinese wasn't racist but making a point that they possibly don't realise what they are doing with the paste. I have worked in China and have experienced the Chinese mentallity, it wouldn't surprise me if they just slapped them together and took their Renwabi(Chinese Currency).

4. :D Nice one, not quite 40.

5. :confused:Just accept that the fans will wear out quicker if they are run more. Go to Youtube and check out the fan noise problems being experienced. You'll first notice bearing rumble or blade tip scrub as the bearings wear and allow fan lateral movement causing the blade tips to hit the fan case.:rolleyes:

6. Recently spoke to Apple about the noise made by my DVD/CD Superdrive when I load and eject discs. For example when I load a disc I get three kind of clunks and one when I eject, I've only ever heard this noise on a drive which is sick. Apple sent me some audio files as an example of what it should sound like and it was pretty much as mine sounds. Just seems strange that the MBP DVD/CD drive doesn't sound as quite as the DVD/CD drive on other notebooks. The noises I hear actually vibrates through the case, don't know how long it will last doing this. :mad:

7. Whoever made the comment about failure ratio needs to read about the MBP failures on the net at the many forums out there. At the end of the day compare Apples MBP against other Major manufacturers notebooks and the forums are full of MBP faults. The MBP seems to have experienced a series of issues since being introduced into the market, these issues still haven't all been resolved through all the model and CPU changes. The heat thing is the main problem, it doesn't matter who we are, a student or engineeer or the Queen of Sheeba we have the right to expect Apple to sort the issues out. Apple :apple::apple::apple::apple: just make the MBP case bigger to facilitate larger heat sinks and increased fan flow rates then ensure correct assembly and I'm sure the heat issue will be sorted:) Why should anybody buying any make of notebook experience rediculously high operating temps if designed properly, the Notebook manufacturer should recall and rectify faults where temps are excessive. Don't forget we actually pay good money for these things

1. I refer to my 'you have a bad paste job again' theory...

2. Nah ok you got me, it won't last forever. All I have are solid facts, and that is that I have had these macs listed (a LC 575 1994, a 1997 PowerMac, a 1999 iMac DV, a 2004 iBook and my recent 2006 MBP and 2007 iMac) and are still working perfectly. Sure they are getting slow and whatnot, but they are working fine. I have not had to replace any hard drives, RAM sticks or anything else (apart from batteries). So you know, I have the utmost confidence in my Apple products lasting at least 5 years each (hoping for 10 ;) ).

3. I'd say so, if you are hitting 80°C PLUS on a Penryn machine that isn't right. Intel has gotten a lot better since their CD products (haha). Can I just ask, out of interest, how many Apple laptops (and products) you have actually had?? I sure know I expected everything I paid for when purchasing all of my Apple products (might sound a bit fan-boyish but eh).

I agree, some of the Chinese workers might be a bit over putting thermal paste on a CPU day after day but I'm sure that it wouldn't be every single worker otherwise Apple wouldn't exist as their name would be worthless, some workers would strive to do their best!

4. 35??

5. Hahaha yes I accept the fact that they will run out more as they get older, that is just plain old logic. I am interested to see what models these fan problems actually exist in. I have none of the 'bearing rumble' noises as of yet (knock on wood), and I reckon that my fans are still in place enough to not have any lateral movement (hopefully nothing has come loose).

6. I have always thought that the noises made by the Superdrives was weird, and I honestly have NO idea why. Have you worked with slot loading drives before?? I'm pretty sure Apple wouldn't modify the CD/DVD drives to perform slower or faster... That would be just silly, therefore I came to the conclusion that it is normal and all is ok. Those kind of noises have been around since the introduction of the first iMacs (sitting right next to me if you want real proof).

7. Ok so you agree with me that it is because of Intel's fast introduction rate of CPU's that part of the problem Apple has trying to sort everything out. I don't blame them, the only thing I do blame them about is having an awesome looking case that doesn't properly work heat wise. I think they have kept it because of the looks more than the efficiency of it.

Why should anybody buying any make of notebook experience rediculously high operating temps if designed properly, the Notebook manufacturer should recall and rectify faults where temps are excessive.

The problem with that statement there is that I don't think there is a problem with heat in the newer Penryn notebooks (unless, of course, it is faulty). Apple wouldn't implement a hardware product that hasn't passed their testing (software is another debate).

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