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Mar 15, 2017
People, regarding government cover ups... Would you share information about your real company status to your employees? or friends? Is human nature. There are 300000 things out there going on and we are being distracted with emojis (or the weak minded population which is majority).

It is going to happen.


macrumors 68020
May 8, 2008
Ithaca, NY
Wondering whether to waste your time on this thread? Look at this thread first:

I spent considerable time gathering links for the OP, which (so far as I know) he ignored completely. It's clear to me that he has approximately zero interest in astronomy as a science.

Over the last year, I've been spending considerable time with three professional astronomers, two of whom are staff at observatories on Mauna Kea; the third is the director of one of the observatories. I'll be at the summit on Friday, but somehow I just don't think I'll be passing the OP's questions along to them. Nope.


macrumors G3
Aug 19, 2008
The Anthropocene
Wondering whether to waste your time on this thread? Look at this thread first:

I spent considerable time gathering links for the OP, which (so far as I know) he ignored completely. It's clear to me that he has approximately zero interest in astronomy as a science.

Over the last year, I've been spending considerable time with three professional astronomers, two of whom are staff at observatories on Mauna Kea; the third is the director of one of the observatories. I'll be at the summit on Friday, but somehow I just don't think I'll be passing the OP's questions along to them. Nope.

Hmmmm, I bet your friends are reptilians, and perhaps even you!!!


macrumors 6502a
Apr 8, 2008
I do have to add that I find it funny that you were scouring my account for evidence of my interest in astronomy and didn’t notice my avatar, a picture I took of the August solar eclipse.

Even funnier is that he came to a computer forum to talk about "astronomy".

This thread should be trashed.
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T'hain Esh Kelch

macrumors 603
Aug 5, 2001
I’m more concerned that he thinks this is science.
Yes, I think this is the main point to take from this thread. But then again, when completely literary idiots can become presidents, I think it speaks a lot of the people that is being governed. In many aspects the Internet has been amazing, but good gracious is it also amazing at making nutballs gather and shout in unison.


Anyone that thinks that the moon is a holographic projection really should tell Neil Armstrong about it. He'll set you right, and you would deserve it.


Original poster
Jan 30, 2015
You have got to be kidding me. This guy thinks that the moon is a hologram! He’s not an “astronomer,” he’s a delusional idiot, as is anyone who thinks he may be right. We have decades of observable scientific data to disprove this nonsense.
You are correct that I know nothing of his channel other than the minute or two of the supposedly “censored” video at issue in your original post. That was all I needed to know. He’s a lunatic, akin to conspiracy nuts who thinks the Apollo landings were staged.
I also have to say that your comment that I must have no interest in astronomy because I’ve never posted about it before on an Apple Internet forum is similarly idiotic. I’d be happy to put my life-long interests and knowledge of astronomy up against these conspiracy idiots any time. It’s an insult to the science of astronomy that you are even equating this nonsense with science.

Let's clarify a few points …. firstly this thread is about Internet censorship and an amateur 'astronomer' who takes pictures of the moon having his channel taken down.
In the OP I wrote this:
"I have seen Secure Team content before and, as with the 'hologram' idea, don't hold to this or some theories expressed in other videos ..... this OP is less about the theories, more about the censorship.... you want to discuss those other videos and their theories .... please do it elsewhere."

Your post is losely worded and inaccurate:
It quotes me (Dubdrifter), then says "This guy thinks that the moon is a hologram! He’s not an “astronomer,” he’s a delusional idiot, as is anyone who thinks he may be right. We have decades of observable scientific data to disprove this nonsense."

[Who said this 'commentator' spouting 'theories' on the Secure Team is an astronomer? Certainly not me.]

Although you later make it clear you are talking about the Secure Team video maker …. stating he is a "delusional idiot" and a "lunatic" ….. you then go on to say ….. "I also have to say that your comment that I must have no interest in astronomy because I’ve never posted about it before on an Apple Internet forum is similarly idiotic".

Mmmm … don't worry, I'm not litigious, just an easy-going guy trying to have a friendly discussion on the subject of the OP.

To clarify, I wrote:
"Looking at your post history on here, it doesn't seem as though you have much interest in astronomy."
'No interest'+'much interest' have different meanings.

