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OS4 should run fine on the iPad for 2 reasons, the 3GS runs os4 ok pretty much and that has the same memory, plus this will be a custom version of os4 just for the iPad so it would be configured to run accordingly, its not going to be a simple port of os4 that they released for the 3G, 3GS and 4.

Your prediction is just proof that you listened to Jobs when he said the new iPad OS will drop in November. Wow, what a prophet.

where did he say november? at the os4 event, it said fall, which starts in 10 days... so it can be September, October or November....
at the os4 event, it said fall, which starts in 10 days... so it can be September, October or November....

Um, technically, Fall or Autumn runs from the autumnal equinox (on or about September 21) through the Winter Solstice (December 21st), when Winter officially begins. So Apple has September, October, November, AND a good part of December and still deliver in "Fall".

I don't know if it's wishful thinking or good logic, but I think releasing by November at the absolute latest makes sense and/or is a good selling tactic for Christmas season!!! Releasing in December is still within there deadline, but is going to make Christmas day "messy" with all the iPads under the tree needing upgrades!!
I don't know if it's wishful thinking or good logic, but I think releasing by November at the absolute latest makes sense and/or is a good selling tactic for Christmas season!!! Releasing in December is still within there deadline, but is going to make Christmas day "messy" with all the iPads under the tree needing upgrades!!

I went to a cheese shop today. I'm sure some Internet geek will get mad that I littered his board with that unrelated information, but I like living on the edge.
Yet another thread (THAT I CLICKED ON WITH GENUINE INTEREST) full of pathetic abuse from other members!

People. Your on a computer RUMORS site. . . . It's not big and it's not cool so get over yourselves!
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