I'm having the same issue. I wake up every morning to an alert on my phone saying iCloud backup failed because there's not enough space. But I've got 5gb of free space since my iPad doesn't do cloud backups. When I click manage storage I see 0 bytes for everything.After upgrading to iOS9 last night, I noticed that I no longer had any iCloud phone backups. I forced a backup before going to bed. Now this morning it's telling me "Latest Backup: Yesterday" and "Backup Size: 0 bytes".
When I browse through the "Backup Options" list of applications, they all appear as No Data. I guess that explains why my phone says it was backed up and the backup size is 0 bytes. Still isn't correct though.
I guess I'll for sure back up to my computer at home this evening to be on the safe side.
I'm telling my parents to hold out on upgrading to iOS9 until I know iCloud backups are working again. This is ridiculous. I'm on an iPhone 6, so it's not like some obscure bug with iPhone 4S that didn't get tested well.I just upgraded to ios 9 yesterday - (iPhone 5) - and I cannot get iCloud backups to work. There is plenty of space. The old backup is listed as 0 bytes.
And despite it saying that there is insufficient space for a backup, there is no way of telling how big the new backup would be.
I've tried everything. Logging off and on iCloud. Turning backup off and on again.
How could they screw something so critical up this badly? From Googling, this appears to be a well reported issue for the ios 9 betas. This should NEVER ship in this state. This is the last time I'm upgrading a device before a X.1 release.
(and before I get comments about "no understanding software", I am a full-time software engineer)
Just got off them phone to them and basically they can't do anything about the failed backup from iOS 9 PB. This was due to the agreement that is taken when you download it, they don't support beta.
He said I've fallen into a hole where I downgraded to 8.4 and its a failed iCloud backup on 8.4.
Then the iCloud engineering team said that they can't provide apple support or do anything in regards to this due to the above. Even though both departments could see the backup they can't delete.
He said there are a few options but can't guarantee.
1: lower the iCloud to the free plan clear some space and backup then upgrade to the 20Gb plan see if it pushes the failed one to delete.
2: upgrade iOS 9 current PB (backup iPhone on 8.4 via MacBook) the iCloud back up on iOS 9. Then manage iCloud and try to delete it in the hopes that the new iCloud backup has overwritten the failed. Then delete that backup and downgrade 8.4 then iCloud backup.
Bigger risk here being if I do the above and I can't delete or the second iOS 9 backup fails then it's another 5Gb of your storage.
3: wait until the official release of iOS 9 iCloud backup and hope it over writes, he said if it doesn't then call in and the team should be able to do delete the failed one.
Not a lot of help to be honest.
Surely go to 9.0 then they will/must help?I'm on iOS 9.1 beta. I cannot make a backup and despite showing 4GB of available space on iCloud, can no longer sync photos to iCloud. Were you at all successful with any one of the three options or making further progress with Apple? I have talked to support but because it is a beta, they say they cannot help and point me to the developer portal which is not helpful.
I'm on iOS 9.1 beta. I cannot make a backup and despite showing 4GB of available space on iCloud, can no longer sync photos to iCloud. Were you at all successful with any one of the three options or making further progress with Apple? I have talked to support but because it is a beta, they say they cannot help and point me to the developer portal which is not helpful.
I have read on other forums that people seem to think this is caused by a corrupt app trying to back up. Someone suggested looking at your backup options for apps you have recently deleted that are not showing the icon image. I looked through mine and found this:
I have never used this keyboard or even enabled it on my phone. I tried turning it off but no luck. I can't seem to get rid of it. Does anyone else have anything similar?
That's a bit too much of a coincidence. My backup hasn't worked since then either. I don't know what it is and can't find it on phone to delete it either. Switching off the backup doesn't make any difference either.Dude, I've got that same keyboard showing up in mine. I haven't been able to back up my phone since I installed 9 beta back in July. I'm on official 9 now and still can't do it, cloud or iTunes.
That's interesting about that keyboard.
That's a bit too much of a coincidence. My backup hasn't worked since then either. I don't know what it is and can't find it on phone to delete it either. Switching off the backup doesn't make any difference either.
Do you have any third party keyboards installed? I have SwiftKey and Flesky.
No. Only keyboard I have ever enabled is emoji. I have delete that and it's still there.
That's interesting. Somehow it's come jumbled with a beta I guess and we can't get it out on our own.
Sure worries me to be shooting around with a phone that hasn't been backed up in 10 weeks and counting....