I've got a freezer with 1GB Apple + 2GB OWC RAM. I haven't tried removing the RAM yet, but am considering it... Would suck to have to trade in performance for reliability.
How do you do that?
Ok. Stock 10.4.10 erase and install. The only other program added was WoW. Machine is a stock 2.4 20" 320G and the RAM was replaced with a 2G stick from CanadaRAM and a 256MB stick from my mini (Hynex).
One thing I am still seeing in Time Machine even with just the apple ram, is like lines flashing across the screen. Not so much artifacts but more like chunks... I guess you could say glitches....
Well that doesn't leave much in the way of potential third party software causes.
I'm intrigued by the results of Wakerider's testing with his RAM replacement. I am using a 1GB stick I purchased separately with no issues but it is perfectly matched and very good quality make.
Have you tried replacing your 2G stick with the stick that came with the machine? If you haven't I think that would be worth a try.
I've got a freezer with 1GB Apple + 2GB OWC RAM. I haven't tried removing the RAM yet, but am considering it... Would suck to have to trade in performance for reliability.
Try it, I can't get the computer to freeze with apple memory. no matter how hard I try.
So you are likely down to the normal issue running on Apple RAM alone.
Wish I knew why mine only has graphics glitches with iStat installed, but it did that even before I upgraded the memory.
My 24" was ordered on 8/7 (release date) and manufactured between 8/13-8/19. I have not had any freezing issues at all to date in either Tiger or now in Leopard. I've tried doing some of the things that some experiencing this problem say cause their iMacs to freeze such as switching around the menus in Front Row, etc and running screensavers and no freezing, no artifacting, no problems.
I installed the 1.3 iMac Update because I always install all driver/firmware updates that Apple releases and can notice no changes at all.
I know this problem exists for quite a few folks and I AM extremely sympathetic and DO care. I still wonder if this is a software or a hardware issue though. Maybe we should start comparing what software we are all running on our systems to see if there might be some common factor on those WITH the problem as opposed to those without.
I'd be glad to help any way I can. I can understand how frustrating it must be.
I ordered this machine with 1x1GB of RAM and have upgraded it to 2GB with 1GB I purchased a while back and had been using in my previous 20" Core Duo iMac.
So if we have an iMac that's not experiencing freezes this update wouldn't possibly make it actually START freezing would it? I wouldn't want to screw up a good thing I've got going, haha!!
Was it the RAM or the PRAM reset? Maybe it needs a few reboots as well...
That doesn't sound good at all. The last time I recall "blocks" on the screen, lines and artifacting was when I had a bad logic board on my 20" Core Duo. I was told it may have actually just been a case of the GPU having worked slightly loose from the logic board due to excessive heat.
My 2.4Ghz 24" iMac is now completely unusable. I have Leopard installed on it, and it freezes immediately when the computer desktop appears. It tries to render the stacks on my dock and that is now enough to kill it.
I have Tiger w/o any iMac Software Updates on an external firewire drive, and that is what I am using to send this. This installation continues to be rock solid.
I bet you have aftermarket RAM...
I bet you have aftermarket RAM...
I do... I have two 2GB corsair sticks. I have let memtest86+ and memtest run for hours while at work, on several occasions, and neither tester has ever found any errors with the RAM.
The faulty-RAM theory doesn't make sense to me here - why would Tiger work without any issues for djc6, but Leopard fail? If it was faulty RAM, surely this would affect both OSs?
Exactly. I still believe that the Graphic Card is faulty, and the updates corrupted it even further. I really think it's nothing to do with the RAM.
Still can't understand why wakerider017's iMac got fixed by removing the RAM though.
Nope, wasn't HW -- it was software, since it would occur after login only. and not with a clean user.
Edit: most likely a conflict with iStat and an early carbon app, neither of which I'm using right now.