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e²Studios said:
Since when can you not have WiFi at Starbucks and Panera Bread? I do not understand. There have been a number of posters on these forums that have used their iPad at Starbucks. With Starbucks you can get a "free" starbucks card and load some money on it to make your purchases. I've had a starbucks card for a number of years and keep 10 to 20 dollars on it for coffee, etc. Once you have registered your card online and set up the WiFi in the store you get 2 free hours per day. I have not personally used Panera Bread's WiFi but everytime I go into the one near me there are at least 6 to 10 people using their laptops. If the requirement is that you have to make a purchase, so be it, thats just common business sense.

I'm not sure what they are talking about, I have used my iPad at a Starbucks as well as a Panera Bread. Panera does not require a purchase, at least the one I was at didn't.

I have yet to see any of this WiFi issue, using the app I was getting fiber speeds through my wifi connection at home. I haven't experienced any issues with wireless, in fact I seem to have more wireless issues on my MBP than the iPad.

Because you don't have the issue with wifi, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

Because you don't have the issue with wifi, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I never said it didn't exist, however usually on a forum the vocal ones are usually the ones complaining about a issue that is more than likely not as widespread as they think, while the people that are not having problems usually don't post at all.
I never said it didn't exist, however usually on a forum the vocal minority are usually the ones complaining about a issue that is more than likely not as widespread as they think while the people that are not having problems usually don't post at all.

You are right. I could post that just because a few people are having problems, it absolutely doesn't mean that most people are.

Most people with iPads are most likely experiencing no wifi problems at all. In my case, the only problems I've seen are disconnections from an N network on a D-Link access point. We have 2 other access points here and have had no trouble with the iPad using them at all.

Based on my experience, I'm hoping that any wifi problems are isolated to specific situations and will be addressed with an update from Apple eventually.
I never said it didn't exist, however usually on a forum the vocal ones are usually the ones complaining about a issue that is more than likely not as widespread as they think, while the people that are not having problems usually don't post at all.

I love my iPad, but I have WiFi problems. In my office, I have absolutely no problems. At home, it often disconnects and asks for my WEP key. I can get around this by hitting the lock button, then doing a slide to unlock. This temporarily fixes my problem.

My iPhone has absolutely no problem. I am certain a future software update will fix it and I am willing to wait.
Since when can you not have WiFi at Starbucks and Panera Bread? I do not understand. There have been a number of posters on these forums that have used their iPad at Starbucks. With Starbucks you can get a "free" starbucks card and load some money on it to make your purchases. I've had a starbucks card for a number of years and keep 10 to 20 dollars on it for coffee, etc. Once you have registered your card online and set up the WiFi in the store you get 2 free hours per day. I have not personally used Panera Bread's WiFi but everytime I go into the one near me there are at least 6 to 10 people using their laptops. If the requirement is that you have to make a purchase, so be it, thats just common business sense.

Thanks for the enlightenment :rolleyes: but I am well aware of HOW to get wifi at Panera and Starbucks, but the fact that I CANT with my ipad is the issue. I was just at Panera a few days ago where everyone else was connecting fine on their laptop but my ipad would not find the network. These are the wifi issues that I am having and if I cant be sure that I can use my ipad when I am out and about at such places instead of lugging around my MB, I dont have a whole heck of a lot of use for a $500 piece of equipment.
the more I use it...

... the more I love it. And every day new apps, free and otherwise, come out that make this one of my best purchases.
Already sold mine.

...sold it at a nice profit no less.

For me 3G is an absolute must. There I was at a hotel with free Internet, but Ethernet only.

Total buzzkill. The iPhone has spoiled me.

I'll get another iPad when the 3G's are out.
Use GoodReader + Google Docs. Could hardly be easier (save having access to the file system)

GoodReader is good for getting things TO your iPad. Once you open it in Pages, the only ways to get it FROM your iPad are email or a usb cable to iTunes.

AirShare HD - it allows the ipad show up as a wireless networked drive. You simply drop files into it. The Airshare app will read PDFs and allow documents to be opened by Pages (or other relevant third party apps). It also will read your email accounts and pull attachments from there as well. It's well worth the money.

I own both GoodReader and AirSharing HD. They go a long way toward solving the file management issue but not far enough. You mention dragging and dropping files to the iPad from a computer. In the end, that's not much different than having to use iTunes. Any file management solution that starts with "run an app on your iPad, then walk over to another computer..." is not a legit file management solution.

