Anyone seeing problems with localstorage on iOS 12 beta 3? A soon as I save as full screen homescreen app the localstorage is gone after closing and re-opening the webapp. opening exact same site in Safari itselfs does access the localstorage correctly and is persistent even after reboot.
To duplicate: create simple html webpage with meta tag <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> add some localstorage set and get stuff. store on homescreen as app, stored value is returned as long as you don't close homesreen app... when re-opening nothing is returned and debugger also shows no values at all.
curious if others have this also
To duplicate: create simple html webpage with meta tag <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> add some localstorage set and get stuff. store on homescreen as app, stored value is returned as long as you don't close homesreen app... when re-opening nothing is returned and debugger also shows no values at all.
curious if others have this also