I gotta be lucky also. I've owned every iPhone except the Cs, 2 MacBook Pros, 1 original polycarbonate MacBook, 5 iPads including 10.5 and 12.9 Pros, 2 Apple watches 1&2 gen, and a 2013 iMac.
I've never seen the yellow screens and don't even know anyone here in Miami that has ever complained about it if they did have it.
Lucky man, I gotta be really lucky.
I've never had a yellow screen, but please source the "burning out materials".
People finally got over the "drying glue" phenomenon.
I forgot what iPhone it was but there were slightly warmer screens. There was also a very severe light bleed issue with the early iPad 3 (not to mention that battery that refuses to charge..takes FOREVER). There was (and possibly still is) a dual lens calibration/math issue with the iPhone 7+ lenses. Most people don't see these issues and that's great. There are people that do. Some are OCD. Some looking for it...and some just have an eye for it. I don't know which one(s) I am but I did test devices for many years for a living. I don't tell people about the 7+ issue because they love their phone. I went through about 4 of them before going back to the 6S+. I provided Apple and their engineers real test results so they could work to resolve the issue. I will check the iPad Pro 9.7 and 10.5 screen as I have both. So far, I have not seen anything that stands out.
[doublepost=1501902618][/doublepost]So I just did a quick test of screens of the iPad Pro 9.7 and the iPad Pro 10.5. I made sure that True Tone was turned off, Night Shift was turned off, Auto Brightness disabled, full brightness, and even checked General - Accessibility to make sure Reduce Transparency and Darken Colors were disabled.
The iPad Pro 10.5 is SLIGHTLY warmer than the 9.7. When I say slightly I would guess that unless prompted, most people would never notice. I would say less than 5% difference in warmth. I should add that screens, even from the same manufacturer will have variations. Then you have screens that are sourced by different vendors. I think this is the case with the pee screens on the iPhone. Back to the test....
The screens are both very nice. The 9.7 isn't too cool and the 10.5 isn't too warm.
I checked the 10.5 for light bleed and I see none. I did notice with the 10.5 that if you look at pretty non-normal viewing angles you can see what might be the coating on the glass. You can tell it's not bleed as it 'moves' as you angle the iPad screen around to see different angles.
I checked the 9.7 for light bleed and it actually does have two small spots at the bottom left of the screen. I had never actually noticed until now.. and honestly I don't care. It isn't nearly as bad as the iPad 3 at launch.
All screens will have a slight light variation near the corners. I think it may have something to do with bezel pressure but I am not an engineer.
That's my $0.02.. more like $2 but oh well.
All the iPad's displayed in the stores had a varying degree of a shadow above the home button in portrait - some more prominent then others. Most of them you could see only when looking at a pure white screen (which most people do not do). I am done playing the "lottery" as I am happy to have a dead pixel/dust particle free display which I find to be even more annoying then the slight shadow by the home button.
I have also come to the conclusion that this is just how they are manufactured, similar to the iMac and Cinema display bottom shadows in years past (google it). LCD perfect uniformity is impossible to achieve at the scale of manufacturing these displays.
If something stands out on your iPad and your unhappy with it, exchange it, but to find an absolutely perfect display is pretty impossible. See attached for my display (home button on bottom)
I just checked my 10.5 for this. I see nothing and historically if it's there I can see it. Not saying yours doesn't have it. I am just saying I have looked at many color tests, including white, and I don't see any shadow or tint.
I returned numbers 6&7 tonight to the Apple Store and the manager told me that apple was releasing a new operating system in September (implying that would fix these display issues).
Played the lotto, didn't win. On to bigger and better things....
This screen would be going back immediately.
I'm quite picky when it comes to backlight bleeding and uneven backlight. I received a 10.5 iPad Pro and tested with completely white and black screens and I'm very impressed. It's the first time I received a device that is perfectly fine.
Same here. I am surprised Apple lets me still buy iPads after the iPad 3. My 10.5 looks perfect. Slightly warmer than my 9.7.. love the slightly warm versus cool.