If four general non-critical bugs is the "worst beta you've ever used", you mustn't have used many! Lol. The iOS7 one was leaps and bounds worse.
I used the iOS 7 beta as a daily driver and although it overheated (A LOT) and resprang every time, I concur that this is worst. On iPad is unable to boot after a hard reboot (I already restored 3 times) and the springboard frizzed to the point of not even been able to use the home button to go home screen forcing me to reboot and we'll... its a ****ing loop.
[doublepost=1496989737][/doublepost]Btw I don't know if anyone had this problem yet but on iPad Pro 9,7 the screen recording feature is messed up. The recording is fine but the saved videos are turned upside down or vertically oriented
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