Is anyone having 'No Service' issues on any iPhone running iOS 14.7.1? Mine started a few days ago, so I did some Goooogling, and it
appears a very widespread issue.
Maybe some background will help diagnose the problem better, and I feel like writing a novel.
Wife and I both have an iPhone SE 1st Gen, but hers is now 5 years old, and mine only 2 years, both on 14.7.1, and both of us with the same Belgian pre-paid provider.
We updated a few weeks ago, then left on holiday, direction Spain. We stopped in Andorra, where we knew there would be no EU mobile data roaming because our provider simply doesn't allow it outside the EU as it would cost a fortune, but our phones both connected to the only local Andorran network for normal cell use. We just ignored any incoming calls which would otherwise cost us €1,50/min to receive.
Leaving Andorra, my wife's phone soon picks up Spanish 3/4G, but my phone nothing, until I re-booted it. It did initially connect to a Spanish network, just no mobile data.
A few weeks go by in Spain, no problems, until all of a sudden my phone switched to a stronger local network, then dropped it, and I got 'No Service', when wifes phone still had service, and in the middle of a fairly big city. Even when putting wifes SIM in my phone, same problems, yet mine worked in her phone. So that ruled out SIM problems.
I tried everything suggested on various help forums, even restoring the entire phone from a backup on my laptop, yet the problem persists, with sporadic connections that soon drop again, in an urban area where I can physically see at least 3 masts from the same place.
I was even on a twitter chat with
@Applesupport yesterday who keenly tried to help, after I sent them a diagnostics report, no dice.
I have a mind to show up at the nearest Apple Store with a burning pitch fork. The reason why I'm extremely annoyed is while restoring my phone, both my bank apps have disconnected and the card reader needed to sign in to them again is at home in Belgium, some 2000km away. I can't even get in to my bank accounts on my laptop without a verified app on my phone, my banking apps were working fine over wi-fi. I know, I must remember to take my card readers next time, along with the 67 cables needed to charge all these devices....
And this phone is only 2 years old! My 17 year old Nokia still works, never ever having given me any problems, except needing a battery replacement after the first 8 years, which is perfectly acceptable in a phone that old.