Sorry for the rant, but with users that want the world for free, sometimes it's hard for the developers. I'm simply trying to defend the developers that put the time into their apps to make them really really nice, then want to be compensated for that effort. Is that too much to ask? If you don't want to compensate said developer, myself included, you can simply purchase another app.
It's not, and i'm more than willing to pay a fair price for iPad apps.
I've posted that before, i have some very specific wants - and am willing to pay top dollar to get it (in the $20-30 range).
I'm not excited about upgrading games - and we probably won't because that isn't what the iPad is being bought for. There are 3 Touches in the house - they can play games.
It has frustrated me too - and I hope that the quality of the iPad Apps prevent the race to the bottom. I'm happy that Pages, Numbers & Keynote are $10 ea, except, that puts a mental cap on the price of quality apps too. Apple can charge less and sell gobs, but others don't have that same luxury.
But i will be looking at every single iPad app with a fine tooth comb - and am excited to hear developers doing the same. That means i'm going to have some hard choices because there should be a lot good stuff to pick from!