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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 2, 2010
Tried to implement an SBSettings type thing into the space too. A swipe to the left of the media controls is some quick setting toggles. A highlighted blue means enabled, and white means disabled (like repeat and shuffle in the music app). It is a bit crap though!!

iPhone Mission Control with settings.jpg


macrumors 68020
Feb 17, 2011
Spokane, WA
Tried to implement an SBSettings type thing into the space too. A swipe to the left of the media controls is some quick setting toggles. A highlighted blue means enabled, and white means disabled (like repeat and shuffle in the music app). It is a bit crap though!!

View attachment 341780

Not to mention the issues with vibrate currently a hardware option. Which would take control? Hardware or software?


macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 2, 2010
Not to mention the issues with vibrate currently a hardware option. Which would take control? Hardware or software?

Vibration isn't actually a hardware option, that's just to silent notifications. Vibration is actually toggled in the, so this would just be an easier way to toggle that.

Probably more useful to substitute it for something like cellular data instead though, so perhaps it was a bit of a mistake.

Dangerous Theory

macrumors 68000
Jul 28, 2011
Except not nearly as ugg.

I was thinking more along the lines of this:


Except, of course, without the folder and instead of documents you would see small app thumbnails. Basically, take the current multitask menu and instead of leaving 80% of the screen greyed out, actually utilize it to show more running apps/options.

basically what the old safari multitasking was like on iPad


I just want to open the multitasking tab another way than clicking the button twice. Maybe the button would last a little longer then.

you can swipe up with four fingers for it can't you?


macrumors regular
Mar 13, 2011
I think they were talking about pressing the home button twice on the iPhone, not the iPad.


macrumors 68030
Jan 19, 2006
What do you think about having an intermediate mode for document apps?

If they can have fast and slow multi-tasking swipes then fast could be a app-switcher (and leave the current document active), and slow could still go to the app-switcher by the the time you reach the upper half of the screen but get there via the app's document switcher.

So iBooks as an example a slow multi-tasking swipe could pull back from an open book to the bookshelf view keep swiping up and the whole app starts to drop back to the open apps. Similarly Pages and other documents app would transition to the documents browser, Safari to open tabs.

Then it really would be a Task-switcher not just an app-switcher.


macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 2, 2010
What do you think about having an intermediate mode for document apps?

If they can have fast and slow multi-tasking swipes then fast could be a app-switcher (and leave the current document active), and slow could still go to the app-switcher by the the time you reach the upper half of the screen but get there via the app's document switcher.

So iBooks as an example a slow multi-tasking swipe could pull back from an open book to the bookshelf view keep swiping up and the whole app starts to drop back to the open apps. Similarly Pages and other documents app would transition to the documents browser, Safari to open tabs.

Then it really would be a Task-switcher not just an app-switcher.

That is quite a good idea, perhaps allowing an API for developers to implement that in their apps? The only problem is though is that system would cause confusion for the average user, especially since some apps would have it implemented and others not. But I like that idea and could almost be iOS's version of a back button.


macrumors regular
Jul 12, 2011
Great concept. Just about solves what I always said is wrong with the current multi-tasking approach adopted by iOs; the huge waste of screen space!!!


macrumors 68040
Sep 3, 2011
It is a great concept. But if I may be so bold as to build upon it with an idea that was inspired by the notion of "multitasking":
(I apologize in advance for the relatively crude artwork)

We start off at the app selection screen. Which I've created my own version of for consistency purposes.

Drag over the left and it reveals....

.... A selection of little "mini apps". This includes a calculator, video window (playing whatever was last active), a Notes window, and a iMessage window. Now by either tapping the green + symbol or....

....tapping and dragging them to the right...

.... and onto one of your apps....

... they appear as a window above that app!

If this window is in the way of what you're doing you can simply tap and drag it somewhere else. You can also change the orientation of the window with a two finger twist (similar to the iPod nano). And finally when you don't need the window anymore just tap the X on the top left.
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Jun 8, 2012
Woah, that's really cool! Gosh, how much programming goes into all of that? And to make that look that nice?


macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 2, 2010
What is wrong with the current multitasking?

I believe that a company like Apple should never rest on their laurels, and just because the current method is 'good enough' doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement, that laziness would stunt innovation. The current implementation is annoying on the home button as it requires repeated presses (mine after 1 and a half years is now almost completely broken), it's boring and it provides no visual aid and is hard to reach the media controls. It also is not in line with the aesthetic on Lion and ML.

APlotdevice: that is real nice! I was rattling me head how something similar to windows 8 split view could be implemented, but that's a nice idea! Maybe also something where if you drag one app on top of another in the mission control esque window, it would automatically split the screen into two apps for multitasking purposes.


macrumors 6502
Jun 23, 2009
I don't really understand the fascination with the mission control style multitasking on iOS. Why is it so much better to see a thumbnail of the app as opposed to just the icon? The downside is that each app takes up way more screen space, making switching apps seemingly less efficient and people don't recognize apps by the thumbnail but by the icon. What is the upside?


macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2012
I'd love it if there was a new multitasking like this for the iPhone! It's much more visually pleasing and easy to work with so why not Apple :D -nudgenudge-

Also as that one person said.. if the home screen can be an "application" too, then this would be PERFECT.


Jan 29, 2008
Glasgow, UK
Zephyr does this already (Cydia tweak).

You can choose whether to have the default NC activation of swiping down and bringing the NC down or swiping down to move the home screen away and reveal the NC.
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