It seems that with almost every device that is released, these types of threads pop up... creaks, jelly-scrolling, bend-gate, antenna-gate.
Are these "real" problems? I mean, for average Aunt Sally consumer?
Or, are these problems that only people who follow forums, review devices, have OCD, are narcissistic, or controversy-starters and conspiracy theorists come up with?
Would the OP ever have noticed this if not for reading this forum and other online sources?
Am I odd that my new car (it's only a Honda not something lavish) "creaks" from the right door pillar on rough back roads but is quiet as a mouse on the highway, and I ignore it? That was a $30K investment versus a $599 "disposable" iPad.
I don't mind reading about these things, they can be downright entertaining, but it makes me wonder how close to perfection things need to be, so that something is finally "good enough" (if not outright "PERFECTION") not for Aunt Sally, but for the rest of "us".
Guess I have better ears than Aunt Sally and I do care since I spent $800 bux and I can hear it, I can’t close the door to my Honda. I can legit hear it through the folio keyboard case.
Welcome to the internet, it’s where people come to vent.