I do have to add that I find it funny that you were scouring my account for evidence of my interest in astronomy and didn’t notice my avatar, a picture I took of the August solar eclipse.

Hmmm ….. no, sorry …. you're right ….. I didn't notice your Avatar …. I was looking for your contribution to the many astronomy discussion threads on MacRum Forum ….. I didn't realise your Avatar represented your expertise and what you had to say on astronomy. Apologies!

When I wrote:
"Makes me wonder if you really know much about the content of these channels to make a statement like this against people who are just observing weird anomolies around our Solar System and on our planet and having debates as to what might be happening."

You replied:
"You are correct that I know nothing of his channel other than the minute or two of the supposedly “censored” video at issue in your original post.That was all I needed to know. He’s a lunatic, akin to conspiracy nuts who thinks the Apollo landings were staged."

So you are 'ranting' about a person who no one has claimed is an 'amateur astronomer' and a channel whose content is not the main focus of the discussion here?

Trying to speak authoritatively on a subject you haven't researched, is that wise? ….Mea Culpa, we all do it!

This is about Crrow777 and MrMBB333's censorship problem. Read the OP again, this is not about Secure Team's wackiest theories!

I am not an astronomer, you might be, but this isn't about qualifications …. it's about the discussion on what is on this thread … not elsewhere, unless directly related.

Which is why the following is just a distraction, probably aimed to just destroy a valid debate on censorship.

Wondering whether to waste your time on this thread? Look at this thread first:
I spent considerable time gathering links for the OP, which (so far as I know) he ignored completely. It's clear to me that he has approximately zero interest in astronomy as a science.
Over the last year, I've been spending considerable time with three professional astronomers, two of whom are staff at observatories on Mauna Kea; the third is the director of one of the observatories. I'll be at the summit on Friday, but somehow I just don't think I'll be passing the OP's questions along to them. Nope.
[Happy to discuss this with you,Monokakata, on another thread, …. please try and stick to subject of OP ….. I discuss many subjects on forums, science/astronomy included ….. if you reference all that here we will never progress. My posts are already too long. It's been mentioned.
I will quickly answer your points even though your post seems to be just designed to damage the flow of this discussion, which strangely also happened on the thread you 'link' to ….. an attempted 'serious' discussion on a Helioviewer observation ruined and shut down by a group of what could be termed Macrumour 'religious fundamentalist' posting stupid comments because they couldn't entertain 'theories' there might be higher intelligences operating around our sun.
In answer to your assumptions ….. I was appreciative of the links you gave to discuss the subject directly with the observatory scientists you mentioned, but weighing up one astronomer's explanation - the 10 minute interval observed in the Helioviewer activity was probably due to old software capacity and data streaming limitations of the telescopes - I accepted this as a good explanation of what was being observed and decided not to pursue it further. I now feel maybe this explanation may not be the full picture and may reopen the debate.
My repeated attempts on this Helio thread to try to keep this discussion 'serious' and 'scientific' was respected by some, so where do you get the assumption I have "zero interest in astronomy as a science"?Clearly is wide of the mark and puzzling.

As a scientist who has specialised in a different field, why shouldn't 'amateur' outsiders raise debates in astronomy and discuss what is going on without being ridiculed?]

Sorry about that distraction …..
Which brings us back to this discussion …… amateur astronomers trying to discuss subjects so called 'professionals' won't discuss ….. be that 'waves' 'thermal layering' (my favourite) etc.

Maybe 'real' astronomers should get a bit more 'down and dirty' and discuss these 'interesting' observations openly on TV and on the media the public are browsing - with the scientific evidence they have to make the point. With their credentials/qualifications clearly on view to the public, along with that evidence, this will raise the level of these debates ….. this happens more in the Russian media, than over here. Top scientists happily go on telly and discuss UFO's, prominences etc.

….. OK, I understand some astronomers are worried about their 'reputations, prefer communicating only through the overly pretentious prose of scientific papers. For some, doctorates/Nobel prizes and precious grants are only on their radar and some are scared to express an opinion when NASA censorship is mentioned and government/shadow government might intervene.

