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macrumors 68020
May 8, 2008
Ithaca, NY
Yes, Sceptialscribe. I agree. I was going to say much the same thing before heading out this morning.

I remain completely unconvinced that Dubdrifter has any interest in astronomy beyond the "astronomy" found in the world of conspiracy theorists. His posts provide abundant evidence of this.

I like to humanize any kind of science I know about, which is one reason why I posted that picture of the guys sitting around in the on-site control room (at night, the telescope is controlled remotely from down the mountain). Not a lot of white-coated serious folks there; I've yet to see any such up there anywhere.

Here's a nice link:

Some of the sequences are quite beautiful but I can only imagine what's out there "interpreting" some of them. Red sprites, lightning, an ICBM. All grist for the looney-tunes mills.

About the camera

In my control room picture, see that guy at the left, with a glove on? He made the Cloudcam -- using standard imaging equipment inside, but using a milk can from an old dairy for the housing. I expect that some people know the French word bricoleur. You're looking at one, par excellence.

And so it is, up there. Real people, real science.

2017 12 08 154.jpg
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macrumors 601
People can speculate other reasons than the ones Youtube gave in the letter …. until the cows come home, …. that speculation is irrelevant and just a distraction ….. if Youtube have other reasons …. more valid reasons for shutting down the channel, let's hear them. If something else comes to light that isn't 'fake' news or speculation ….. we can take the debate onwards from there.

Why would someone with 80,000 plus Subscribers to his channel generating a healthy income from his videos want to scupper all that for what you are suggesting was a publicity stunt?? Doesn't make sense.

As I mentioned, Crow777 appears to be an amateur astronomer who has high tech camera equipment doing intensive monitoring of the moon etc with gear that can scan frequencies outside the visible spectrum. Stealth aircraft and other highly advanced aerial objects reported being seen flitting in and out the visible spectrum might embarrass the authorities into having to do even more covering up than they are already doing. :p

People think this is the reason his channel was pulled over a half-baked complaint.

Amateurs with high tech gear not only embarrass professionals with pioneering discoveries ….. they are 'rogue' elements that ask awkward questions!

This wasn't a fight about money ….. but power, control, censorship ….. and maybe to protect shadow government secret projects?
Holographic moon? Nah! ….. I'm speculating the first holographic president is in the White House ….. the orange glow was the clue ….;) … just a slight glitch in the colour matrix.
I was contemplating your thoughts about YouTube 'censorship' and illuminati suppression of knowledge and facts that are not compatible with the latter's ultimate goal of total control and world domination, until you inserted that cheap shot at Trump.

It would seem to me that if the 'new world order' had had their way, the current unconventional occupant of the White House would have never been there, but a more malleable, docile puppet leader would have been elected instead. I believe the illuminati were just as stunned as the rest of us at the events of November 2016.


Original poster
Jan 30, 2015
@Dubdrifter: There are two things about your posts (and threads) that I take issue with.
Firstly, your posts appear to display a contempt for some posters who decline, or refuse, to view the world on the terms you consider appropriate. Accept that differences of opinion occur without seeking to denigrate those who hold them.
Secondly, my sense of your posts - and threads - is a marked preference for conspiracy theories over serious scientific research
and explanations vouchsafed to you on the basis of that research.
Although I tried to steer people towards the 'wave' and 'censorship' issue in the OP, if you scan down the replies …. it's not hard to see which posts were designed to try and turn the thread into a monkey's tea party. Even scientist joining in, which surprised me, when there were these two important issues worth getting their teeth into.

Post 49 by Absrnd clearly displays my view that although we like to think this forum can deliver a more intellectual level of debate on weird and challenging questions, sometimes we have to throw off this elitist thought and 'drop' slightly to 'their level' to try and push them to respond more sensibly. And when you do that, you get accused of not treating people with respect. It's a no win situation. Pity you didn't focus your concerns on those who showed 'contempt' for the subject I was trying to discuss. If you had said, come on guys, let's stick to the issue here ….. this thread would have been put to bed on page 1 and you wouldn't have seen me be slightly 'off' to people whose work I respect, but who made some comments I thought a bit 'off'.