Fortunately Airsharing HD and Goodreader have the ability to use webdav and ftp and even http to GET files. And they can even PUT files that haven't been touched by any iPad app. But once a file has been opened in Pages or Numbers, it's sitting in a bubble that cannot be unlocked without "help from outside" in the form of iTunes or email.

There is another option. It involves docs2go. Docs2go can open files from google docs and I think it can put them back. But it's an iPhone app so you are staring at a 2x app. It's not the end of the world for "getting work done" but I eagerly await the iPad version of docs2go.

Doing Work on an iPad
As for those admonishing me for wanting more than a movie player for my $500 bucks, speak for yourself. If I choose to "get more" for my money, it's my business. Keep in mind, I'm not trying to make a netbook out of this thing. I only want it to do what Apple claimed it could do when they advertised it with iWork. Did you happen to notice the word work is part of the name of the software Apple is selling for this device?
If I thought I could send Apple a message they would actually listen to by taking mine back, I'd take it back today and wait for a version that handles files without third party software or jail-breaking. I'm happy with most aspects of the iPad but I lost a half an hour yesterday as I was leaving to go to a meeting because I couldn't get the budget pdf files loaded onto my iPad without trying a half dozen workarounds.

I never should have had to spend that much time and energy on such a mundane task.

I got to my meeting a half hour late and it turns out I didn't need all the details in all the files but I was glad I had them with me. I was able to take notes in the meeting reasonably well. Overall I was happy to have my iPad with me. But the file handling limitation will only grow and get on my nerves more with time. I've already sunk about $15 in third party workarounds plus $20 to buy Pages and Numbers. While I was disappointed when Apple didn't mention file handling at the OS 4.0 preview, I was encouraged that they mentioned attachment handling. I have to wait until November to find out how well they do this. So do I walk around with an imperfect iPad, grumbling about this or do I take it back and pick one up in November if I'm happy with what they eventually do with OS 4.0?

So that's my buyer's remorse. It revolves around my desire to show Apple some "tough love" in the area that is most likely to get their attention, when I fill out the survey about why I returned my iPad. Now if only I thought I could really do without one 'till November. :eek:

When I want to view pdf files on the pad I just email them to myself. Did you try that? I also get the option to open the file in my pdf viewer when I touch the attachment.

Hardly a reason to return the hardware...

No way, it's perfect. But, I did start with a 64 WiFi, and just returned it and pre-ordered a 3G version because I found myself wanted to use it, but no WiFi in the area.
I wonder how many people will return their wifi only ipads when the 3G comes out. I wonder when the wifi only version will be discontinued and we'll only have the 3G (or 4G soon enough I guess).
I would buy mine all over again. Love it. It's been the most-used computer in our house since we bought it on launch day.

I have iDisk, GoodReader, and Pages. No problem with files handling.

WiFi works great at home and in Panera. I was at an Uno's a bit ago, and the WiFi was slow. (Was slow on my iPhone too...)

I'm going to buy another one, and give my 64GB model to my wife. Trying to decide if I want 3G (haven't really needed 3G at all yet...)
I wonder how many people will return their wifi only ipads when the 3G comes out. I wonder when the wifi only version will be discontinued and we'll only have the 3G (or 4G soon enough I guess).

Probably not that many. Most people who bought at launch will have their return window close this week.
...sold it at a nice profit no less.

For me 3G is an absolute must. There I was at a hotel with free Internet, but Ethernet only.

Total buzzkill. The iPhone has spoiled me.

I'll get another iPad when the 3G's are out.

No interest in or wasn't possible for you to jailbreak and tether? If it ever comes a time I'm not in a wifi area and have my iPad with me, I'm going to make sure I jailbreak my iPhone and download that mywi app (or whatever it's asap.
...sold it at a nice profit no less.

For me 3G is an absolute must. There I was at a hotel with free Internet, but Ethernet only.

Total buzzkill. The iPhone has spoiled me.

I'll get another iPad when the 3G's are out.