More open discussion is important if it helps partially dispel the more stupid theories early on, at the source, by good evidence, and by talking in a language EVERYBODY can understand ….. if it works towards 'fake news and fake science' being shown the door, through open debate this can only be a good thing, surely?

In conclusion, Crrow777's case is turning out to be either copyright infringement or shadow government concern military satellites or 'other secret projects' could be compromised.
Copyright is the concensus as his Channel is back up and running ….. [or maybe shadow government had second thoughts about pursuing this line of 'attack' ….. after reading this thread! ……:D Just kidding, guys …. but small pebbles in ponds? ….. we will never know!]

MrMBB333's issue seems to be also copyright - hopefully easily resolved.

So in hindsight, a storm in a teacup?, probably yes ….. but some good points have been made about current concerns over Internet censorship /YT copyright policy/shadow government tactics ….. which has wider implications …. so the thread/debate has been worth the 'ride', eh?


F*ck ….did you fall asleep again ?…… attention span is definitely shortening on MacRumours ….. too many Twitterati on here!:p
This thread is priceless!

Even funnier is that he came to a computer forum to talk about "astronomy".

This thread should be trashed.

Make up your mind , Daflake! …… getting worried your 'opinion' is a reflection of your Avatar name?:D

Lightweight :p
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 8, 2008
LOL, I need a tinfoil hat now and yes, your threads are way too long.

There is no conspiracy, just people violating terms of service getting their vids removed.

Lastly, I am all for amateur astronomers having a voice, however, you need to point me to an amateur astronomers channel first. The garbage you are posting is just that, garbage riddled with nothing but conspiracy theory plots. Then again, you keep using the term "shadow government tactics", so I don't expect more than that from you at this point.

You know what I think? I think the aliens are removing then to hide the truth!
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Original poster
Jan 30, 2015
I've tried to make a serious point here, but others seem to want to drag it to the fringes and pull it down.

But glad you have a sense of humour ….. and appreciate your input which I will take on board.

Personally, I don't think Crrow777's and MrMbb333's observational work and videos are 'garbage' …so piling everything into one category is definitely a mistake without looking at each 'individual' item and information presented as an isolated entity and just judging that when it appears.

Very important to do that and not believe people's opinions on what you should and shouldn't look at.
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macrumors regular
Nov 26, 2010
Washington, DC
I've tried to make a serious point here, but others seem to want to drag it to the fringes and pull it down.

But glad you have a sense of humour ….. and appreciate your input which I will take on board.

Personally, I don't think Crrow777's and MrMbb333's observational work and videos are 'garbage' …so piling everything into one category is definitely a mistake without looking at each 'individual' item and information presented as an isolated entity and just judging that when it appears.

Very important to do that and not believe people's opinions on what you should and shouldn't look at.

Of course crrow777's content is anti-science garbage. But that's beside the point. So I will ask again. What possible reason would YouTube have to "censor" him? As I said, he's a nut, but that describes a ton of YouTube content providers. Do a search on YouTube for creationism videos and you'll find a million anti-science garbage videos.

[And to clarify, the "delusional idiot" and "lunatic" I was referring to in my earlier comment was this crrow777 character, not "Secure Team" (whoever they are). And you're the one who called him an "astronomer" in your thread title! I watched the beginning of the crrow777 video that you allege YouTube censored and that was all I needed to see.]
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 2, 2009
Rocket City, USA
Yeah but this way they can claim censorship and get more "credibility."

But this is all a distraction. Reptilian shape shifters are here among us.

Stop talking about Reptilian's or you are liable to get a giant green claw in the back :)
As I mentioned, Crow777 appears to be an amateur astronomer who has high tech camera equipment doing intensive monitoring of the moon etc with gear that can scan frequencies outside the visible spectrum. Stealth aircraft and other highly advanced aerial objects reported being seen flitting in and out the visible spectrum might embarrass the authorities into having to do even more covering up than they are already doing. :p

People think this is the reason his channel was pulled over a half-baked complaint.

Amateurs with high tech gear not only embarrass professionals with pioneering discoveries ….. they are 'rogue' elements that ask awkward questions!


