I happen to see a deal for new iPad Air 1 Wifi 16GB going for about $200 and am thinking it's a good upgrade for my parents who are still rocking iPad 2. I know about the budget iPad but it's about $375 in my third-world country, so almost twice the price of that Air 1.
All my parents use for their iPad is >90% on YouTube app (based on Battery stats in Settings)
What do you think?
Might be okay if you do NOT update to iOS 11. I’d still recommend the 5th generation iPad which is only $329 brand new and it’s more powerful than iPad Air 2. I’m sure you could find a great deal on one of those.
My mother uses the iPad Air 1 for almost the same reasons, and I've thrown iOS 11 on it for a while to get her feedback on the changes, and to find more issues with it. It runs quite smoothly on it, well, the same as my Air 2.
I think it's still a great option if you can get it for like $200 through a good source. I wouldn't pay over $300 for it, because for $350 you can get a much better device.
I put iOS 11 on my iPad mini 2 (same power as iPad Air) and it was horribly slow. It was awful. Everything lagged, and chopped, and stuttered, and crashed. Not sure what you’re talking about.
iOS 10 was already getting kinda bad for A7 iPads but imo iOS 11 is going to be what puts the nail in the coffin.