The last thing I want to do is drive serious scientists from my threads who might have an important contribution to make we can all appreciate.
This is why I post on this forum.
I remain completely unconvinced that Dubdrifter has any interest in astronomy beyond the "astronomy" found in the world of conspiracy theorists. His posts provide abundant evidence of this.
Enjoyed your post, monokakata. You ought to do more on a dedicated thread, and open a discussion outlining the camera construction technology and explaining what each optical anomaly might be in the film to help 'amateur' researchers eliminate mistakes in their analysis of sequences like this. And make sites like 'Secure Team' work harder to present 'serious footage' …. and make more serious comments.:p

For me the most interesting areas of 'astronomy' are the areas of discovery which 'serious' astronomers tend not to touch with a bargepole. (See example below).

The cutting edge is where observations occur which suggest there might be evidence of a highly advanced technological civilisation at work in our Solar System, which may have actually partially 'sculpted' our solar system, or manipulated the 'natural processes' which might explain it's many anomalies.

These civilisations could possibly have created our earth's ecosystem, after maybe an initial failure on Mars, and may have nurtured Eden Earth, left their mark through thousands of years of our history and created the 'genetic' human evolution of today ….. a most audacious AI experiment - modern man/woman

It is my personal view this is an idea certain people and the religious lobby don't want you to think about, and will do as much in their power to remove from view the rising tide of evidence that points in that direction.
Haven't made up my mind about this clip …. it links to a website with material that is decidedly dodgy, but this clip looks pretty interesting (a diamond in the rough?) ….. if this is really NASA footage, could astronomers give us the relevant time/date/ coordinate data so we can get to the source on Helioviewer?

But most of all I want the astronomers on here and any others who have a viewpoint to step up to the plate, get their reputations dirty, and post their most sensible scientific assessment on whether this video is firstly genuine, and if so, what do they think this is, and what is going on here? CGI?

Yes, I know it's a distraction from the 'subject on the card' ….. mostly answered IMO ….. but this is relevant to the current discussion on this page.

I was contemplating your thoughts about YouTube 'censorship' and illuminati suppression of knowledge and facts that are not compatible with the latter's ultimate goal of total control and world domination, until you inserted that cheap shot at Trump.
It would seem to me that if the 'new world order' had had their way, the current unconventional occupant of the White House would have never been there, but a more malleable, docile puppet leader would have been elected instead. I believe the illuminati were just as stunned as the rest of us at the events of November 2016.

I didn't mention the 'illuminati' and won't discuss your comment …. this thread is about censorship of amateur astronomy footage. 'Current Events' …. If you want to talk 'Politics' …. that's in another section.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Jul 2, 2009
Rocket City, USA
Thanks for focusing on the subject in hand …. a few sensible logical reasons for the 'wave' I can live with.

Apollo moon landings? Richard MZ? …..the ISS being Fake? What has that got to do with this thread?

They are some of the videos being taken down, that's why they are part of the thread. You also have completely dodged answering the questions, Moon Landing Yes/No, ISS Real/Unreal, they aren't hard questions. You just don't seem to be answering them.

You claim you are a serious scientist and engineer ….. what shocks me is you seem to be having problems focusing on the censorship and 'wave' issue.

There isn't a censorship issue, you seem to be glossing over that. Youtube temporarily took down a channel because it was violating copyright laws, its back up now after the issue was cleared up. That happens literally 100s of times a day, only when it is a conspiracy site does it become censorship in the minds of some. Literally the "wave" as you and he (or you and you as some of us have begun to suspect) describe it, is frankly either Weather in the upper atmosphere or an artifact of the process/equipment he is using to acquire "the wave". The second option is probably more likely, with the original non-compressed video (if it exists) it probably would be fairly easy to come up with the actual source in the process.
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macrumors 601
.....I didn't mention the 'illuminati' and won't discuss your comment …. this thread is about censorship of amateur astronomy footage. 'Current Events' …. If you want to talk 'Politics' …. that's in another section.
Totally fine with that. But who do you believe is ultimately behind that 'censorship'? You've mentioned "the US shadow government" in your post. Aren't we alluding to the same thing?


