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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 17, 2010
The Apple Store
Hi Everyone,
Just wanting to let you know that I have received news from a inside source that iOS 4 For iPad is coming by SEPTEMBER. I got this information from an apple employee. Also it will probably be iOS 4.1 as it only make's sense for Apple to release it on there September 9th Keynote
Well since this is a fact not a rumor, perhaps it should be on the MacFacts site :)

I hope you are right, but even an Apple employee maybe be misguided.
Yeah, well, Steve Jobs told me that the new iPhone 4G is going to be made from unicorn horns and dragon blood.
Yeah, well, Steve Jobs told me that the new iPhone 4G is going to be made from unicorn horns and dragon blood.

Yeah he told me that too! I'm so excited, I can't wait!

On a more serious note, they have not even released a beta yet, so don't get your hopes up. We had a beta of the iPad software before the iPad was even released. Until we see an iPad beta, release date is pretty far away.
Bill Gates just told me to ask Jesus and Jesus said that Steve Jobs said that it's on the 10th of December 2020.
Uh they've said that 4.x is coming in the fall from the very beginning. You don't need a nebulous Apple employee to give you an "inside source."
Everyone come back here in september and see if I am right

I'm more interested in the 9/9 date myself, as Apple PR gathering dates usually aren't known until about two weeks before they happen. Thanks for the info. :D
I don't think that date is far off but it's still only a rumor. iOS4 for iPad has not even been released to Developers yet and its almost August.
I don't think that date is far off but it's still only a rumor. iOS4 for iPad has not even been released to Developers yet and its almost August.

I know! I've been waiting for the email from Apple telling me it's available! :mad: :D
I don't want to bs you out but It's already known that it will come out this fall and September makes total sense, 4.1 Will have Game Center even on iPhones
Fall doesn't start until Sep 23 and an Apple employee (I'll call #000) told me it would be in fall. Also #000 tends to be a little optimistic (may not know as much as Macdude's contact) so I'm betting closer to the end of fall than before or the very beginning of autumn.:D
there's another way to read that. Perhaps Apple will announce the beta of iPad OS4 and release it ( developer's beta) then but the official release would be later.
there's another way to read that. Perhaps Apple will announce the beta of iPad OS4 and release it ( developer's beta) then but the official release would be later.

Yeah I could see that. Figure it's 4 - 8 weeks after a beta drops. So until we see a beta, we got a ways to go.
Hi Everyone,
Just wanting to let you know that I have received news from a inside source that iOS 4 For iPad is coming by SEPTEMBER. I got this information from an apple employee. Also it will probably be iOS 4.1 as it only make's sense for Apple to release it on there September 9th Keynote

Hey nice, I hope you're right about this, i've been waiting about three months for it, I really need Folders and well, multitasking is really nice.
Hi Everyone,
Just wanting to let you know that I have received news from a inside source that iOS 4 For iPad is coming by SEPTEMBER. I got this information from an apple employee. Also it will probably be iOS 4.1 as it only make's sense for Apple to release it on there September 9th Keynote
And the reason for the huge time differential between the iPhone 4 and the iPad is ........? But no excuses please.

More importantly could there be a prior 3.2.2 update to solve the wifi and youtube problems? If not then my ipad might be updated to iOS4 by its next owner!
Not really an exciting thing, iPad is obviously slower than iPhone 4 actually. If we update our iPad to iOS 4, it will get really slower than ever. :eek:
Hi, I am from September 2010 and it's a bogus! We still don't have iOS 4 for iPad yet :(
thanks Macdude

Thanks for sharing what you heard. The obnoxious,sarcastic replies are why I. Don't post here. Guess you need thick skin.
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