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9 was awful for me. Battery would disappear before I knew it despite doing a full clean install without even restoring backups. I was about to give up and figured it was bad hardware and then I loaded up PB4 of ios10. Wow! Phone is *snappy* and battery life is hours better.
9 was awful for me. Battery would disappear before I knew it despite doing a full clean install without even restoring backups. I was about to give up and figured it was bad hardware and then I loaded up PB4 of ios10. Wow! Phone is *snappy* and battery life is hours better.

Battery is better!? not being sure about battery life is the one thing preventing me going iOS 10

***i went for the jailbreak instead :D
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Battery is better!? not being sure about battery life is the one thing preventing me going iOS 10

***i went for the jailbreak instead :D
Dev beta 6 is giving me super battery life too, never had more than 20-30% battery life by bed time on 6s plus, last night i had 47% so could have gone another day with heavy usage!
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So funny how iOS 8 is now used for the ultimate performance example. iOS 8 was the slowest release in it's time.
Perfectly shows that people's perception is really crap.

My iPhone 6 shipped with iOS 8 so that's the only other OS I can compare 9 to on my iPhone 6.

How is that funny?
I find iOS 10 on my iPhone 5 far more satisfactory than iOS 9. iOS 9 introduced a lot of stutter and lag to my devices despite very few changes, yet iOS 10 seems on par with, sometimes better, sometimes slightly worse than iOS 9, despite iOS 10 being a bigger upgrade.

All and all the iPhone 5 with iOS 10 is impressive. On the Mini 2 however, it leaves a lot to be desired, though that thing has been a stutter/lag fest since iOS 8 unfortunately.

iOS 9 remains the most disappointing version ever for me. The first version to promise improvements in stability and speed, yet demonstrating the opposite. Have never seen an iDevice that speed up with iOS 9, just a heap that slowed down.
So funny how iOS 8 is now used for the ultimate performance example. iOS 8 was the slowest release in it's time.
Perfectly shows that people's perception is really crap.

Or just highlights how bad 9 was. iOS 8 definitely slowed things, but 9 was the icing on the cake. 7 at least had an excuse for the slow down, and 8 also had a lot of new features.
So funny how iOS 8 is now used for the ultimate performance example. iOS 8 was the slowest release in it's time.
My iPhone 6 shipped with iOS 8 so that's the only other OS I can compare 9 to on my iPhone 6.

How is that funny?
Because it's every year the same. Eventually the actual iOS version becomes super fast and the new one is a total disaster. Only difference here is that you saying it's actually the new one which is better. Nevertheless the funny part is that iOS 8 was also "slow" so that example for speediness really does not make sense.
And as I said, it just proves perfectly that the perception of people here is freaking bad.

Even funnier is that 99.9 percent of all iOS users won't ever and couldn't spot the difference. Sometimes I think some of you guys here think Apple is developing iOS for just a little fun and doesn't care how it works out. Some of the best developers of the world are working on iOS. Just relax and enjoy.
Because it's every year the same. Eventually the actual iOS version becomes super fast and the new one is a total disaster. Only difference here is that you saying it's actually the new one which is better. Nevertheless the funny part is that iOS 8 was also "slow" so that example for speediness really does not make sense.
And as I said, it just proves perfectly that the perception of people here is freaking bad.

Even funnier is that 99.9 percent of all iOS users won't ever and couldn't spot the difference. Sometimes I think some of you guys here think Apple is developing iOS for just a little fun and doesn't care how it works out. Some of the best developers of the world are working on iOS. Just relax and enjoy.

I didn't have any issues with iOS 8 other than the status bar doing odd things after unlocking the phone.

On my iPhone 6, iOS 8 FLEW and felt a lot like iOS 10 does now.

One thing that I hope Apple implements again is the ability to tap something before the animation has completely settled down (like in iOS 8). It makes navigation so much faster.

So yeah, in many, many ways, iOS 8 WAS actually faster and smoother than iOS 9. I don't know how you can argue that it wasn't.