Original poster
Jan 30, 2015
Moon Landing Yes/No, ISS Real/Unreal, they aren't hard questions. You just don't seem to be answering them.
There isn't a censorship issue, you seem to be glossing over that. Youtube temporarily took down a channel because it was violating copyright laws, its back up now after the issue was cleared up. That happens literally 100s of times a day, only when it is a conspiracy site does it become censorship in the minds of some. Literally the "wave" as you and he (or you and you as some of us have begun to suspect) describe it, is frankly either Weather in the upper atmosphere or an artifact of the process/equipment he is using to acquire "the wave". The second option is probably more likely, with the original non-compressed video (if it exists) it probably would be fairly easy to come up with the actual source in the process -Tig

I'll humour you briefly just this one time. Most people have seen the high resolution pictures of the lander vehicles and their tracks on the moon, and you have my view on the holographic moon theory in the OP ….. seriously, I hadn't heard there was a debate the ISS was considered unreal until it was mentioned here.

I think you should be more selective on what you consider worthy of debate.

As I have said before …. Post 34, the censorship issue is resolved. The 'wave' has been verified several times by different people in different locations recorded on different equipment …. so unless there is a software issue common to the image processing being done by all …. then the likely explanations are the ones already discussed. Maybe a video processing expert might comment on this point?

And no, I'm not Crrow777 in disguise! ….. said it before ….. barely know his work. You all thought my CT on censorship was 'flakey' ….. :cool: Nice idea, sorry to disappoint! Not a Troll either …. any other theories? What you read is what you get. This isn't a leg pull, I am genuinely looking for answers …. especially below.

Re: Post 53 …….I'm sensing an eerie silence on the video clip, would really like to get an 'anonymous' expert opinion ….. Monokakata ….. please comment …… would really value you and your colleagues expertise on this.
Also ….. the reverse view of the object the plasma is streaming to ….. does that tie in with one camera recording being Stereo A and the other Stereo B? …. Presumably Astronomers can get these feeds directly ….. without editing by NASA or those who run the Helioviewer data base? …… and will know if these angles look right and which recordings these are with a date/time?


Original poster
Jan 30, 2015
It was a bit of a cheeky, :p ….. considering the censorship bit fizzled into a copyright issue …. but this end video is well worth debating. :D


Original poster
Jan 30, 2015
Interesting ..... very interesting ..... total silence to a reasonable request .... where have all the experts gone? The general public wants to know!
Post53 Monday lunchtime I asked for expert scientific feedback on a video observation thought to come from Helioviewer.

I want the astronomers on here and any others who have a viewpoint to step up to the plate, get their reputations dirty, and post their most sensible scientific assessment on whether this video is firstly genuine, and if so, what do they think this is, and what is going on here? CGI?

We've had astronomers, engineers and scientists on this thread having difficulty focussing on the 'scientific' side of the debate I wanted.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a ground-breaking moment here, ..... not only is the entire MacRumours Forum 'lost for words', so is the entire professional astronomical community who trawl these threads anonymously. (Not to mention the scientists and video experts who could have a useful professional opinion here).
It is now Friday - 4 days is a long time to get a response on MacRumours. Admittedly we are all busy people, come on guys, I'm a patient man ..... this is such an interesting clip I will wait until the cows come home for an 'expert' opinion that is credible and makes sense.

Talking about cows, the irony is .... it's from a website with quite a few clips acknowledged to be decidedly dodgy and CGI. Is this a 'pearl' found in a pile of 'cow manure'?

