It can be done on the iphone. Theres a guy that has done it a number of times, he's currently putting together the software so that everyone can do it.
Not all activation lock phones are stolen by the way (just most of them). I'm a re-seller, and i've gotten a number of them, just because the person i bought them from forgot to take it off. (Oh and you "forgot to ask") And because i get so many at a time it's difficult to track down who you got it from.(difficult for the police I bet.)
Also, people have sold me lost phones (stolen means you "lost"your phone, "lost" doesn't mean it had to be stolen). So now i have a phone i paid $100's of dollars for. i'd be happy to return it to original owner, but that person wont give me what i paid. (my goodness, "you" set the price for "retrieving" their phone) And even though i'm willing to return it to the original owner, apple/att wont help me at all (oh you mean "sell" it back to the original owner, gotcha).
Heres the problem i have w/ it. Nobody gains anything (and "YOU" should definitely not). Most phones i get w/ activation lock, have absolutely no way to contact original owner (or get the details without their OK). So who gains anything from activation lock? I'm the one that gets screwed here (oh thank goodness, hope they run out of lube at the hillbilly inn).
And i love how everyone says the phones are stolen. 95% of these phones were lost. And now everyone else gets punished because of your own stupidity, and how difficult APPLE makes it to return phone to the original owner (not if it is honest) .
Anyhow, activation lock bypass will be out soon, feature will be obsolete. I can already bypass icloud lock in about 20 seconds. Activation lock will be next (ah, the forever optimistic parasite).
What apple should do is develop a better system for returning phones. And they should have a policy that if you attempt to, and the original owner doesn't want it, or wont pay what you paid if you bought if, that it can be wiped clean again (the phone was STOLEN, the person is a thief, the people they sold it to are accomplices and it gets returned to the "rightful owner", if it was lost, the person who finds it "has" to try to return it, not "sell" it back to the person who lost it) .
Oh, and by the way, theres a guy in ebay that bypasses activation lock for $150. My guess is that he pays someone off at APPLE. Because he charges the same amount for all phones. ( your logic is way past "stupid") So how about that for security?