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I've had horrible battery life as well on my iPhone 6 since iOS 9 beta. It drained around 10-20% per hour even in standby mode.
I tried to debug it using XCode Intruments. I ditn't see anything special, except for a bit high backboardd CPU usage. Cellular data usage seemed to be the cause, as the battery life was great in flight mode.

Today I did a full DFU restore, restored my backup from iTunes and disabled iCloud Backup and iCloud drive. I think it fixed the issue! I've been listening to music for around 1 hour now with everything else enabled and I'm currently at 99%

I have to report that battery life has gotten worse again... Around 10% drain per hour, even in Low Power Mode.

Hoping for Beta 2 today or tomorrow (previous Beta 2 have been released on a Monday or Tuesday around 14 days after initial relese)...
I hadn't really paid attention to it until someone mentioned it in this thread but I looked at my iPhone when I left for work and it was at 81%. I plugged it in to my car charger and by the time I got to work about 20 minutes later I was at 77%.

The screen was off and the phone was doing nothing during this time. Super weird. I hope the rumor of ios9b2 being pushed back to next week instead of this week are not true.
Last night went to bed with 44% but turned airplane mode and low power mode ON. Woke up about 8 or 9 hours later with 44% still. I'm convinced the battery issue isn't related to iCloud but rather the cell / wifi radios

iPhone 6 Verizon
I have kept wifi off for the past few days and it has not helped the battery issue at all.

And although I just yesterday said that my battery drain got better after disabling iCloud Drive + backup I went to sleep with 68% or so and when I woke up the battery was dead.

So it might be something about cell radios. Maybe it's keeping them all on even though only one is needed. I've had LTE on this whole time. Will keep it off for now and see if that helps any. This on my iPhone 5S.
Trying this now. I am currently listening to Beats Music over Wifi and have it plugged into USB and it is actually draining the battery. If that isn't an indication of how terrible my battery life has become I don't know what is...

It is pretty pitiful when using the phone for music while charging it only slows the battery drain. I let it die completely and charged it back to full which did nothing. I am hoping I can resolve this issue. Unlike most here it doesn't say that anything in particular is draining my battery... I just have half the battery life I did before. With my case I can kill the battery, charge it back to full, then end the day with the same I had before while using the phone less than I did.
Many thanks to Atomic Flip. I have noticed that since upgrading to ios 9 public beta that standby is ok but as soon as there is any use the battery drains very quickly. 45 minute tube journey this a.m. dropped by 25%age points whilst listening to the new Music App. Also noticed that iPhone got extremely hot during charging. Have now disabled iCloud Drive and reverted backups to MBP. Currently charging and device is noticeably less hot. Will update if this works but seem eminently logical to me. Is it me or does the phone seem to charge less quickly after this upgrade?
Many thanks to Atomic Flip. I have noticed that since upgrading to ios 9 public beta that standby is ok but as soon as there is any use the battery drains very quickly. 45 minute tube journey this a.m. dropped by 25%age points whilst listening to the new Music App. Also noticed that iPhone got extremely hot during charging. Have now disabled iCloud Drive and reverted backups to MBP. Currently charging and device is noticeably less hot. Will update if this works but seem eminently logical to me. Is it me or does the phone seem to charge less quickly after this upgrade?

Yes, the phone now also takes ages to charge...
This does seem to work, I already had them both turned off and I am getting 12 hours of use on my iPad and a couple of days stand-by since DB3, iPhone 5s seems fine, but it doesn't get much use.

edit - air 2
I've had shocking battery life since Beta 1... Beta 2 wasn't too terrible but beta 3 is bad. I'm in Low Power Mode but it just don't get better. My phones hot, losing about 1% every 2 minutes. I can't go back because I've got too much data to lose.
Just had a 15% drop in battery during a 45 min tube journey whilst listening to Music even in airplane mode. Does anyone know if there is any research on the new Musinc App degrading battery life?
Right. I recharged the phone to 100% All well. Phone cool (heatwise). Had turned off Apple Music Streaming. Got 45 mins at 100%. Decided to have a look at Music to see if it would drain the battery. Turned on Apple Music Streaming. WIthin 1 min the phone was heating up and lost 3%age points in a matter of a couple of minutes whilst I was playing around with the settings. Note, not listening to any music! Now recharging phone to 100% and the heat has gone. Is this another API issue?
all in all battery life is slightly worse than on 8.4 but not significantly worse. I am sure that will not be the case with later versions of iOS 9 beta
Air 2 cell + wifi running PB1
iCloud sync/backup/etc. turned off (which are my normal settings)

Left the iPad in airplane mode when I went to work this morning. 12-hour battery loss looks like around 1%, maybe 2%.

I need to verify that over the next few days but battery usage on the PB looks fine here.
Gents, There must have been something wrong with my download as I pretty much disabled every networking app but still my battery was dropping by 1%-2% every couple of minutes when I was reading emails. Note push disabled. I seemed fine in standby but as soon as any action required. Whammo massive drain. I took the decision last night to downgrade to 8.4 and battery life is pretty much back to normal. I'll try and redownload ios 9 in a couple of weeks. Thnaks for all of you advice.
When I under ios 9.0 public beta turn on the flight mode and the battery safe mode, consumes my iPhone 5s still 10% battery capacity per hour. In normal use it consumes up to 30% per hour. The battery drain is very worse since ios 8.3
When I under ios 9.0 public beta turn on the flight mode and the battery safe mode, consumes my iPhone 5s still 10% battery capacity per hour. In normal use it consumes up to 30% per hour. The battery drain is very worse since ios 8.3
I'm convinced most battery issues at this stage are caused by third party apps. When I had Twitter, hangouts, google plus, and iWork apps installed after a clean setup, my battery burned at 1% per minute. Before installing any apps, it was phenomenal.