Like I said before, I only have 1 iPhone and since it didn't ship with iOS 7, I only have 8 and 9 and 10 to compare. Out of all 3 versions, 8 is the performance king whereas 9 sucked and 10 is catching up to 8 quite nicely.

iOS 8>10>9

So yeah, I'm quite excited that Apple is this far along with iOS 10 and it's not even out of beta yet!
It's kind of funny how an actual positive thread petty quickly turned back to the same rehashing of the same things discussed in thread after thread in the earlier days if iOS 9, iOS 8, iOS 7 (and realistically even pretty much the prior versions as well, when they were new).
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Are you sure the slight increase in animation speed isn't clouding the truth of how fast it is? Sure in some system apps it might appear to be slightly faster because the animations but overall 10 still looks a titch slower loading most 3rd party apps than 9.3. And yes they haven't been "optimized" for iOS 10 yet but I remember the same thing being said back when iOS 9 was in beta and then well... iOS 9 remained and remains slower than 8.4 on the 6. And yes man oh man I miss the touch input during animations. Why they took it out? Who knows? It totally changed the feel for someone who uses their iPhone in a fast way.

I hope iOS 10 does actually get faster or at the very least up to par with 9.3 but it hasn't quite yet.

Are you sure the slight increase in animation speed isn't clouding the truth of how fast it is? Sure in some system apps it might appear to be slightly faster because the animations but overall 10 still looks a titch slower loading most 3rd party apps than 9.3. And yes they haven't been "optimized" for iOS 10 yet but I remember the same thing being said back when iOS 9 was in beta and then well... iOS 9 remained and remains slower than 8.4 on the 6. And yes man oh man I miss the touch input during animations. Why they took it out? Who knows? It totally changed the feel for someone who uses their iPhone in a fast way.

I hope iOS 10 does actually get faster or at the very least up to par with 9.3 but it hasn't quite yet.

That's interesting because I only use system apps on my iPhone. No 3rd party apps at all. So I've only been comparing Apple's to Apple's ;-)

Also, I'm never going to notice a millisecond in difference between opening an App on 9.3 and opening an app on 10. What I do notice is how smooth the entire interface is in iOS 10. I don't see frames dropping and it visually looks very fluid. It looks to me like a constant 60fps (like how iOS 8 used to be on my iPhone 6)

That's really what I'm talking about. They really messed up the smoothness in iOS 9 and it looks like with iOS 10, they're taking it back to where it needed to be.
Would "iOS 11 is the OS that iOS 10 promised to be..." pop up again next year?

iOS 10 is not promising better performance like iOS 9 did. So far, everything we're seeing in iOS 10 is what they advertised it to be.

iOS 9 specifically stated that Metal would bring smoother scrolling and app performance, but that's not what we got. We got lags and frame drops everywhere. Then, instead of getting better, it got worse in some areas and better in some areas, but it still wasn't up to par with iOS 8.

Also, the addition of input lag really brought it down a few notches from iOS 8. It makes it hard to do anything with any sort of speed, if you have to wait for the animation to be completely settled down before making another tap. I'm not talking about tapping mid-animation, but sometimes it will look like the animation has finished, but it really hasn't and it will ignore your first tap. iOS 10 still does this in a lot of areas, but at least the animations are faster and smoother now.
As mentioned, Apple touted better performance with iOS 9. It was all over their preview and marketing materials however it pretty much was the same or worse for most folks. Certainly not better for anyone I ever saw. Again I am talking performance wise here. I happen to like 9 from the features standpoint.

I'm sure the 6s was fine on iOS 9 because there is enough power to brute force it's way through the bad code.

Having only an iPhone 6 and iPad mini 4, my iOS 9 experience was bad.

However, since its VASTLY improved in iOS 10, I can safely assume that it was not my hardware, but rather poorly optimized code.

Also, I've done lots of restores and set up as new on multiple occasions in iOS 9 and it has never been as good as iOS 10 is (and it's only in BETA!)

Also, it's sort of jarring to see the full length animations now after getting used to only seeing the tail end of them most of the time in iOS 9.

iOS 10's performance reminds me of how iOS 8 used to be.

Why can't you just let me be happy for once? I'm saying GOOD things about Apple's new OS. I'm being treated like I'm complaining when I'm actually doing the opposite.