My thinking is . . . when there is no available WiFi signal (and I need one) I'll just use my iPhone. So, far I haven't been anywhere with my iPad when I wanted a WiFi signal but couldn't find one. Can't see paying for 2 data plans (yes, I know it's on a monthly pay as you go basis). I think AT&T should offer a discount for customers that already have a data plan with them. Then I might consider the 3G. But for now the WiFi model suits my needs just fine :)

I never said it didn't exist, however usually on a forum the vocal ones are usually the ones complaining about a issue that is more than likely not as widespread as they think, while the people that are not having problems usually don't post at all.

I agree . . . I got semi blasted for trying to post a suggestion for those with WiFi problems :rolleyes:
Not so sure this problem is as widespread as it seems to be. The ones who scream the loudest are, most likely, the ones with the problems. Folks who don't usually have nothing to say ;)

No problems here . . . . waiting for the fallout from the WiFi folks :eek:

Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

Because you don't have the issue with wifi, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Carefully removing bee from bonnet :eek:

...sold it at a nice profit no less.

For me 3G is an absolute must. There I was at a hotel with free Internet, but Ethernet only.

Total buzzkill. The iPhone has spoiled me.

I'll get another iPad when the 3G's are out.

Glad you were able to sell it! You shouldn't have too long to wait on your 3G :)
A bit of remorse after learning Google has an Android tablet supposedly ready for release, I was not expecting Android tablets for at least 4-5 moths. Have to wait and see the specs but honestly I would love to have a similar device to the iPad that can view flash, download and upload files comes with builtin voice navigation tied into Google Maps, will have USB and SD Card reader, Doesn't need to sync to PC (Syncs over the air via wifi or 3g), takes advantage of cloud computing and so on and so on. The Nexus to me offers so much more than my iPhone used to, I have a feeling the Google tablet will do the same.

I will own both for awhile though before deciding which to stick with much the same as I did with my iPhone/Nexus One before deciding to ditch the iPhone and move to Nexus.
No interest in or wasn't possible for you to jailbreak and tether? If it ever comes a time I'm not in a wifi area and have my iPad with me, I'm going to make sure I jailbreak my iPhone and download that mywi app (or whatever it's asap.

Yeah. You know a few things cropped up with this.

1. I have a very late gen 3gs and I'm not a fan of the tethered JB.
2. Having to stay up with the latest jailbreak and worrying about new updates that I might want to have possibly breaking the functionality really turned me off over time.
3. The iPad battery lasts SO much longer than my phone, and even if I did complete all the steps to tether, I'd be killing my phone battery way before the iPad and really if I had to choose one of the two, I can't have my phone dead from tethering when I get off a train or something.
4. Finally, I like the idea of not having to worry about the iPhone at all if I just want to go outside somewhere or to a random coffee shop or wherever and I want iPad Internet access.
5. Actually. One final annoyance I mentioned earlier. Many hotels I seem to frequent have free Internet, but it's wired and not Wi-Fi. Major major drag for the iPad. The Wi-Fi only one could REALLY use a Dock Connector ethernet (or 3G for that matter) dongle.

All in all. The 3G one is the one I want for pure simplicity and ease of use.
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AJsAWiz said:
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

Because you don't have the issue with wifi, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Carefully removing bee from bonnet :eek:

They aren't ready for release. Not even close. Even the rumors have it months away.

It is almost ready according to NY Times? Have any links to being months away? I am anxiously awaiting this device to see how it compares to iPad!

Google is almost ready to start selling its own tablet. The device, according to the New York Times, will be “an e-reader that would function like a computer.” So close is it that Eric Schmidt, CEO at Google, was describing it to friends at “a recent party in Los Angeles.”

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When I want to view pdf files on the pad I just email them to myself. Did you try that? I also get the option to open the file in my pdf viewer when I touch the attachment.

Hardly a reason to return the hardware...


You did say view. I'm not talking about viewing content. I'm talking about editing or creating content. iWork is for editing or creating content which means I need a way to get files off my iPad. Right now there are two ways: iTunes / USB or email. I'd really like to be able to upload files using safari or rename files or copy files. I'd like to be able to download a pages or doc file from blackboard, edit it and upload it afterwards.
It is almost ready according to NY Times? Have any links to being months away?

"Almost ready" can mean anything. A Google tablet won't make it through a ramp-up into production without an announcement. If it's 3G, then there will be an FCC submission first. You won't see a launch only a month after an announcement. The best strategy for Google would be to leak some info early to slow down the iPad adoption, build anticipation, and make it seem more imminent than it is.
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