Genereal -> Software Update .. gives you the option to enable automatic updates
I noticed this and added to the Wiki
Genereal -> Software Update .. gives you the option to enable automatic updates
Yes, but that does not fix it for 11.4.1 beta1.Pandora app was updated today
A message to all of you who seem to desperate for a profile:
Don't install this on your main devices. You will suffer greatly. I'm using it on a test iPad and have already run into glaring issues, though I'm glad to report performance isn't one of them this time.
Phone running hotter than usual right off the bat, iphone x.
New face id feature: set up an alternate appearance.
Let me know what happens to your proI've just installed this on my 6S. So far so good!
FaceTime history doesn't split video/audio any more so need to be a bit careful that I use the right one in future. I can see the option to add more people, but I'm the only person I know who has iOS12 right now - just waiting for 31 friends to update
Stocks app has had a major UI makeover.
News app has had a minor re-arrange.
The spirit level has been moved out of the Compass app and into the new Measuring app, which is cool.
There are little "cloud" icons next to the text of my app icons, for those which have been offloaded. Was that there before?
Skype crashes as documented (doesn't it always? I'm sure Apple put it in the release notes without even bothering to try it!).
WhatsApp works (someone above asked about it. Wow, it loaded really fast!).
Nationwide UK banking app *works*! That's a shocker. That usually dies on first betas.
My 6S feels fast. Faster than before I installed, let alone for just after installing a beta.
About to see what Mojave does to my 2late 013 Macbook Pro.
It’s workimg fine for keso i see confirmation on whatsapp and instagram. What about snapchat?
so i see confirmation on whatsapp and instagram. What about snapchat?
Grabbed the profile from a google link (as I always do) and installing the beta now on my 6S. I only have the one phone but I like living dangerously. It's worked for all the other betas.
Seems to be working fine. FaceTime history doesn't split video/audio any more so need to be a bit careful that I use the right one in future. I can see the option to add more people, but I'm the only person I know who has iOS12 right now - just waiting for 31 friends to update
Stocks app has had a major UI makeover.
News app has had a minor re-arrange.
The spirit level has been moved out of the Compass app and into the new Measuring app, which is cool.
There are little "cloud" icons next to the text of my app icons, for those which have been offloaded. Was that there before?
Skype crashes as documented (doesn't it always? I'm sure Apple put it in the release notes without even bothering to try it!).
WhatsApp works (someone above asked about it. Wow, it loaded really fast!).
Nationwide UK banking app *works*! That's a shocker. That usually dies on first betas.
My 6S feels fast. Faster than before I installed, let alone for just after installing a beta.
I also grabbed a Mojave "profile" and am about to risk MacOS 10.14 on my late 2013 Macbook Pro.
About to see what Mojave does to my 2late 013 Macbook Pro.
Can someone post screenshots of how this looks on a non-iPhone X? I'm curious if they brought the iPhone X-like changes to other iPhones in addition to the iPad (which I'm testing on)
Phone running hotter than usual right off the bat, iphone x.
New face id feature: set up an alternate appearance.
No still centre of screen on iPad Air anywayAny changes to the Volume Hud?