Crow777 appears to a be nut who thinks the Moon is a Hologram, he also appears to have been violating others copyrights and so had his channel took down. I would love to hear how 12 people walked on the Hologram moon and how additional 12 orbited it, that would be a great video for him to do. Also he might as well explain all the spacecraft who have orbited the moon and what they actually were doing. He should do that without violating copyrights as well, because that way it can stay up and not be taken down by Youtube.
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Original poster
Jan 30, 2015
In answer to a few comments …. I like to post 'interesting + weird' astronomy stuff on MacRumours Forum because a lot of Astronomers use Apple devices in their downtime coffee breaks, can dip in under a 'pseudonym' and write freely, with an opinion, in language we understand, without colleagues giving them a 'hard time' for saying something the faculty would disapprove of …… and cut their grant money.

My last thread attracted a bit of expert astronomer feedback, which gave a satisfactory answer, so this method has proven to work, and I was hoping to get serious stuff here. But there is still time.

Before that, I just need to mention one small point:

Crow777 appears to a be nut who thinks the Moon is a Hologram. I would love to hear how 12 people walked on the Hologram moon and how additional 12 orbited it, that would be a great video for him to do. Also he might as well explain all the spacecraft who have orbited the moon and what they actually were doing. He should do that without violating copyrights as well, because that way it can stay up and not be taken down by Youtube.

I haven't trawled Crrow777's back catalogue to verify if this statement is true. The way he was talking in the video (my Post 8) he says in the commentary the Lunar Wave may be a 'hologram'. A different statement altogether you must agree?

With his channel down at the time, I credited this in Post 8 as a re-post by Theodore Daniel, dated 2016 …… who made up the title "Lunar Wave - The Moon is a Holographic Projection".

Searching very briefly, I decided to go back to the source, Crrow777's restored channel, and came across this from 2013. Posted… 3 years earlier.

No mention of him saying the 'moon' is a hologram. In fact he posts on this clip in BIG CAPITAL LETTERS the following:

Seems unlikely he would then describe the "moon is a hologram" ….. but I may be wrong.

Do they still have litigation trials in America for defamation of character? :D:eek:

I'm thinking Richard MZhlubb and Tigger 11 may owe Crrow777 a slight apology and pray they catch him in a forgiving mood ….. or they employ their lawyers really quickly to toothcomb his website for any trace of a 'hologram moon' comment directly attributed to him. Good luck, guys …..

I barely know his work, so can't help you there …. maybe they will find something to make a case for the defence …. if he is as 'bad' as they say he is in his astronomical observations, shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to rustle something up!

Moving on:
If there are astronomers browsing who can wade past all the 'negative alien jibes/holographic moon element' and look at the 'Lunar Wave' in more detail and possibly offer a more serious opinion, I would be interested.

Anyone willing to pick up the electro-magnetic 'wave' or possibly the thermo-optical theories and run with them and how they are possibly created? - Bearing in mind this has been observed and filmed several times from different locations at different times. Also, anybody think there may be Seasonal/Full moon factors here?
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macrumors regular
Nov 26, 2010
Washington, DC
I'm thinking Richard MZhlubb and Tigger 11 may owe Crrow777 a slight apology and pray they catch him in a forgiving mood ….. or they employ their lawyers really quickly to toothcomb his website for any trace of a 'hologram moon' comment directly attributed to him. Good luck, guys …..

Why would I apologize? I just spent 15 minutes googling this guy’s stuff and he also thinks the moon landings are faked, the ISS is a hoax and the Pluto New Horizons mission was also faked. He’s a lunatic. What’s the point of even bringing him up in a forum like this one?


macrumors 6502a
Jul 2, 2009
Rocket City, USA

Do they still have litigation trials in America for defamation of character? :D:eek:

I'm thinking Richard MZhlubb and Tigger 11 may owe Crrow777 a slight apology and pray they catch him in a forgiving mood ….. or they employ their lawyers really quickly to toothcomb his website for any trace of a 'hologram moon' comment directly attributed to him. Good luck, guys …..
Dude I have a pool in my back yard paid for by the last idiot that sued me for picking on him for his theory that the Moon, doesnt exist and we didnt land on it, etc. IE the crap Crrow777 has pushed or is pushing given how far we look back. If you are flat earther, or moon denier, etc, I am the wrong guy to argue with and I live in the wrong city to take you seriously. My tag line has been there for a long time in one form or another, its going to get just sillier next year when the Falcon Heavy and 4 people go around the moon again and we'll have the flat earthers and the moon deniers changing the story to account for how the Elon Musk faked the launch and didnt go around the moon, because of 1) there isnt a real moon 2) Radiation would have killed everyone, 3) They couldnt have taken pictures of Apollo landing sites because that didnt happen.

