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Aspect ratio. The 16:9 aspect ratio on iPhones may be better for video but I prefer the 4:3 iPad mini for web browsing, PDF, etc.
Moreover, by reducing the bezel in the mini, the display can go up to 9". So there is certainly a place for it. It is a matter of will from Apple's part.
I think most of the people here are atypical, but I know I would buy a 7.9" small bezel pro at the same price as the 10.5". My wife wants the 10.5", I would just do a two for one. (Or two for two as the case would be.) But I just find it hard to buy a new mini 4 with essentially the same chip as my wife would be moving from with her current iPad Air 2. (She needs LTE now and she had just wifi, the Air 2 would go to my M-I-L, so not a waste.)

However, the $299 and the $150 gift card trade in does sound tempting if you can put the two together. It would be worth the $150 to upgrade from the Mini 2 to the Mini 4 for sure.
I couldn't resist, I ordered one on sale, even though I already pre-ordered the new 12.9 pro. If the mini 4 is the last mini, I want in on that!
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I think it would be a big loss if the iPad mini is discontinued. Hands down my ipad mini 1st egn 2nd Gen and now the Mini 4 have been the most solid tablet computers Ive owned out of all the apple iPads. I pick up my iPad mini 4 more than my Pro because its small, capable and battery life is amazing. Its the most convenient device I have besides my iphone and is the first thing I put in my bag when going somewhere.
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For me the Plus iPhone is big enough for most things I would want the iPad Mini for, mainly reading more than one sentence per page in iBooks. For actual iPad stuff, I'm going with the 12.9" Pro. I don't really need or want anything in between those 2 sizes.
mini with 11 is great.

The size difference IS substantial, but at some point the narrative in the tech press became, "The Plus is almost as big as the iPad mini" and now that's the perception. I completely disagree with it, but there it is.

I use to think this before I actually saw the mini in person, but I completely agree with you. I have an iPhone Plus and a Mini and they're completely different in size, similar to the iPad Pro 12.9 vs 10.5.

I love the Mini in combination with the Pro 12.9. I'm not too optimistic, but I would love it if they came out with a Mini Pro or a Mini with Pencil support.
I use to think this before I actually saw the mini in person, but I completely agree with you. I have an iPhone Plus and a Mini and they're completely different in size, similar to the iPad Pro 12.9 vs 10.5.

I love the Mini in combination with the Pro 12.9. I'm not too optimistic, but I would love it if they came out with a Mini Pro or a Mini with Pencil support.

I'd much rather have a Mini with Pencil support than my 7+ now.
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I've always liked the size of the iPad mini. I bought the very first one for my niece as a wedding present. I
have never owned one myself. When I finally decided to buy another iPad because my iPad 2 was slowing
down too much, I opted for the iPad Air 2 for the 2gb of ram. The iPad mini was 1gb of ram at the time, I
believe, otherwise I would have bought the mini.
pushes those price sensitive customers to the 2017 iPad

I'm looking at replacing my iPad mini 4, but I don't think I'd go with the new iPad. I think I'd go with an 10.5" iPad Pro, in all honesty. Purely because if they're going to force me to move away from my favourite size iPad, I'm gonna at least buy something that could do some heavy lifting. iOS 11 is slowing my mini right down.
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Same, I jumped from iPad mini 4 (the beloved) and moved to the iPad 10.5

But at the moment leave buying one, I'm finding it very difficult finding a unified white screen without a yellowish tint :(
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