After restoring again but only installing whatsapp, no battery issues at all. Has to be an optimisation issue that iOS 9 requires, but developers clearly haven't implemented yet, because they've no need to until September.
I'm convinced most battery issues at this stage are...

Have you looked at disabling everything involving iCloud? That's what seems to be the issue for most people - Since I disabled it in Dev B3 I'm actually getting mildly better battery life than 8.4 on my iPad Air 2. The jury is still out on my 5S.
Right. I recharged the phone to 100% All well. Phone cool (heatwise). Had turned off Apple Music Streaming. Got 45 mins at 100%. Decided to have a look at Music to see if it would drain the battery. Turned on Apple Music Streaming. WIthin 1 min the phone was heating up and lost 3%age points in a matter of a couple of minutes whilst I was playing around with the settings. Note, not listening to any music! Now recharging phone to 100% and the heat has gone. Is this another API issue?

Even on iOS 8.4, the the new Music app would make my phone go hot and make the battery start draining quicker. I think it's an issue with the App itself.
Have you looked at disabling everything involving iCloud? That's what seems to be the issue for most people - Since I disabled it in Dev B3 I'm actually getting mildly better battery life than 8.4 on my iPad Air 2. The jury is still out on my 5S.
Yea tried that. Even with iCloud completely disabled the issue remained. I now have iCloud completely enabled this time around (but no third party apps) and battery life is perfectly fine. Not saying it couldn't still be an OS bug, but if the boot fits...
Many thanks to Atomic Flip. I have noticed that since upgrading to ios 9 public beta that standby is ok but as soon as there is any use the battery drains very quickly. 45 minute tube journey this a.m. dropped by 25%age points whilst listening to the new Music App. Also noticed that iPhone got extremely hot during charging. Have now disabled iCloud Drive and reverted backups to MBP. Currently charging and device is noticeably less hot. Will update if this works but seem eminently logical to me. Is it me or does the phone seem to charge less quickly after this upgrade?

That's crazy you're seeing such a drain on battery. Yesterday I took a train from the very south end to the very north end of Calgary (which is a 45minute - 1hour ride.) The battery was at 96% when I got on the train and still 96% when I got off the train. Listening to music the whole time, but I never played with the phone at all during that time. Screen off and just music playing through stock Apple EarPods.
That's crazy you're seeing such a drain on battery. Yesterday I took a train from the very south end to the very north end of Calgary (which is a 45minute - 1hour ride.) The battery was at 96% when I got on the train and still 96% when I got off the train. Listening to music the whole time, but I never played with the phone at all during that time. Screen off and just music playing through stock Apple EarPods.

I took a 45 minute walk into Dublin city yesterday with just music on, was stunned to see a 25% battery loss. Was previously used to your numbers.
It could be one of your apps. In my case it was Final Fantasy Record Keeper by DeNA, once I took it out the drain issue resolved itself after one battery cycle (full drain followed by full charge). My phone can last about 8 hours standby with 10% battery drain and Low-Power Mode is off.

Check to make sure you don't have any badly written apps by that company. They make a lot of games that are good for nostalgia because they teamed up with Nintendo and Square-Enix.

However some of the other things I also did which also improved battery life (though nothing as dramatic as removing the FFRK game whose presence drops my battery life from 100% to 97% in less than 15 minutes on battery on standby after doing all this).

  • Turn off iCloud backup (I prefer timemachine backups anyway)
  • Turn off iCloud Drive (I use OneDrive which gives me more space for the most part without the annoyances of Google Drive/Docs).
  • Turn off Siri search suggestions (It's like Google Now which is also a battery drain and requires solid network coverage which is difficult with Wind Mobile).
  • Reduce motion (I don't need too much eye candy especially it if visually slows things down)
  • Reduce transparency (I don't need too much eye candy especially it if it adds extra processing that slows things down)
  • Auto-brightness off (I can control the brightness myself thank you)
  • Restrictions
    • In-App Purchases
    • Car Play
    • Apple Music Connect
  • Disable predictive (I really hated the amount of space taken up by the keyboard when this is on just like I hated it when I was on Android).
I still have the following battery drainers otherwise why bother getting a smart phone.
  • Low Power Mode - disabled (I like to get my updates regularly)
  • Bluetooth - because I use a headset when I am driving
  • Find My iPhone
  • Location services
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I posted this before in another thread, as a developer I am working on an app which uses background services for location, BT and sending message to the watch. Even after the app was terminated these radios seem to remain on and working full power. After deleting my app and rebooting the battery use went to normal. I don't stream music and haven't found using the music player effected battery use any more than normal.

What I suspect is the iOS 9 Beta (version 5) is leaving a radio operating at full speed even when apps are terminated. My suggestion is to delete a suspected app and reboot the device to see if that fixes it. Send a bug report about the battery drain.

Something in the OS isn't doing it's job.
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