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Guys just update lion and iTunes.... if you read the details of the error it wil tell you to do just that....
I downloaded iREB and followed the instruction for pwned dfu mode after that i restore it worked :)
U can try
I'm getting error 3004 consistently. Argh. My phone is currently bricked and I keep having to put it into DFU mode to get iTunes to recognize it.

Now the phone just keeps cycling back and forth between the a blank screen with the rotating loading symbol and the blank screen with the apple logo. Sometimes a loading bar pops up under the apple logo, but this bar never fills all the way up.

The phone isnt showing up in iTunes anymore either. Had no idea I could do this much harm to my phone by just clicking on the "update" and "restore" buttons...

Any advice?

Did you manage to get out of this loop? I'm not stuck in the same state and dont know how to get back to normal state.

Can any one help how to restore the phone.
Well, fourth time's a charm. Now it's just taking its sweet time restoring all the content. It's a good thing this is preinstalled on the 4S because I certainly wouldn't want to do it again.
Did you manage to get out of this loop? I'm not stuck in the same state and dont know how to get back to normal state.

Can any one help how to restore the phone.

You gotta put it into DFU mode.

While connected to the computer...

Hold down Home and Power for 10 seconds

Release Power Button, but keep holding home


Your phone will then be in DFU mode and iTunes will recognize it.


I finally got mine to work! iTunes did the install after many attempts.
5 hours now with no luck

I started about 5 hours ago. I was able to download the update but not install it.

After it download (took about 45 min), it then started to backup my iPhone 4 but stopped within a few minutes, getting the 3200 error and saying "error trying to restore" or something like that.

So I started over. I started over about 10 times. My roommate called Apple and got a "non-genius" who was no help at all. Suggested RESETTING my iPhone to factory settings using the phone itself (by going to setting, general, reset, erase all content and settings).

So it's been over an hour and all I see on the screen is the little star thingy twirling around and around. I did this because it was suggested that maybe something was wrong with my iPhone.

So I try to upgrade to 5.0 on my iPad2 and keep getting the same error. I will NOT do a factory reset like the Apple non-genius suggested. I hope it just a matter of their servers being overloaded.

My roommate was able to get his updated very early this morning and now he's having all kinds of issues. He can't add, delete or edit his contacts. Apple told him to wait and hour and see if it started working.

Very disapointed!
finally w/ help of airplane mode!

Finally, after turning on airplane mode I was able to update my ipad2 wifi+3g at&t. I started with my iphone 4 at 1 pm est and that took until 3 to update and resync after multiple failed install attempts.

So after 2 hours my ipad is now updated to ios 5 and I am waiting for it to resync everything.

Thanks to those who suggested airplane mode! Not sure if it was just luck or it help, either way it is done and I can leave my office!
Well I've blown the whole afternoon and all I have to show for it is a bricked iPad and a bricked iPhone.

Even the iCloud migration was a bust for me, I got the "Move Error, try again in a few hours."
Seems like the Apple authentication servers are the ones that are overloaded. The content delivery servers download the actual iOS 5 package rather promptly (at least in my case).

I had to try 8 to 9 times to get my iPad 2 updated.

3x error 3200
1x error 3014
1x error 3004

now can't restore to iOS4 and can't update to iOS5

So much for "it just works" :rolleyes:
It failed 3x for me, same as you guys.

I gave up for now, doing the Lion updates first, then going to reboot and try again.

I dread having to do this twice (iP4/iPad 2).
iPad Battery Warning

For those trying to upgrade your iPad using a computer that does not charge your iPad make sure your battery is charged up. After all this you would not want to run the battery down and not be able to finish the update.
I got mine to work after installing 10.7.2, but I suspect just letting everyone get of the servers did the trick. I updated over four hours after it was released.

Now that's the iPad, time to try the iPhone.
iOS 5, Y U SHOW ERROR 3200?

After attempt 43, resetting phone, resetting computer, putting into flight mode, trying restore not update, standing on my head and whistling out of my arse, I officially give up.
Did you manage to get out of this loop? I'm not stuck in the same state and dont know how to get back to normal state.

Can any one help how to restore the phone.

I had to download the IPSW of iOS 4.3.5 and restore to that. That solved the problem.
Airplane mode did NOT work

Tried the airplane mode as some have suggested and still didn't work. Really hate Apple right now.
Ran into this error while updating my iPhone 4. :mad:

Apple really need to have handled this better in code -- rather than a scary, vague error message which makes you think your phone is toast, they should have had a "Server busy: Retry?" option.

I had to download the IPSW of iOS 4.3.5 and restore to that. That solved the problem.
I pulled my 4.3.5 out of the trash and tried the restore again -- that seemed to do the trick.
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