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Hi Everyone,
Just wanting to let you know that I have received news from a inside source that iOS 4 For iPad is coming by SEPTEMBER. I got this information from an apple employee. Also it will probably be iOS 4.1 as it only make's sense for Apple to release it on there September 9th Keynote

Nope. iOS 4.1 for the iPhone/iPod Touch will be released in September alongside new iPod Touches. iOS 4.2 for the iPad will be announced then and released a month or two later. I am confident about the first part because of what they have historically done. I am confident about the second part because of the fact that iOS 4.whatever for iPad needs to be available in Beta form to developers at least a month or two in advance of being publicly released, which has to happen in the fall sometime as Steve said. Maybe the iPad version will turn out to be 4.1 as well, but my timeline is much more reasonable than the one you are suggesting.
Whenever it comes....I am anxious. My iPad drives the OCD me crazy that I can't organize it into folders just EXACTLY like my iP4. It's like a jumbled hodgepodge of apps compared to my anal-retentive folder system on my iP4.

Bring it on Steve-O! :D

There is just 2 big problems with an August/early September release scenario.

1) Steve publicly said Fall.:apple:

2) Before the release there has to be beta testing and the first iOS4 iPad Bata has still not been released yet.;)

I bet the first Beta is released (or announced) September 9th but that it will likely be mid to late October at the earliest.:eek:
Jobs also publicly said the white iPhone will be out by end of July.

...and did it show up earlier than July?;) All companies (especially electronic/software) tend to be optimistic on there ship dates so using your logic iOS4/iPad won't be here until February.:eek:

If it ships by mid October it will be "early" by Apple saying available Fall.
A conspiracy theory of mine would be that they would release iOS4 with a new iPad since the current one has as much ram as the Devices that originally got iOS3 (iPhone 3GS) and at least my 3GS felt a little more crippled with iOS4 (not bad but not nice either), However i don't really see an iPad this year... (I wish i would)... Lets see!
The skinny on why it's taking so long is because Apple can't get all the stuff like multitasking, folders, and unified mailbox to work on the iPad despite the fact that they work just fine on the 3GS. The iPad is bigger so it just won't work so the evil Apple is waiting to release the new iPad in conjunction with the new iOS. The specs will be something like:

  • 5GB of RAM for those that are complaining about not enough RAM
  • A11 octa-core processor so no sluggishness along with RAM
  • At least a 500GB hard drive
  • 5 cameras with flash and the ability to shoot video
Excuse my sarcasm as I'm having a bad day with the Apple complainers on the boards today.

It'll be out in November to entice more Christmas sales and I sure there will be those on the boards that will hate waiting that long and or be less than happy with something hardware and or software related.
Not really an exciting thing, iPad is obviously slower than iPhone 4 actually. If we update our iPad to iOS 4, it will get really slower than ever. :eek:

You statement about slowness is untrue, as the iPhone 3gs (not 3g) runs just fine with iOS4.

I would also add that if indeed it was a November update I would just jailbreak my iPad. I do admit that I have found it annoying that I can't "put apps in the background" but most of time I don't miss it.
HE is true the 3GS doesnt have any problems!
Its the 3G and the original iPhone that seem to have problems!!!
I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE the iPad in its FULL FLEDGED POWER!!!!! (ooops sorry
APPLE FANBOY came into play :apple::apple::apple::apple::eek::eek::eek::D:D)
And you decided to take it out on everyone else, as if this is your web site, whether they deserve it or not. How thoughtful of you.

Well he obviously is somewhat thoughtful or he wouldn't have said 'exuse my sarcasm' in the first place. He would have merely :rolleyes: or ;)'d
And you decided to take it out on everyone else, as if this is your web site, whether they deserve it or not. How thoughtful of you.

Well I am the evil one then I guess. I guess my sarcasm is so offensive.

Sticks and Stones. Sticks and Stones. Cry babies.

Well he obviously is somewhat thoughtful or he wouldn't have said 'exuse my sarcasm' in the first place. He would have merely :rolleyes: or ;)'d

Thanks for the backup. That poster sounds like "the offended".
Yeah, well, Steve Jobs told me that the new iPhone 4G is going to be made from unicorn horns and dragon blood.

The first ones will u fortunately be limited to dragons blood as there has been recent shortages of unicorn horns. Expect slight delay. *this just in* there will be another delay with the unicorn horn version.
...and did it show up earlier than July?;) All companies (especially electronic/software) tend to be optimistic on there ship dates so using your logic iOS4/iPad won't be here until February.:eek:

If it ships by mid October it will be "early" by Apple saying available Fall.

I fully expect to see this on the winter solstice in December, the last official day of Fall
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