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macrumors 6502a
Nov 23, 2010
Yeah, no right to whine. :rolleyes:

Is Safari's reload problem obvious enough for you? The sheer number of people who don't or can't take the extra minute to at least try to use proper punctuation amazes me.

they better start to, or you wont understand a single word


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
You really think that we can get rid of this laggy **** simply by getting iOS update? They don't care about us...

That's why they put out updates... Because they don't care... Right


Jul 18, 2011
That's disappointing. Here's a picture of it by the way. How does apple not see this as a problem?

It's not a problem insofar that it doesn't cause AirPlay to stop working, though it certainly has caused a few of my friends a fair amount of confusion. They couldn't understand why their iPad wasn't mirroring to their screen until I showed them how to scroll down and that the mirroring option was toggled off by default.

Really a facepalm moment for all of us. But for a company who prides on making devices that are simple to use, it does seem like a step backwards.


macrumors newbie
Nov 9, 2014
Issues with cut or copy and paste

Does anyone know a work around for cut or copy and paste?
I cannot find a consistent method to utilize that function.:(


macrumors 6502a
Feb 28, 2006
Central Illinois
Every iPhone 6/6+ user a Verizon postpaid plan has VOLTE support. If it's not appearing as an option on your phone, you either need to log into your account on the web and add it to your plan (it's a free addon) or you need to call Verizon and have them add it to your account.

I'm on a 5s. I thought VoLTE was coming to older devices, but maybe not.


macrumors newbie
Nov 12, 2014
I actually saw a video comparing 8.1 to 8.1.1 on a 4s and it looks the same. 8.1 is actually a bit faster in general use. Disappointing so far. I have a 6plus that stutters like crazy. Was hoping this update would help
Hi the same issue here, 6 plus is just stutter all the way, launching folder slower, launching apps also need to be paused like 0.3 to 0.5 second. The frame dropping is all around the UI.


macrumors regular
Mar 2, 2011
Baltimore, MD
Can anyone comment on if the intermittent inability to pull up control center on the lock screen on a 6/6+ is fixed? Not sure if this is an issue on the 5s.

Really annoying one.


macrumors regular
Jul 28, 2014
Can anyone comment on if the intermittent inability to pull up control center on the lock screen on a 6/6+ is fixed? Not sure if this is an issue on the 5s.

Really annoying one.

Yep fixed on my 6. ;) Using beta1 when it launched never had this problem you're mentioning. :) :apple:


macrumors 68020
Sep 7, 2003
Deep in the Depths of CA
Hi the same issue here, 6 plus is just stutter all the way, launching folder slower, launching apps also need to be paused like 0.3 to 0.5 second. The frame dropping is all around the UI.

Have you tried setting up your phone as new instead of restoring from backup? I did this and it seemed to make a small difference. As a whole, iOS feels slow. I don't know if the animated transitions are an attempt to hide how slow the OS switches between apps. It's tiresome.


Sep 23, 2013
Upstate, NY
Has the four and five finger gestures issue been fixed?

Yeah, sometimes they stop responding correctly and I have to turn gestures off and then on again to restore them. No rhyme or reason to it, here and there they just forget about themselves or something. :)
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