after a number of reboots it now appears the kext to make this happen are no loading
is there anyway to sign the kexts so they load every time ?????
i disabled it to load said kexts rebooted then enabled it and they load.Did you check if SIP still disabled?
i disabled it to load said kexts rebooted then enabled it and they load.
upon reboot they do not load until i reboot and disable reboot run terminal cmds
reboot an enable sip they load. reboot again not loading ????
any thoughts do i have to disable sip and leave it disabled.
is that my only option ???Keep it disable
just tried csrutil enable --without kextI've been using this for unsigned kexts and it works perfectly:
Code:csrutil enable --without kext --without fs
I've got some problems installing Innie on my cMP.
After executing "sudo kextcache -update-volume /" I get the following warning: "
Warning: /AppleInternal/Library/Extensions: No such file or directory" and after reboot my NVMe SSD is still listed as external.
I am running a MacPro4,1 flashed to 5,1 with BootROM Version and macOS 10.14.1 running on an Samsung 970 EVO 500 GB partitioned into two Volumes, one APFS for macOS and an empty Fat one for a soon to come Windows installation.
Because you try to put them in the wrong path, there is no "AppleInternal" in the root directory.
Do you have any other ideas ?
is the Samsung SSD 970 PRO 512GB included in the kext?
Since version 1.0.9, Innie works with all drives.
Thank you so much, cdf. For your time and great work.
Thanks for the quick answer !
I've put the lilu.kext into /Library/Extensions as recommend and did everything exactly as stated is post 9. I have never touched any folder like "AppleInternal", it was only mentioned in the message I've received in terminal after trying to update the kext cash.
In 10.14.2 the samsung comes again to external. Maybe reinstalling.
By the way , when intarnal, dindn´t get to install windows viia Bootcamp. So iit´ss not for the lack of internal, At least not only
Same here MacPro 4.1 > 5.1 Mojave 10.14.1, BootRom, EVO 970 NVME, no Nightshift or Innie Plugin possible.
After executing "sudo kextcache -update-volume /" I get the following warning: "
Warning: /AppleInternal/Library/Extensions: No such file or directory"
Success with Innie!
But Nightshift kext not loading in 10.14.2
No problems on my end with Lilu and its plugins (including NightShiftUnlocker) in 10.14.2.
Question regarding boot times - I have a Samsung 960 NVMe drive (showing as external), installed Mojave - no issues, BUT boot up times takes a long time (there are issues with external drives formatted as APFS taking a long time to boot - Mac OS looking for boot drives). Will making the drive appear as internal using Innie, speed up the boot process?
Question regarding boot times - I have a Samsung 960 NVMe drive (showing as external), installed Mojave - no issues, BUT boot up times takes a long time?