It's no secret that iOS 9 was slower, so I don't know where you're getting the idea that it was fine for most people. There were countless threads on iOS 9 performance and people going round and round about it because it was TRUE. Maybe some hardly noticed because they were using the latest hardware, but since new hardware never ran the older OS, there's nothing to compare it to.
I myself was using an iP6 and I was not in the stutter/lag camp of complainers. However it DID have more stutter and lag than iOS 8. It just wasn't that big a deal to me as some of the many posts seemed to elude to. Like press control center while in SIRI and it drops a frame and stutters (um ok so who does that anyway). And if you move control center up REALLY slow, you have to do it slow, you will see the drop. (again who does that verses flipping it up with the flick of your finger). Anyway that doesn't change the fact that those issues did exist and were worse than iOS8 just not as bad as some made it out to be. However, IMO iOS9 was always more stable hands down. Anyway I agree and am glad to see iOS10 shaping up to finally be a nice OS again both with features AND performance!

PS glad it finally fixed your auto brightness issue!
As mentioned, Apple touted better performance with iOS 9. It was all over their preview and marketing materials however it pretty much was the same or worse for most folks. Certainly not better for anyone I ever saw. Again I am talking performance wise here. I happen to like 9 from the features standpoint.

It's quite likely that whatever they tried to do in iOS 9 with Metal didn't quite pan out as they well as they hoped and now is more or less just the foundation for and why iOS 10 feels smoother. (Coupled with the fact that iOS 10 kernel is unencrypted, which as Apple has said allows them to further do OS optimizations)
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Honestly after using iOS 9, and then iOS 10, I have come to the thought that iOS 9 felt like the beta for iOS 10. Terrible in the beginning. I remember when I had an iPhone 6, and I updated to the GM, and it was very buggy and lag was present all over. Same situation on one of my friends' iPhone 6, and my 5s. It was kind of disappointing. iOS 9.3 has been magic, although I no longer have an iPhone 6 to see what kind of magic it was on there, but even on my 6s, 9.0 vs 9.3 was a massive improvement. But iOS 10, despite its beta bugs, has been perfect for me right off the bat. iOS 7 to iOS 8 on my 5s included a noticeable performance decrease, same with iOS 8 to iOS 9 on my iPhone 6, but on my iPhone 6s, there is no noticeable difference from iOS 9 to iOS 10. iOS 10 is off to a great start. Haven't been able to say that about a major version of iOS in a while
the initial builds of iOS 9 definitely felt slower on the 6 plus and had more stutters. Even iOS 8 had slightly more stutters on the 6 plus and was smoother on the 6. I think it took 9.3 to smoothen things out . 9.3 was quite good. iOS 10 feels fast right from the pb 2 which was not the case with iOS 9 versions. I think the expectations for iOS 9 were very high since apple had advertised it as performance improvements and that was clearly not the case. Apple didn't talk about performance improvement at all in iOS 10 and instead focused on notifications /messages etc so the performance improvements is a pleasant surprise. Also the animations have change slightly from previous versions of iOS so the system appears more fluid
Would "iOS 11 is the OS that iOS 10 promised to be..." pop up again next year?
Yes. And we'll also see a few "iOS 9 was the best version of iOS" threads, because the previous version of iOS is always the best once it stops being the worst.
Yes. And we'll also see a few "iOS 9 was the best version of iOS" threads, because the previous version of iOS is always the best once it stops being the worst.

That's not true. When Apple comes out with something truly better, I will say it's better. I'm not just going to say iOS 9 was the best simply because I got used to it.
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So ios 10 is really smoother then ios 9?
Ios 8 was super smooth, fluid UI, perfect animations. With ios 9 every animations should be prime to become almost smooth and sometimes you can see frame drops unlocking the phone or opening a app. Terrible to see!!
I'm not interesting in the time occurs to open an app, but I want see a phone with a very fluid interface, like ios 8 was.
iOS 10 is not promising better performance like iOS 9 did.

Pleased that you're having a positive experience with iOS 10 in Beta.

One thing though, we don't yet know what Apple's overall promise and marketing positions are for iOS 10 as that'll only be announced in full at the final big reveal in September.
Pleased that you're having a positive experience with iOS 10 in Beta.

One thing though, we don't yet know what Apple's overall promise and marketing positions are for iOS 10 as that'll only be announced in full at the final big reveal in September.

Not really. iOS 9 was shown off at WWDC and that's when they started advertising it's features and benefits. iOS 10 was shown off at this years WWDC and they made no mention of better performance (probably because they're trying to sweep iOS 9 under the rug hoping nobody noticed)
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