If this was 'fake', then astronomers and video experts would have been gleefully on here in a flash, like a rash, with the conclusive evidence.
So far ..... nothing ..... no opinion ..... for 4 days? ..... I'm sure I saw tumbleweed go through this thread after I posted the clip.:D
Amazing. .... didn't expect a non-reaction like that, on here. Felt like everybody suddenly went into zombie brainwash mode ..... sorry, getting distracted.

So what does this silence suggest to neutrals on here? ...... the footage is real?

And astronomers know it is real .... they have viewed the original source deleted from Helioviewer?

It's something that is obviously not 'natural' ..... so why haven't they got an expert opinion on it? Speculation/theory? Anything? Is it beyond their intellectual reasoning?

Poor Tyler of 'Secure Team' (so vilified by 'professionals' on here) Crrow777 and MrMBB333 on a more serious level, would all happily step up to the plate and have the 'balls' to question and debate this clip openly, discuss it, maybe pitch an opinion.

What do we get from so called 'professionals' .... NOTHING! No answers, no theories, no disclosure, no comment ..... Why?
Here is the reason:
Astronomers failing to engage seriously on these types of debate, discussing evidence of highly advanced civilisations, because they are worried about reputation and grant money, are dangerously marginalising themselves from a public concerned about these serious matters with implications to the security and well-being of our Planet.

Astronomers shouldn't accept grant money from religious organisations/institutions whose vested interest is to keep the 'alien question/agenda' off the public radar.

An unhealthy conflict of interest now exists in the scientific community which stops scientists speaking openly and honestly on certain subjects. And this sickness is particularly prevalent in America where much of this 'corrupted' funding comes from.
It needs to be flushed out of the scientific funding system, especially in the US and replaced with grants with 'no hidden clauses' attached.

Astronomers and ALL scientist should be free to speak openly on any subject under the Sun without fear of reprisal.

Time to kick this 'corruption' out of scientific funding ..... then we might get some 'serious' answers to the question above.

Professional scientists + astronomers will happily comment seriously on Russian TV ..... but here in the West, TV coverage just makes a 'joke' and casts ridicule on the notion there are highly advanced civilisations out there.

So ask yourself who is living in the most repressed society these days? ..... Western Astronomers!
And NO, I am not a Russian here to 'interfere and undermine' the West …. I'm just showing you a mirror of what you have become.

[DOWN! - you Commie bashers, I repeat, I am not Russian. I would be proud to be if I was.
But NO Russian b-r-a-i-n w-a-s-h-e-d me, clear? Shadow government propaganda - doncha luv it!]

I call on Free astronomers to fight this oppression! Join FART (Freedom for Astronomers Repressed by Tyranny):p

Talking Censorship, when key evidence is 'spirited away' later, on some 'trumped up' fake copyright charge and channels are shut .... where does the public go for answers, any answers?
This thread should now be Titled "Internet Censorship - 'Professional' Astronomers Targeted.

The gradual disappearance of key video evidence is a serious issue in this field, not only on Youtube, but across many other key internet sites, and is worrying for researchers, who thought the Internet was an archive that would be preserved forever.

When the sort of people who control the grant money, are also gradually surrepticiously working to exert stifling control on the once 'free' Internet and our media with censorship agendas. Then we have a serious problem Huston.

And when search engines gradually, slowly 'spirit away' key video evidence that ET is not only real, but almost certainly in parts of the building as stated by many ex-employees who once worked in that part of the building .... and were sworn to secrecy .... but decided we were entitled to know ..... even though it might cost them their lives. Brave guys.

Then we have another more serious problem, Huston, regarding Planetary security.

Tyler of Secure Team is fearless (+fun) to speculate the most bizarre theories out there, as you all well know ..... but hats off to the guy ..... at least he takes an honest (if sometimes ill-informed) stab at interpreting evidence the public is demanding be analysed, honestly and truthfully.

The public would prefer 'experts' to step up to the plate and interpret .... but as we have clearly seen on this thread ..... they don't and won't.

Unbelievable! ..... not one with the 'balls'!

So this is why these guys exist, on various levels of expertise and seriousness .... and why they are so popular.

