iOS 10.2 Beta 4
Release Date: Monday, November 28 2016
Build: 14C82
Darwin Kernel Version: 16.3.0 Mon Nov 7 19:32:10 PST 2016
Firmware Version:
Please report bugs to (a developer account is not required to do this).
Baseband/Modem Firmware
- iPhone 6: 5.32.00
- iPhone 6s: 2.41.00
- iPhone 7 Plus (QC): 1.33.00
- iPhone 7 Plus (Intel): 1.02.15
- AT&T: 27.0.1
- T-Mobile: 27.0
- Verizon: 27.0
- Three UK: 27.0
- Rogers: 27.0
- Warid:
- Feedback app removed (some users. Still present on iPhone 6)
Enhancements/New Features:
[None Found]
Bug Fixes:
- Phone app seems stable now and not locking up and random lags.
New Bugs:
[None Found]
Reoccurring Bugs:
- The bug from Beta 1 where the Now Playing view in Music shows as full screen on iPad and has a glitched animation when closing the view is still present.
- Two-finger keyboard cursor navigation in Spotlight search on iPad (landscape mode) still does not behave correctly
- Lockscreen notification flicker
- Mail notifications set to show 0 lines preview shows several lines within mail notifications still (Settings > Mail> Preview > None )
- Up Next does not work with iTunes purchases that are no longer available for sale in the iTunes Store.
- Siri can not search for iTunes purchases that are no longer avalible for sale in the iTunes Store. This previously worked with the Video App.
- Music App bug, if you are not a subscriber to Apple Music, you cannot tap on your own artist songs (in red whilst playing) to go back to the artist.
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