I'm a serious scientist and engineer but I just can't take seriously a theory that Youtube is taking down a video channel because of super secret stuff about waves coming from the moon by a guy that thinks Apollo and other lunar orbiters are fake. Or isn't smart enough that saying Apollo spacecraft didnt orbit the moon you also have to write off the majority of crafts since then many which used information from Apollo to carry out their tasks. Just so we clear the air here, as an admitted "Amateur" astronomer do you believe the Apollo landings are fake?


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Wondering whether to waste your time on this thread? Look at this thread first:

I spent considerable time gathering links for the OP, which (so far as I know) he ignored completely. It's clear to me that he has approximately zero interest in astronomy as a science.

Over the last year, I've been spending considerable time with three professional astronomers, two of whom are staff at observatories on Mauna Kea; the third is the director of one of the observatories. I'll be at the summit on Friday, but somehow I just don't think I'll be passing the OP's questions along to them. Nope.

I remember that thread and the genuine time, thought and work that a number of posters - above all, yourself - put into attempting to offer thoughtful explanations to the OP which he showed little interest in.

Since then, I have come to the conclusion that the OP is more interested in conspiracy theories than astronomy.


Original poster
Jan 30, 2015
That some careful word-smithing. Perhaps there is a future for crrow777 in Washington?
Never thought of the "sell telescopes" aspect, LOL.

Thanks for focusing on the subject in hand …. a few sensible logical reasons for the 'wave' I can live with.

Why would I apologize? I just spent 15 minutes googling this guy’s stuff and he also thinks the moon landings are faked, the ISS is a hoax and the Pluto New Horizons mission was also faked. He’s a lunatic. What’s the point of even bringing him up in a forum like this one?

Your last question has already been addressed in the OP …… your first in my last post above …. Post 42.

I'm a serious scientist and engineer but I just can't take seriously a theory that Youtube is taking down a video channel because of super secret stuff about waves coming from the moon by a guy that thinks Apollo and other lunar orbiters are fake. Or isn't smart enough that saying Apollo spacecraft didnt orbit the moon you also have to write off the majority of crafts since then many which used information from Apollo to carry out their tasks. Just so we clear the air here, as an admitted "Amateur" astronomer do you believe the Apollo landings are fake?-Tig

Er ….. Your post is a bit scrambled? ….. is English your first language or did you post in a hurry? We've all done it ….. but I'll do my best to answer:

Firstly, I'm not an amateur astronomer and have never claimed to be …. just have a casual interest in astronomy.

I'm not here to judge Crrow777's 'amateur astronomer' credentials, or MrMBB333's for that matter or what they have said or posted elsewhere. If you all want to obsess about the 'wacky' elements, Youtube is the place you should be ….. or start your own thread and knock yourselves out …. I won't be joining you …. I don't mind the odd 'funny' comment but I'm more interested in a serious discussion ….. look at all your posts, then at all mine ….. not hard to see whose trying to steer the conversation away from the 'wacky' ….. it was exactly the same last time ….. a few people engage, I get a satisfactory answer EVENTUALLY and I go away happy …… RESULT.

Apollo moon landings? Richard MZ? …..the ISS being Fake? What has that got to do with this thread?
I tried to set the tone by dismissing the 'Holographic' moon theory in the OP ….. that proved a waste of virtual 'ink'!
You claim you are a serious scientist and engineer ….. what shocks me is you seem to be having problems focusing on the censorship and 'wave' issue. I just hope you are not distracted on any projects that might put our planet in jeopardy :eek::p….. anyone got a spare tin hat?;)

I remember that thread and the genuine time, thought and work that a number of posters - above all, yourself - put into attempting to offer thoughtful explanations to the OP which he showed little interest in.
Since then, I have come to the conclusion that the OP is more interested in conspiracy theories than astronomy.