Why so?

Ask NASA, when 95% of the time, it uses sh*t cameras on the ISS feed, which always seem to 'break down' whenever something really interesting comes into view.... that might possibly be a 'UFO' or of 'alien origin'.

Ask NASA when they are proven to tamper and delete selected data on the Helioviewer database of objects clearly recorded docked for a while near our Sun (which aren't camera artefacts).

And especially ask NASA, when they resort to funding dubious 'religious groups' to the tune of $1.1 million dollars to gauge the impact of 'alien disclosure'.

No wonder we don't trust NASA senior management or Astronomers at the very top to be honest and truthful with us.

Clearly they have another secret agenda.

Time to kick out the corrupt elements at the top of NASA and US 'shadow government' running this 'pantomime' at the taxpayer's incredible expense.:cool:

We want honesty and truth and transparency .... you haven't given us that .... resign now and face your trials for fraud and dishonesty whilst in public office.
The US taxpayer demands and deserves a REFUND! :mad::mad::mad: Grrrrrrr


macrumors 6502a
Apr 8, 2008
Interesting ..... very interesting ..... total silence to a reasonable request .... where have all the experts gone? The general public wants to know!
Post53 Monday lunchtime I asked for expert scientific feedback on a video observation thought to come from Helioviewer.

I want the astronomers on here and any others who have a viewpoint to step up to the plate, get their reputations dirty, and post their most sensible scientific assessment on whether this video is firstly genuine, and if so, what do they think this is, and what is going on here? CGI?

We've had astronomers, engineers and scientists on this thread having difficulty focussing on the 'scientific' side of the debate I wanted.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a ground-breaking moment here, ..... not only is the entire MacRumours Forum 'lost for words', so is the entire professional astronomical community who trawl these threads anonymously. (Not to mention the scientists and video experts who could have a useful professional opinion here).
It is now Friday - 4 days is a long time to get a response on MacRumours. Admittedly we are all busy people, come on guys, I'm a patient man ..... this is such an interesting clip I will wait until the cows come home for an 'expert' opinion that is credible and makes sense.

Talking about cows, the irony is .... it's from a website with quite a few clips acknowledged to be decidedly dodgy and CGI. Is this a 'pearl' found in a pile of 'cow manure'?

If this was 'fake', then astronomers and video experts would have been gleefully on here in a flash, like a rash, with the conclusive evidence.
So far ..... nothing ..... no opinion ..... for 4 days? ..... I'm sure I saw tumbleweed go through this thread after I posted the clip.:D
Amazing. .... didn't expect a non-reaction like that, on here. Felt like everybody suddenly went into zombie brainwash mode ..... sorry, getting distracted.

So what does this silence suggest to neutrals on here? ...... the footage is real?

And astronomers know it is real .... they have viewed the original source deleted from Helioviewer?

It's something that is obviously not 'natural' ..... so why haven't they got an expert opinion on it? Speculation/theory? Anything? Is it beyond their intellectual reasoning?

Poor Tyler of 'Secure Team' (so vilified by 'professionals' on here) Crrow777 and MrMBB333 on a more serious level, would all happily step up to the plate and have the 'balls' to question and debate this clip openly, discuss it, maybe pitch an opinion.

What do we get from so called 'professionals' .... NOTHING! No answers, no theories, no disclosure, no comment ..... Why?
Here is the reason:
Astronomers failing to engage seriously on these types of debate, discussing evidence of highly advanced civilisations, because they are worried about reputation and grant money, are dangerously marginalising themselves from a public concerned about these serious matters with implications to the security and well-being of our Planet.

Astronomers shouldn't accept grant money from religious organisations/institutions whose vested interest is to keep the 'alien question/agenda' off the public radar.

An unhealthy conflict of interest now exists in the scientific community which stops scientists speaking openly and honestly on certain subjects. And this sickness is particularly prevalent in America where much of this 'corrupted' funding comes from.
It needs to be flushed out of the scientific funding system, especially in the US and replaced with grants with 'no hidden clauses' attached.

