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macrumors 604
Apr 30, 2013
Los Angeles
Or maybe not everyone experiences the same bugs? You're implying that people keep buying buggy and "unfinished" Apple products because of Apple's reputation. Have you considered that most people aren't experiencing these bugs? Only on a place like MacRumors will you find people that are tolerant regarding bugs in Apple products. The general public isn't going to give Apple the benefit of the doubt when simple things like Wi-Fi stop working. Apple products are successful because the majority of people that buy Apple products have good experiences with them. Simple as that.

And please, stop peddling the old and tired "people love showing off Apple products" line. Why is it so hard to believe that people simply buy what they like to use? I have yet to meet a single person that buys Apple products for the looks. I know tons of people that have Apple products along with Windows computers that use Google services between their devices (or Android devices and Microsoft services... you get the point). People that buy Apple products just for the status exist, but do you think they're the majority of Apple's customers? Again, you're taking the attitudes you see on this site and extrapolating them over Apple's entire customer base. The reality is that the majority of Apple customers don't care enough to post about Apple products online.

Sure, if more and more of these inexplicable bugs pop up over time, it will have an effect on Apple's sales. I'm also not trying to excuse these bugs; they need to be fixed regardless of how many people they affect. But I suspect you're intentionally oversimplifying the entire situation to fit your narrative.

Absolutely 100% I agree with you on this. People STILL think these forums represent millions of Apple users.


macrumors regular
Jul 6, 2010
Yeah, sometimes they stop responding correctly and I have to turn gestures off and then on again to restore them. No rhyme or reason to it, here and there they just forget about themselves or something. :)

Then it isn't fixed. Same behavior it was doing with all prior 8.x.x versions.


macrumors 6502
Jun 19, 2007
I don't consider this fixed. I can switch tabs and see Safari's pin wheel for a few seconds for no reason. I bet this eats into battery life.
Willing to lose a potential jailbreak if this one thing is figured out. Save our spinners, Cupertino.


Jun 18, 2012
Don't want to jinx it, but 8.1.1 *appears* to have fixed my wifi issues properly. However - this is after a completely cold reboot obviously after an update, so it may return to a disaster later. Will keep a close eye on it.


macrumors 68040
Jun 2, 2008
BUG: still an issues since iOS 8 and the masses of posts on the apple discussions page. The app store badge count is still wrong when you update the app via iTunes. It's ok if you update the app from the phone. This is from a fresh phone...


Jun 18, 2012
What was your wifi issue?

Wifi symbol would show full signal but data transfer would be extremely unstable or just time out completely. Disabling and reenabling wifi would be a temporary fix. Rebooting the phone would give a longer fix time but the problem would come back within an hour. Only started happening on iOS 8

big samm

macrumors 68000
Oct 27, 2008
Wifi symbol would show full signal but data transfer would be extremely unstable or just time out completely. Disabling and reenabling wifi would be a temporary fix. Rebooting the phone would give a longer fix time but the problem would come back within an hour. Only started happening on iOS 8

this is exactly the problem i have, i just updated all my idevices to 8.1.1 now ill wait and see if i can wake them up after a long period of time and see if it instantly connect to the router without hiccups... Also updated my mba with the latest yosemite version, supposedly it fixes the same wifi problem on the mba or other laptop models...


Mar 26, 2008
did they fix the 3rd party keyword "bugs"?

its so annoying when your keyboard doesnt show up in iMessages for example


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
I cannot type in landscape as long as I choose to backspace. The cursor simply moves over the text and doesn't delete it. Bug reported 3 times with absolutely no resolve. Could I be the only one experiencing this?


macrumors 603
Jul 11, 2008
Keyboard still doesn't pop up when entering the messaging app from the lock screen notification.


macrumors 68020
Jun 20, 2010
I cannot type in landscape as long as I choose to backspace. The cursor simply moves over the text and doesn't delete it. Bug reported 3 times with absolutely no resolve. Could I be the only one experiencing this?

What device, and stock or third party keyboard? I can't replicate this one on a retina mini with either stock or Swype. Both backspace just fine.


macrumors 603
Jul 11, 2008
did they fix the 3rd party keyword "bugs"?

its so annoying when your keyboard doesnt show up in iMessages for example

Nope. Apple is slipping. All of their products are the same as they've ever been and yet inferior due to software.
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