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macrumors 6502
Feb 11, 2010
thank god for 14.2 this update popup is annoying as hell... every goddamn min this shows up


macrumors 65816
Nov 22, 2008
Lima, Peru
Apple has created a new developer beta profile, which possibly fixes something going on on the background that was causing the 14.2 internal Release Candidate to be showing up as new code available prior to be in public developers. Advised to remove the current Beta profile prior to install the new one. Afterwards, it is a 4Gb+ full image file, not an incremental one (at least for my device model).

No new Beta Profil. GM Release - thats it


macrumors regular
Jan 10, 2012
No new Beta Profil. GM Release - thats it
The profile is still located under Apple Developer Beta. The profile itself is still called “iOS 14 Beta Software Profile”. While it is for a release candidate code - which is also not the same as a Golden Master -, it is for all purposes a beta profile.


macrumors 603
Oct 23, 2014
Port Moody, BC, Canada
Just finished updating from Public Beta 4 to the GM/RC - haven't gotten the update available pop-up since. (It should be noted that I've removed and re-added the beta profile to my device a couple times over the last couple days trying to troubleshoot this) - in case there was an altered beta profile made available that somehow contributes to the issue going away.
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Jun 9, 2018
The release version is out later?

I would reckon during the week of the 9th. As usually a week between GM and public release, so Devs can test their apps. we had a 24 hour gap with 14.0 but that was an extremely rare exception.


macrumors newbie
Jan 12, 2008
I would reckon during the week of the 9th. As usually a week between GM and public release, so Devs can test their apps. we had a 24 hour gap with 14.0 but that was an extremely rare exception.
Oh ok. :)


Jun 9, 2018
There won't be a public release today, as we haven't had GM. Apple One is just purely a subscription tier, which is going to be a server side switch (I'm over simplifying, I know).

Looking back, and the one time I don’t say ‘probably’ and then today happens! Whoops. Nice to be wrong on this occasion.


macrumors 6502
Nov 5, 2009
To take a break from the update bug: I've never been able to get the Translate app to work. 100% of the time, I get "Translation Unavailable Translation is unavailable at the moment. Try again at a later time." Has anyone seen—or better yet, solved—this?

I posted this on a thread about the Translate app, too, but no responses there, so figured I'd try here. Thanks.
The same bug is happening here too. The app used to work before, right after I've upgraded to iOS 14, but now it's not working anymore.

If I delete the language packs (for offline translations), it works. But whenever I redownload them, it stops working and returns the "translation unavailable" error message. I've already deleted and reinstalled the Translation app, but the bug persists.


macrumors 6502a
May 15, 2005
The hard reboot seemed to fix the Visual Voicemail issue for a few days, but then it went back to not showing new messages. I put in a bug report for it, hopefully it get a fixed in the next beta.
Any luck with this resolving?

I’m still having the problem (now on the official public release) as is my wife

We haven’t checked the kids’ phones yet

Really frustrating


Jun 9, 2018
Any luck with this resolving?

I’m still having the problem (now on the official public release) as is my wife

We haven’t checked the kids’ phones yet

Really frustrating
Probably better asking on the thread about the public release, than the Beta 4 thread.

Someone mentions about voicemails recently in there: #148
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