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Jun 16, 2006
I was so excited to see that the apple site was updated today with new imacs since I'd been planning to upgrade for a while. But then I saw what they'd changed and now it seems like the imac is ruined.

The only good change in the new line is the quad core processors. Now there are stupid sized displays with awkward resolutions. 16:10 was perfect for a computer display, why change it? Also, I find 24 inch just right for home use. 27 will just be uncomfortably big. I also carry my imac around sometimes in an ilugger and a 27 inch would just be stupid.

Also, in the top end model, is just the same graphics card as the last model which is well out of date, and now it has to drive even bigger resolutions!

I think apple have totally buggered the imac line. I'm just hoping they see sense and go back to normal resolutions and sensible screen sizes next update.

Any thoughts?
New screen resolutions are daft.

1920 x 1200 and 2560 x 1600 are the standards for a reason.

1st one gives you just enough room to work on 1080p content (title bars above/below etc) and the latter gives you lots of real estate on your desktop, esp for coding (I know because I have a 30" dell at that res!).
Very few people carry around their iMacs. Those who want portable computers go with notebooks. It's only natural that desktops will continue to get bigger and bigger screens until a new technology pops up.
dont forget the LED backlit and IPS

those two alone makes the imac worth it
Carry Around

I carry my iMac around, bring it home from the office on weekends.

I guess its your own fault though if you buy something so big you don't want to carry it around :rolleyes:
i think you're right. the new imac's, design-wise is kinda ruined. they didn't get rid of the chin, but squooshed it.

i don't know. maybe, it looks better in real life.
New screen resolutions are daft.

1920 x 1200 and 2560 x 1600 are the standards for a reason.

1st one gives you just enough room to work on 1080p content (title bars above/below etc) and the latter gives you lots of real estate on your desktop, esp for coding (I know because I have a 30" dell at that res!).

Absolutely true. They are the standard resolutions for a good reason.

What did you really want. If they left it the same and didn't upgrade the panel, people would be pissed.

Fair enough. But they could just upgrade the panels with the new LED and IPS things like sukanas said and still give us the sizes we've come to expect.

Or, if they thought people would want larger :

They could have offered 21", 24", 27", all with new panels.

I'm sure the design does look quite good in person. They're really working to minimise the chin and soon we might have an imac that just looks like a display.

But seriously... 21.5 inch? .5?

The new imacs looks so sweet. I never had any interests in the imac lineup but now it looks so tempting!

For $1999 you get a 27" LED backlit 2560x1440 resolution (wish I could just buy the display for my mac pro), desktop i5 or i7 parts now (instead of the same mobile parts as the macbook pros), up to 16gb of RAM! And it comes with the wireless aluminum keyboard and the new magic mouse with an ati 4850 (should be plenty fast for most games).

This is an amazing deal. If I hadnt bought my nehalem mac pro, I'd probably consider the top end imac and saving myself a serious chunk of cash.
I'm not sure if they actually ruined this new iMac. Seems like there's always a bunch of people that no matter what a company does to come out with a new, improved product, they'll be unhappy with it. I'm too wondering if 27" is too big. I'm about to buy a new iMac OR a refurb 24".

Interesting, that there's not even ONE refurb iMac at the Apple store today. Apparantly, you're not the only one that doesn't like the HUGE 27" screen!

So, $1599 edu discount for a new basic model, iMac 27", killer new keyboard and mouse included or

$1299 refurb 24" iMac plus $128 for the wireless old keyboard and mouse, refurbed.

That's only a $172 difference, it would be less of a difference if I went with the new mouse, more expensive for sure!

Seems like a no brainer. Get the new one.
There is a trend towards 16:9 monitors nowadays because you're selling to the dumb "Full HD" masses for cheaper.

It's not a bad update because both 20->21 and 24->27 gained vertical pixels.

But it's not good for people for which the size represents a problem.

I'm still waiting for a panel manufacturer to make a 25" 4:3 1920x1440
The new imacs looks so sweet. I never had any interests in the imac lineup but now it looks so tempting!

For $1999 you get a 27" LED backlit 2560x1440 resolution (wish I could just buy the display for my mac pro), desktop i5 or i7 parts now (instead of the same mobile parts as the macbook pros), up to 16gb of RAM! And it comes with the wireless aluminum keyboard and the new magic mouse with an ati 4850 (should be plenty fast for most games).

This is an amazing deal. If I hadnt bought my nehalem mac pro, I'd probably consider the top end imac and saving myself a serious chunk of cash.

The new iMac is great unless you plan on installing Windows and playing this years games. In that case, with the Radeon 4850 512MB, you won't be running any of this years games at native resolution without turning AA off and all of the settings down.
If you want a 24" Apple offers refurbished ones, get one of those.

That sucks as much as my rushing to get a closeout UMBP for the ExpressCard are removable battery and not getting the new panel.
The new iMac is great unless you plan on installing Windows and playing this years games. In that case, with the Radeon 4850 512MB, you won't be running any of this years games at native resolution without turning AA off and all of the settings down.

Does the 4850 support playing games at specific resolutions without scaling, like the NVidia cards can?
I was so excited to see that the apple site was updated today with new imacs since I'd been planning to upgrade for a while. But then I saw what they'd changed and now it seems like the imac is ruined.

The only good change in the new line is the quad core processors. Now there are stupid sized displays with awkward resolutions. 16:10 was perfect for a computer display, why change it? Also, I find 24 inch just right for home use. 27 will just be uncomfortably big. I also carry my imac around sometimes in an ilugger and a 27 inch would just be stupid.

Also, in the top end model, is just the same graphics card as the last model which is well out of date, and now it has to drive even bigger resolutions!

I think apple have totally buggered the imac line. I'm just hoping they see sense and go back to normal resolutions and sensible screen sizes next update.

Any thoughts?

Thoughts? Quit whining. People complained that the 24" would be "too big" when it came out. Now 24" monitors are commonplace, and 26-27" monitors are gaining in popularity. If you want a smaller machine, Apple still offers a 21.5" machine. Where's the problem?

The iMac is a desktop. Apple doesn't care very much if a tiny minority of users find the 27" too big to carry around with them. And again, if that's the case, what's wrong with the 21.5"?

Resolutions are 16:9, not 16:10. A shame? Sort of, sure. A deal killer? Not by any stretch of the imagination.

I'm not sure why you would consider faster, bigger, better equipped, and cheaper iMacs "ruined", but to each their own...
I think that the iMac took a turn in the right direction. Most people have been complaining about not having a Quad Core, LED screens, better resolutions, bigger just got everything you asked for, and for a decent price! What more do you want in an all in one computer? Up to Quad 2.8GHz and 16GB RAM? I am a big fan of the screen resolutions. It is about time that they shrunk that massive thing below the screen, it looked hideous before. The only problem is the GPU, not that great. But, what the hell, not that big of a deal for me since I will be doing music work.
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