Really? Bummer. Settings reset hasn’t fixed it and I don’t want to wipe my phone and setup as new just yet. Guess I’ll tough it out until public release. Thanks for letting me know!Works fine for me on my iPhone 7.
Really? Bummer. Settings reset hasn’t fixed it and I don’t want to wipe my phone and setup as new just yet. Guess I’ll tough it out until public release. Thanks for letting me know!Works fine for me on my iPhone 7.
If you ask me - yes. Noticebly less crashes and a lot smoother.Is it any faster on 1Gb RAM devices than the last betas??
True but if you select speech screen again the bug arise againmine iP6 too, but after "turn off Speak Screen in Settings > General > Accessibility > Speech and reboot your device" it works!
Just tested to save a file from the mail app on iOS to my Desktop. Went well.Same here - was never able to get the Files app to work as intended....on the iPad Pro 12.9 version 1
It's there since iOS 7, although the rounded tab corners are new in the iPhone version of Safari.Correct me if I’m wrong but is this new? I’ve never seen it before.
Same on mine.iphone7 plus awesome battery with beta5 .
battery drain with beta6 .
How long have you been running the beta? I had an issue within the first after 6 hours of installing where my phone crashed and restarted twice and was very slow and sluggish for about 10 minutes following. All seems fine now but not good for a beta 6.Performace of B6 is terrible on my 6S. Sometimes up to a 5 second delay from tapping an App icon to the App starting. Email downloading much slower compared to B5, and also delays between a touch and the phone responding.
There is no new Safari icon...Where is the new safari icon ?I still have the old one!