It’s almost as if iMessage place the other persons reply below the message they are replying to
Is this what you are seeing?
Time 1:00 You - what color is the car
Time 1:01 You- what year
Time 1:03 You- what model
Time 1:07 them red
Time 1:08 them 2010
Time 1:10 you how are you
Time 1:11 them Corolla
Time 1:12 them fine thanks
You are seeing
Time 1:00 You - what color is the car
Time 1:07 them red
Time 1:01 You- what year
Time 1:08 them 2010
Time 1:03 You- what model
Time 1:11 them Corolla
Time 1:10 you how are you
Time 1:12 them fine thanks
I've been having this problem for a little while now too. It most certainly is really annoying! Sometimes, I miss a response, because I glance at the phone and see no messages below my last one - but the response is already there, just before my question I'd just sent!
I agree with some people's comments about this being server side - I hadn't considered alternative platforms, but that makes sense to me - and I'd checked not just my own phone's time, but the time on other people's phones too, to make sure they're in sync - all is OK... but still the annoying problem.
It feels like one of their servers is maybe not in sync - maybe a cluster has lost it's time-sync and so depending on which server you're connected to, your imessage will get a different time stamp!?
Either way - let's hope they fix it soon!
This is not how I'm seeing it... it's more like this:
Time 1:00 them red
Time 1:00 You - what color is the car
Time 1:01 You- what year
Time 1:08 them 2010
Time 1:11 them Corolla
Time 1:10 You- what model
Time 1:12 you how are you
Time 1:14 them fine thanks
I'm just curious, do any of you experiencing this problem have only one single iMessage-capable device? (No other iPhones, iPads, Macs, etc)?
I personally never had problems with the order until I got multiple devices and now I have the problem frequently. I think/hope this will be fixed when the Messages on iCloud update happens.
What about devices not running iOS?On 11.2.5 beta 4, I haven’t experienced any out of order text on my devices.
I believe this may be fixed in latest beta.
My iPhone and iPad are fine. Haven’t texted with other devices, as of yet.What about devices not running iOS?
My iPhone and MBP are horribly out of sync, while my iPad is fine.
I'm just curious, do any of you experiencing this problem have only one single iMessage-capable device? (No other iPhones, iPads, Macs, etc)?
I personally never had problems with the order until I got multiple devices and now I have the problem frequently. I think/hope this will be fixed when the Messages on iCloud update happens.
I only have one device, iPhone 6s, and I have this bug. So annoying.
There goes my theory as it wooshes out the window!