At this point, simply waiting and retrying seems to be the best solution.
For other issues or problems, see our iOS 5 discussion forum.
Article Link: Many Seeing "Error 3200" Trying to Upgrade to iOS 5
I have successfully downloaded the iPhone ios5 update for my ip4. However after backing up my iphone and extracting the software it gives a 3200 error - any thoughts on fixing it?
When i try to update this error comes up? any help?
From iTunes, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Devices. Select your iPhone and click "Delete Backup". That did the trick for me.
From iTunes, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Devices. Select your iPhone and click "Delete Backup". That did the trick for me.
I am also getting error 3200 with a 3GS. I will now try JacobC123's solution.