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macrumors 6502a
Jun 10, 2015
Is anyone having trouble getting weather to show on notification center? I have check every single setting on location services and they are all on. I restarted the phone and still not showing up. I even reinstalled 9.3 beta 4 and still doesn't display the weather. Any suggestions? Thank you in advanced.



macrumors 6502
Jan 26, 2013
Is anyone having trouble getting weather to show on notification center? I have check every single setting on location services and they are all on. I restarted the phone and still not showing up. I even reinstalled 9.3 beta 4 and still doesn't display the weather. Any suggestions? Thank you in advanced.

View attachment 619169
The same is happening for me on my iPad. No idea how to fix it.


macrumors newbie
Feb 26, 2016
I have an issue with my 5. I'll try to tell it as best as I can:

I can only have my phone at my mom's (my parents are divorced), and my first order of business when picking up my phone after arriving for the weekend is clear my notifications.
I open the notification center and switch to the Notifications tab. I tap the "Clear" button and the notifications from that day are removed.
I continue to spam the Clear button and at one point it seems as though it altogether stops responding. It then proceeds to delete my notifications, which would be fine if not for the issue where it shows notifications for a split second before showing the next one, only to delete that one as well (rinse and repeat).
Does anyone know if this has been fixed in Beta 4? At the time of posting this I don't have access to my phone, so yeah.

EDIT: Whoops, didn't add in the information:
Model: 32-Gigabyte iPhone 5
iOS version: iOS 9.3 4th Public Beta
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macrumors 68000
Sep 29, 2014
Is anyone having trouble getting weather to show on notification center? I have check every single setting on location services and they are all on. I restarted the phone and still not showing up. I even reinstalled 9.3 beta 4 and still doesn't display the weather. Any suggestions? Thank you in advanced.

View attachment 619169

Same issue for me on my iPad running beta 4. It pops up sometimes and then it will be gone again the next time I use notification center. Haven't seen it though on my iPhone running beta 3.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 10, 2015
Same issue for me on my iPad running beta 4. It pops up sometimes and then it will be gone again the next time I use notification center. Haven't seen it though on my iPhone running beta 3.
This is on my iPhone 6s plus. Not sure what happened. Haven't changed anything. I really hope Apple fixes it.


macrumors 6502
Jan 26, 2013
Looks like the "status bar disappearing for a split second when unlocking your iPhone" bug is fixed in beta 5 :D

Jayson A

macrumors 68030
Sep 16, 2014
Is anyone having trouble getting weather to show on notification center? I have check every single setting on location services and they are all on. I restarted the phone and still not showing up. I even reinstalled 9.3 beta 4 and still doesn't display the weather. Any suggestions? Thank you in advanced.

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Oct 12, 2014
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
They probably just came up with a workaround because of Apple's sloppy code. Who knows if 9.3 would have fixed chrome as well.


Did you even read the release notes for the Chrome update?

"This version uses WKWebView, the latest rendering engine from Apple, which should be faster and more stable. The crash rate was reduced by 70% and JavaScript execution is now dramatically faster!"

Seems to me they didn't do a "workaround" and actually updated to the proper and latest rendering engine. Once again showing you instantly just jump to negative "OMG Apple is bad and has sloppy code!!!!! Rrrrrrraaaaaaaggggge!!!" Without even thinking.


Jan 11, 2013
Does this work?
That's where I am trying to enable it. I slid it over, turns green but the second I lift my finger up, it switches off again.

EDIT: I am a huge Jongleur and I went into Settings > General > Keyboard and was able to enable it from there. Still a bug, nonetheless, but there is fortunately a workaround. :)
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Jayson A

macrumors 68030
Sep 16, 2014

Did you even read the release notes for the Chrome update?

"This version uses WKWebView, the latest rendering engine from Apple, which should be faster and more stable. The crash rate was reduced by 70% and JavaScript execution is now dramatically faster!"

Seems to me they didn't do a "workaround" and actually updated to the proper and latest rendering engine. Once again showing you instantly just jump to negative "OMG Apple is bad and has sloppy code!!!!! Rrrrrrraaaaaaaggggge!!!" Without even thinking.

So what about apps that aren't getting any more updates?


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
So what about apps that aren't getting any more updates?
Well, an old(er) app can run into potential issues of one type or another here and there as time goes on. Not something unusual or surprising really.

Jayson A

macrumors 68030
Sep 16, 2014
Well, an old(er) app can run into potential issues of one type or another here and there as time goes on. Not something unusual or surprising really.

Apps that don't get any more updates is on them wether they update to latest API's or not. It's not Apple's responsibility to update 3rd party apps.

But when the app was flawless on 9.2.1 and now it stutters on 9.3, I just have to live with it because it's not Apple's problem? Yeah... Okay.

I could understand if it was iOS 10 and the app was designed for iOS 8, but this is just a point update to the iOS we're still currently on.

Do you think that breaking APIs in a point release isn't Apple's fault?
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