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I almost done. Updating phone now. Found an easy way to speed up the download. Stopped the download and retried it again and it worked much faster and restarted from where it left. I guess it was routes differently.

Did you just click the X next to the download in iTunes? and it didn't make you start from scratch?
Just got done downloading and backing up, now getting error message, The iPhone could not be restored. This device isnt eligible for the requested build.

I got this message too hopefully someone comes up with a answer to help
Are the "Back-up to iCloud" features on the bottom of the Summary page I see (under "Back Up") from the new OS X update just released?
(using a PC)

Any way to download iOS 5 without a PC?
Not sure wife wants me dumping my phones' content on her laptop...
(wondering if I'll have to re-download everything trusting iCloud will have it)

Thank you!
Download iOS5 for my iP4 in Jacksonville, FL now.

It is slow going and I got a "fast" connection!

Almost done!:p
338mb/774mb, 63 minutes remaining on a 30MB/s connection.

I guess I'll install when I get home later on then :(
The backup process during the update install is horrible! I just backed up my 3GS before downloading the update. Now it wants to backup again.

Install updates for iOS devices a lot more painful than it should be :(
Was halfway trough the download...there was a download error. And now it's starting over. Uuugh. :(
The backup process during the update install is horrible! I just backed up my 3GS before downloading the update. Now it wants to backup again.

Install updates for iOS devices a lot more painful than it should be :(

i feel your pain, I went into my program manager just to make sure it didn't freeze up on me.
im sure this has been asked a million sites, so if there is a thread for this you can just linkme?

im on an iphone 4 ios 4.2 jailbroken. i never really did any of that openssh backup with cydia thing. is there a way to upgrade to iOS 5 and preserve my jailbroken apps?
I almost forgot my backup password (encrypted backup file). That could've been a problem...hah.

Restoring...and waiting...
Twice in a row, failed to restore iPad. Trying to restart my computer. iTunes is up-to-date. Running Snow Leopard. A touch frustrated. Any suggestions or thoughts?
On my 3rd attempt at update. 1st time it said I had too little free space (15 minutes in to the process), 2nd time it failed after backup (25 minutes into the process!) with an unknown error (though it has deleted all my apps) and now on attempt 3 :/
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