Astronomers and ALL scientist should be free to speak openly on any subject under the Sun without fear of reprisal.

Time to kick this 'corruption' out of scientific funding ..... then we might get some 'serious' answers to the question above.

Professional scientists + astronomers will happily comment seriously on Russian TV ..... but here in the West, TV coverage just makes a 'joke' and casts ridicule on the notion there are highly advanced civilisations out there.

So ask yourself who is living in the most repressed society these days? ..... Western Astronomers!
And NO, I am not a Russian here to 'interfere and undermine' the West …. I'm just showing you a mirror of what you have become.

[DOWN! - you Commie bashers, I repeat, I am not Russian. I would be proud to be if I was.
But NO Russian b-r-a-i-n w-a-s-h-e-d me, clear? Shadow government propaganda - doncha luv it!]

I call on Free astronomers to fight this oppression! Join FART (Freedom for Astronomers Repressed by Tyranny):p

Talking Censorship, when key evidence is 'spirited away' later, on some 'trumped up' fake copyright charge and channels are shut .... where does the public go for answers, any answers?
This thread should now be Titled "Internet Censorship - 'Professional' Astronomers Targeted.

The gradual disappearance of key video evidence is a serious issue in this field, not only on Youtube, but across many other key internet sites, and is worrying for researchers, who thought the Internet was an archive that would be preserved forever.

When the sort of people who control the grant money, are also gradually surrepticiously working to exert stifling control on the once 'free' Internet and our media with censorship agendas. Then we have a serious problem Huston.

And when search engines gradually, slowly 'spirit away' key video evidence that ET is not only real, but almost certainly in parts of the building as stated by many ex-employees who once worked in that part of the building .... and were sworn to secrecy .... but decided we were entitled to know ..... even though it might cost them their lives. Brave guys.

Then we have another more serious problem, Huston, regarding Planetary security.

Tyler of Secure Team is fearless (+fun) to speculate the most bizarre theories out there, as you all well know ..... but hats off to the guy ..... at least he takes an honest (if sometimes ill-informed) stab at interpreting evidence the public is demanding be analysed, honestly and truthfully.

The public would prefer 'experts' to step up to the plate and interpret .... but as we have clearly seen on this thread ..... they don't and won't.

Unbelievable! ..... not one with the 'balls'!

So this is why these guys exist, on various levels of expertise and seriousness .... and why they are so popular.

Why so?

Ask NASA, when 95% of the time, it uses sh*t cameras on the ISS feed, which always seem to 'break down' whenever something really interesting comes into view.... that might possibly be a 'UFO' or of 'alien origin'.

Ask NASA when they are proven to tamper and delete selected data on the Helioviewer database of objects clearly recorded docked for a while near our Sun (which aren't camera artefacts).

And especially ask NASA, when they resort to funding dubious 'religious groups' to the tune of $1.1 million dollars to gauge the impact of 'alien disclosure'.

No wonder we don't trust NASA senior management or Astronomers at the very top to be honest and truthful with us.

Clearly they have another secret agenda.

Time to kick out the corrupt elements at the top of NASA and US 'shadow government' running this 'pantomime' at the taxpayer's incredible expense.:cool:

We want honesty and truth and transparency .... you haven't given us that .... resign now and face your trials for fraud and dishonesty whilst in public office.
The US taxpayer demands and deserves a REFUND! :mad::mad::mad: Grrrrrrr

Nobody is chiming in because there is nothing scientific here. You are floating conspiracy theories and talking about "shadow governments", what is scientific about that?

Let me help you.... nothing


Original poster
Jan 30, 2015
This post is a 'comment' on a lack of scientific response to the video in Post 53 ….. and the possible reasons for it.

There is nothing in Post 60 that requires scientific analysis.

If you can't understand that rather obvious fact, then I don't think anything you contribute will be worth much consideration.

Await to be proved wrong on that assessment. What is your 'expert' opinion on the video in Post 53?

