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macrumors 65816
Jun 20, 2010
Fake. Nothing worth having an event for. If that was real my next phone wouldn't be an iphone?

Kids running some jail break apps posing


macrumors 68000
Oct 22, 2011
Montreal, Quebec
Clearly fake. Notice on one of the videos how he always has to tap again on the "loading" screens when demonstrating the iStore, to actually go to the next page. And on the other video, he's always double tapping within that iStore app.

So basically, to navigate from one screen to the next, he always needs to tap twice for some reason. And he tries to hide that fact by making it look subtle.
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Aug 11, 2008
If this and the leaked designed of the iPhone 5 are any indication of a post Jobs Apple, the company is in some serious trouble.


macrumors 65816
Feb 26, 2011
Fake. Safari is lacking an omnibar which is almost a sure thing for iOS6 and the Maps application looks largely unchanged.


macrumors 68020
Aug 17, 2010
In America
Most defiantly fake; combined with the 'Siri' on an iPod Touch and also the fact that Apple will have to introduce something much more substantial other than two little tweaks to ever allow iOS6 to be a success.

are you sure it's defiantly fake? I don't see anything defiant about that :confused:


macrumors 68040
Mar 11, 2009
I'm pretty sure when Tim said they're going to be "doubling down on security" they didn't mean they'll give an alpha version of iOS 6 with nothing in it to a twelve year old to put on YouTube.

Just sayin'


macrumors 6502
Apr 13, 2012
I'm pretty sure when Tim said they're going to be "doubling down on security" they didn't mean they'll give an alpha version of iOS 6 with nothing in it to a twelve year old to put on YouTube.

Just sayin'

lol yea. Though to someone who doesn't know any better they would sadly believe him. Though I actually can't believe their are people here that seem like it might not be totally fake? I can't find one thing in that video that would even lead me to believe it could be "real."

Seriously though, you give someone 30 minutes to get all of the best jailbroken apps/tweaks on their phone and have everything laid out properly, then they could easily make a hoax video that is three times better than this and actually trick a lot of people


macrumors 68040
Mar 11, 2009
lol yea. Though to someone who doesn't know any better they would sadly believe him. Though I actually can't believe their are people here that seem like it might not be totally fake? I can't find one thing in that video that would even lead me to believe it could be "real."

Seriously though, you give someone 30 minutes to get all of the best jailbroken apps/tweaks on their phone and have everything laid out properly, then they could easily make a hoax video that is three times better than this and actually trick a lot of people
Yep. Why on earth they would though, I've no idea. It's literally like a week before WWDC? Congratulations YouTube user! You tricked some people for an entire week!?? lol


macrumors newbie
Dec 11, 2010
Easily fake

3D maps? No little 12 year old :p
The biggest give away is how much the iPod slows down after loading Siri clearly showing he's on 2 dyld's using Spire


macrumors 6502a
Dec 22, 2009
Redcar, England
iStore idea is certainly a good one, and there were those rumors awhile back about new stores and itunes etc.

Personally i think they should be built in to their relevant apps like iBooks and iTunes U whereby you press the store button in the top right and the app turns around likea book case to reveal the storefront.

The icons all looked terrible though, so could easily be real. Apples icons have been seriously terrible these last few years *glares at facetime on his iPad*


macrumors 603
Jul 3, 2002
Middle Earth
You know it's fake when you don't get

"Removed at the request of Apple Legal" later.

Apple is more than happy to have fake stuff obfuscating the truth.


macrumors 6502
Aug 30, 2011
New Zealand
Most defiantly fake; combined with the 'Siri' on an iPod Touch and also the fact that Apple will have to introduce something much more substantial other than two little tweaks to ever allow iOS6 to be a success.

I'm with everyone with it being fake,
but why does siri on iPod touch make it fake?

theres a very high chance that come oct when iso 6 comes out, it will be on the iPod touch and iPad


macrumors 6502
Apr 13, 2012
I'm with everyone with it being fake,
but why does siri on iPod touch make it fake?

theres a very high chance that come oct when iso 6 comes out, it will be on the iPod touch and iPad
I can see it on the Wifi+3G models of the iPad. But Siri requires an Internet connection for like everything. It'd only be useful on the iPod touch if you're connected to Wifi. Sure their are other things on the iPod that require Eifi of course but most people would not understand why Siri wasn't working on their iPod. You'd be surprised how many do not realize that it needs Internet.


macrumors 6502
Aug 30, 2011
New Zealand
I can see it on the Wifi+3G models of the iPad. But Siri requires an Internet connection for like everything. It'd only be useful on the iPod touch if you're connected to Wifi. Sure their are other things on the iPod that require Eifi of course but most people would not understand why Siri wasn't working on their iPod. You'd be surprised how many do not realize that it needs Internet.

true, but the iPods have iMessage and FaceTime
and they need internet,

same with the iPads wifi only


Apr 4, 2010
I can see it on the Wifi+3G models of the iPad. But Siri requires an Internet connection for like everything. It'd only be useful on the iPod touch if you're connected to Wifi. Sure their are other things on the iPod that require Eifi of course but most people would not understand why Siri wasn't working on their iPod. You'd be surprised how many do not realize that it needs Internet.

What about people who bought a wifi only model because they knew they would never bring it out if the house? Why punish them?

My favorite counterargument I've heard: So, should they remove Safari from the iPod touch and wifi only models too?


macrumors 6502
Apr 13, 2012
true, but the iPods have iMessage and FaceTime
and they need internet,

same with the iPads wifi only

Like I said, yes their are other things that rely on internet on the iPod, but those things that you basically know are going to rely on the internet. Just about everyone knows your need internet to browse the web on Safari. With Siri it is very less obvious that you need internet. Like I said not many people realize you need internet to use even some of the "basic" stuff of Siri. I just think it'd be a useless feature on the iPod Touch and not what Siri was really intended to be marketed for. I think it'll bring Dictation only.

Go around ask just about any average person. Just about all of them would not know Siri needs an internet connection for a lot of it's functionality.


macrumors regular
Jan 20, 2012
Fake, on the first video, he has three screens and doesn't scroll to it, leads me to believe these are all cydia tweaks ( which are hidden from view with cydia ) on the third screen..


macrumors newbie
Jun 8, 2012
My vote's on fake.

It's clearly a kid who has hacked his jailbroken ipod to do those things. I have SIRI on my iPod touch as well. All you need to do is use a proxy and download Spire. He simply is using mods from cydia.


macrumors 65816
Mar 2, 2010
It's definitely fake.

"So those are some of the very few changes of iOS 6."

From that quote alone, you know it's fake. Apple is going to release more than a built-in dictionary app. (Not to mention it's ugly as hell)
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