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Jul 3, 2011
Happy Jack, AZ
So yeah I've always used iPhone, and I have pre ordered iPhone Xs Max 256gb - but I have been getting a lot of hate or teasing from some of my friends.

So my friends are saying I'm a sheep and I am paying for overpriced hardware.

Well, the reason I use iPhone is because, for me, it is more reliable, just works better, snappier for the apps that I own and doesn't crash as much as Android. Build quality is a factor as well, iPhones are definitely the most well built mass consumer phone. But really the first point, I want my apps to work when I need them to work, and they just work more solid on iPhone.

I have a macbook pro, but I use Windows for my Youtube and work because I use a lot of software you can't get on mac.

Some of my friends are from technical, programming type backgrounds - they tend to favour Android because there are way more technical things Android is capable of - that is true without doubt but I don't use or need these features.

Sure there are some people who want the branding and want to be seen as 'cool', I really don't care about that, in fact if Android offered a seamless smooth and reliable experience like iOS, I would consider switching.

So guys, what is the reason you are sticking with iOS and iPhone, and what do you say to the haters who tell you how bad overpriced sheep etc iPhone is?

Why say anything? Buy what you want and let them buy what they want. If you're that insecure in your choice, you must have to question why you bought what you bought. I truly don't understand threads like this, or the mindset behind them.


macrumors 601
Apr 17, 2017
Cupertino, CA
Just be like "I'm rich...b****":D

But you don't need to justify yourself on what is your preference. Samsung flagship the Note models are $999-1250 which are in line with Apple lineup $999-1450. Just tell them Android is their cup of tea and iOS is yours. I will pay for what I want and vice versa. Tell them to give iPhone a go before lecturing you the perks of Android. The experience is different. Maybe if you tell them to buy you an Android then you will consider trying Android. I pretty sure they wouldn't. ;)


macrumors 6502
Sep 23, 2014
Genuinely curious what apps just work on iPhone but doesn't on Android? Or is buggy on Android?


macrumors member
Jun 16, 2009
No minds will be changed that's for certain so it's a waste of time. But just to get something off my chest and then I'm done. The back of the phone scanner is a huge PITA. You get used to it like someone gets used to degenerative back disease. I'm very much looking forward to face ID on Friday when I send my S8 plus back and sport the Max. I've owned both platforms.

Same, I've owned 3 Android devices (G1, Nexus google phone, and the Samsung S8+) in my time and I keep going back to iPhone (3gs, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7+, X, and soon to come the Xs Max). Do I miss some of the customization options of Android? Yes although it doesn't out way the fast security patches, reliable updates, less bloatware, smoothness, lack of crashing, that it's harder to hack, and the way I use my iPad and apple watch seamlessly with my iPhones.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 9, 2018
So yeah I've always used iPhone, and I have pre ordered iPhone Xs Max 256gb - but I have been getting a lot of hate or teasing from some of my friends.

So my friends are saying I'm a sheep and I am paying for overpriced hardware.

Well, the reason I use iPhone is because, for me, it is more reliable, just works better, snappier for the apps that I own and doesn't crash as much as Android. Build quality is a factor as well, iPhones are definitely the most well built mass consumer phone. But really the first point, I want my apps to work when I need them to work, and they just work more solid on iPhone.

I have a macbook pro, but I use Windows for my Youtube and work because I use a lot of software you can't get on mac.

Some of my friends are from technical, programming type backgrounds - they tend to favour Android because there are way more technical things Android is capable of - that is true without doubt but I don't use or need these features.

Sure there are some people who want the branding and want to be seen as 'cool', I really don't care about that, in fact if Android offered a seamless smooth and reliable experience like iOS, I would consider switching.

So guys, what is the reason you are sticking with iOS and iPhone, and what do you say to the haters who tell you how bad overpriced sheep etc iPhone is?

Tell them you are a sheep. Tell them you did overpay. Every time they tell you something, agree with them. They won’t have nothing to say then.


macrumors 65816
Jan 22, 2008
Ahhh it's all lighthearted, I bust chops back and forth with family and friends that use Android all the time.

