Wow, what vitriol in this thread.
I'm in also, looking for activation unlock help. We found an iPad on a plane when we transferred flights when we checked the pocket halfway home. When we got home, we contacted the airline in order to give our information to pass along to anyone reporting an ipad missing on that plane. They informed us that they couldn't do that, and we would have to turn the device in to the airline, and it would go to a warehouse and if it wasn't reported by the owner with an exact description within a certain time frame, it would be put up for auction, presumably for the employees of the airline.
So we called Apple customer care. They told us there was nothing they could do except to call the 'authorities'. Which authorities, they didn't say, but there was no way to determine where the owner lived, and since 'authorities' aren't in the business of tracking down owners, it would have sat in an evidence locker until it was reported, read: forever. Worse than solution 1.
Solution attempt 3: We contacted the nearest Apple store. The nearest one is about an hour away, so I called and they told me they would be able to hook it up and read the owner's information to contact them and provide my information so they could contact me. Awesome.
The next time we were in the area, we took it in. We were then told that they couldn't give me the owner's information (which we didn't want or need), nor could they give the owner our information. Liability and lawyers. Wonderful.
So we contacted a few IT friends to see if there was anything we could do. Nothing.
So we sorta gave up for a while, but then a video on YouTube showed how one could bypass the lock and use facetime to contact the owner.
Excellent. So I give it a try and it doesn't work for iPad, as was indicated earlier in this thread.
So I'm in for ideas, and hopefully to give some of the vitriolic people some information they weren't aware of. Further, there are still some good Samaritans in the world. not everyone's a thief, and shouting and finger pointing doesn't accomplish anything. Anyhow...
Along the way, I learned that connecting to iTunes gave me the 'name' of the iPad, which appears to be the owner's name, but it's a common name, so no help there.
Found iPad, unable to track down owner, trying to get past activation lock to use facetime to get some contact info to contact owner to return device.
iPad2 iOS 7.0.x