If you can't explain it …. try pitching a theory to move the thread forward.

Or will you come up with another rather feeble excuse for not answering my genuine query scientifically.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 8, 2008
This post is a 'comment' on a lack of scientific response to the video in Post 53 ….. and the possible reasons for it.

There is nothing in Post 60 that requires scientific analysis.

If you can't understand that rather obvious fact, then I don't think anything you contribute will be worth much consideration.

Await to be proved wrong on that assessment. What is your 'expert' opinion on the video in Post 53.

Or will you come up with another rather feeble excuse for not answering my genuine query scientifically.

First, you start this thread as a discussion on censorship, not astronomy. You simply tried to tie it into Astronomy and then started going on about shadow governments. So if anyone has skewed this thread, it has been you.

As for post 53... Seriously? My advice to you is to avoid YouTube. If you believe everything you see on it, you are going to have a rough life.


macrumors regular
Nov 26, 2010
Washington, DC
This post is a 'comment' on a lack of scientific response to the video in Post 53 ….. and the possible reasons for it.

There is nothing in Post 60 that requires scientific analysis.

If you can't understand that rather obvious fact, then I don't think anything you contribute will be worth much consideration.

Await to be proved wrong on that assessment. What is your 'expert' opinion on the video in Post 53?

If you can't explain it …. try pitching a theory to move the thread forward.

Or will you come up with another rather feeble excuse for not answering my genuine query scientifically.

15 seconds of Googling was all it took to find info that the folks behind that idiotic UFO video are frauds. Look here: Next time you should save others the hassle and do a little due diligence before you post this sort of garbage.

You asked in an earlier post why I even brought up the fact that this crrow777 character thinks the moon landing and ISS are fake. It’s because the sort of people who push this sort of nonsense conspiracy crap have zero credibility. You should be ashamed of yourself for spreading any of his nonsense.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 2, 2009
Rocket City, USA
I'll humour you briefly just this one time. Most people have seen the high resolution pictures of the lander vehicles and their tracks on the moon, and you have my view on the holographic moon theory in the OP ….. seriously, I hadn't heard there was a debate the ISS was considered unreal until it was mentioned here.

I think you should be more selective on what you consider worthy of debate.

Maybe a video processing expert might comment on this point?

You really seem to be more and more just Trolling, but I got 15 more minutes I'm getting paid to do the digital equivalent of watching paint dry, I will try and help you out a little. First of all I wanted to know if you are one of the at least 1 billion people who believe (Wrongly) that we didnt go to the moon, or if you were one of the as much as 10% of those people who believe that there are no satellites, ISS etc, because many of them believe the world is flat and has a big dome over it (It may or may not been resting on a turtle), the 100 foot tall (some versions of it are 1000 foot high) ice wall called Antarctica goes all around the flat earth and is guarded by NASA snipers who kill anyone who tries to climb it. Point of order I never pulled Antarctica Ice Wall Sniper duty during my time at NASA, but I bet the Patch for that is really cool. Last year me and 1000+ other eclipse junkies were on a cruise ship off Indonesia to see the total eclipse, and yet even on that boat the Flat Earth society was trying to explain to some of us that the Eclipse was proof the world wasnt round. We have 3 of us tell you we thing its some kind of artifact concatenation on the video, implying that we are all wrong and we need more people to tell you the same thing really isnt helpful. To prove its not weather, you need multiple distinct site simultanous videoing of the "wave" that would show its not caused by high altitude weather event, IF (and its a big IF), the "wave" appears the same at the different locations. To show its not caused by what I call the Cheetah problem, (ie some type of Artifact concatenation) you need for multiple different capture methods to show identical Wave issue from the same location preferably without alot of layers of compression added to the video, so we could rule out what it almost certainly the cause of the "wave". Now since the source of this video has no intention of actually trying to figure out what the "wave" is why should anyone else spend any more time on it?


Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Moderator Note:

Since the discussion has drifted off the original topic and devolved into personal comments, the thread is closed.
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