Just remind them.....With Apple, the iPhone is the product, we are the consumer.....with Android, THEY are the product...nothing but a piece of merchandise that Google gets the good money for.
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Jul 12, 2016
It’s just a phone. I don’t know really know anyone in this world that cares what someone uses for one device over another. I can understand that we all like tech for certain reasons, but generally the population it’s not tech oriented, they don’t care either.
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macrumors 68030
Jan 27, 2011
Why do people care what phone someone else has? Are they that insecure with their purchase that they need to justify it with insults and a constant desire for validation?

Do your friends also do the same thing regarding which car you drive? Which TV you own? Or which chicken sandwich is your favorite?

I understand on a forum like this, where people want to talk pros and cons. But in a social situation... Who actually cares?


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
In a public setting “it just works for me”

At work “company apps that are specificly written for us that are proprietary to iOS and various Android phones don’t meet or aren’t tested to the security standards we have in place”. Too many Android phones and many have skins.

The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Dec 15, 2010
Android have great phones but hate the software and it doesn’t work with multiple devices like my Apple products do so for me the max is worth it and the best phone for me


macrumors 601
Dec 22, 2016
It's not me. It's the way my friends have reacted after I've told them I'm getting Xs Max.

I was sent this video this morning, I have to say I thought it was pretty funny, but this is the type of thing I've been getting for the past couple of days.

So I need some good defense lines when I get grilled again. I know it's pretty stupid, my friends are smart + immature, an interesting combination for sure.
LOL video.

Just laugh with them man. Don't take it to heart.
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macrumors 6502
Dec 25, 2006
Silence and a non reaction works best. When the target of their jests fail to rise to defend, it signals a confidence in a choice that they probably lack. Change the subject, ignore the text, walk away, pick your nose. Just show complete non engagement with the provocation.


macrumors 68040
Aug 14, 2010
Fort Worth, TX
You could read through this thread for ideas and watch people figuratively beat the crap out of each other: it gets pretty nasty.

Really, though, there’s no arguing over this. Both platforms work well and have advantages and disadvantages: it’s just what works best for you. Coke/Pepsi, Ford/Chevy, Mac/PC, etc, some people just want to feel superior about their choices and make you feel inferior about your choices. I understand the urge to put them in their place, but you’ll never convince them that you made the right decision. Invariably, I have a few people who come out of the woodwork to tell me that I’m ridiculous for buying an iPhone for any number of reasons: too expensive, it’s an indulgence, it’s a toy, I’m materialistic, etc.

Back when cell phones became a thing, I had people criticize me for having one: “what? You have to be able to make a call from anywhere? Can’t wait until you get to a phone? What a waste of money!” (They all eventually got cell phones). When the iPhone came out , people said, “why do you need all that? All you need is something to make calls” (all of those naysayers now have smartphones).

I feel your pain: friends or not, these people are not trying to engage in an honest discussion, they’re just intentionally rude and insulting you. Arguing with them just gives them a platform to keep piling on. Read through the above thread that I posted: it’s maddening. I’m done with the trash talkers. I find that a nice “go to h3ll” or “f-off” works best for me.


May 3, 2013
Berlin, Berlin
So I need some good defense lines when I get grilled again.
The problem is your friends are right, you’re paying too much for overpriced hardware. That’s why you should react like a Ferrari owner, who is told he paid too much for a red car.



macrumors newbie
Sep 16, 2018
There right though the iPhone xs max is overpriced and Android is better than ios.What do you mean apps just run smoother on ios I have been hearing and experiencing the complete opposite Android Oreo has been performing better than iOS 11 which is why apples iOS 12 update was mainly focused on performance upgrades Android now runs just as smooth if not smoother than iOS,and it does that while still being more capable and more flexible.Yes android is better than iOS and the iPhone xs phones are overpriced


macrumors newbie
Sep 16, 2018
What do you hate about the software and what do you mean by it doesn't work with multiple devices?
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