See my comments above, and throughout this discussion, and point made in Post 42 regarding Monokakata's comments. Clearly shows where my focus and interests lie on this thread.
This conversion was primarily about censorship, so it's not unreasonable to focus on theory of shadow government techniques to shut threads on Youtube considered a security threat ….. as mentioned, copyright infringement seems to be the most logical option here, though the CT still stands up as a valid method to 'pull' YT Channels down.

In the end, I couldn't resist. I asked these guys whether the moon was a hologram or not, and one of them said, "You're the second person who's asked that today." Much laughter.

I'm puzzled, as a serious astronomer, why do you keep going on about the 'Hologram' moon nonsense dismissed in the OP and shown not to be a notion entertained by the 'amateur astronomer' enthusiast mentioned? ….. but glad my thread has sparked some 'debate' in the right circles ….

Does this mean your guys might get around to eventually commenting on the 'wave' next? ….. seeing as the censorship issue has run it's course?:D Expert opinions more than welcome ….. I'll pop in to check and comment.

It's been fun guys ….. catch you on my next thread?
[It's almost complete, it's on your favourite topic "Astronomy"! This one was mainly about Censorship to those that didn't notice! P.S. To the people who engaged with serious feedback - thanks again.]
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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Thanks for focusing on the subject in hand …. a few sensible logical reasons for the 'wave' I can live with.

Your last question has already been addressed in the OP …… your first in my last post above …. Post 42.

Er ….. Your post is a bit scrambled? ….. is English your first language or did you post in a hurry? We've all done it ….. but I'll do my best to answer:

Firstly, I'm not an amateur astronomer and have never claimed to be …. just have a casual interest in astronomy.

I'm not here to judge Crrow777's 'amateur astronomer' credentials, or MrMBB333's for that matter or what they have said or posted elsewhere. If you all want to obsess about the 'wacky' elements, Youtube is the place you should be ….. or start your own thread and knock yourselves out …. I won't be joining you …. I don't mind the odd 'funny' comment but I'm more interested in a serious discussion ….. look at all your posts, then at all mine ….. not hard to see whose trying to steer the conversation away from the 'wacky' ….. it was exactly the same last time ….. a few people engage, I get a satisfactory answer EVENTUALLY and I go away happy …… RESULT.

Apollo moon landings? Richard MZ? …..the ISS being Fake? What has that got to do with this thread?
I tried to set the tone by dismissing the 'Holographic' moon theory in the OP ….. that proved a waste of virtual 'ink'!
You claim you are a serious scientist and engineer ….. what shocks me is you seem to be having problems focusing on the censorship and 'wave' issue. I just hope you are not distracted on any projects that might put our planet in jeopardy :eek::p….. anyone got a spare tin hat?;)

See my comments above, and throughout this discussion, and point made in Post 42 regarding Monokakata's comments. Clearly shows where my focus and interests lie on this thread.
This conversion was primarily about censorship, so it's not unreasonable to focus on theory of shadow government techniques to shut threads on Youtube considered a security threat ….. as mentioned, copyright infringement seems to be the most logical option here, though the CT still stands up as a valid method to 'pull' YT Channels down.

I'm puzzled, as a serious astronomer, why do you keep going on about the 'Hologram' moon nonsense dismissed in the OP and shown not to be a notion entertained by the 'amateur astronomer' enthusiast mentioned? ….. but glad my thread has sparked some 'debate' in the right circles ….

Does this mean your guys might get around to eventually commenting on the 'wave' next? ….. seeing as the censorship issue has run it's course?:D Expert opinions more than welcome ….. I'll pop in to check and comment.

It's been fun guys ….. catch you on my next thread?
[It's almost complete, it's on your favourite topic "Astronomy"! This one was mainly about Censorship to those that didn't notice! P.S. To the people who engaged with serious feedback - thanks again.]

@Dubdrifter: There are two things about your posts (and threads) that I take issue with.

Firstly, your posts appear to display a contempt for some posters who decline, or refuse, to view the world on the terms you consider appropriate. Accept that differences of opinion occur without seeking to denigrate those who hold them.

Secondly, my sense of your posts - and threads - is a marked preference for conspiracy theories over serious scientific research and explanations vouchsafed to you on the basis of that research.
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