True. In all seriousness though I personally have no brand loyalty.. just whatever I deem best. But I am in a comfort zone. That said, there are advantages to staying in a one ecosystem, especially one as mature and far-reaching as Apple's. The majority of the time it does make things easier and smoother, at least for me. Leaving the ecosystem will make some things better, but at least some of those Apple conveniences and advantages will have to be sacrificed. Eg. for a tablet, there is the advantage of Apple's superior app store. Not saying it's always best to stay with Apple. Just that there are necessary trade offs that make the decision hard.
Let me dispel a myth for you.
The App store. This is one of those things that used to be true and so people keep repeating it, but it isn't the case any more...
I am a motorcycle fanatic, so I tend to use those analogies... Ducati makes amazing bikes, but they have this reputation for not being reliable, or needing crazy maintenance. That was the case in the 80's and 90's... Not any more, and it hasn't been that way for a long time. But whenever someone mentions how cool they are, they invariably then comment on "Too bad you have to spend $1000 on doing the valves every few thousand miles"...
When the truth is that Ducati now has longer valve intervals than most of the Japanese bikes, Triumph, BMW, KTM, etc... And when they do get done, the cost difference isn't that much. I have had 7 Ducati's, and none of them had any major problems...
But people keep thinking it is the case because others keep repeating it, and it just isn't so.
Android is the worlds #1 operating system. More than iOS, Mac OS, Linux, Windows, BSD, etc... It has more installed devices than any other OS on any platform, in the world.
There is an app for anything that you want to do. Like many things, Apple might have started it first, but they lost the lead awhile ago. Android is ahead in every market, in phones, and tablets, and recent studies see Android almost even in the most important category of "who spends more"...
I have the Apple app store, and I have the Google Play Store, and both have 1000x more apps than you could ever use. And what you find on one, you 98% of the time find on the other, and this trend will continue to shift towards Android.
So in all seriousness, what do you perceive to be the value to stick with Apple, when you already identified that they don't really have the "tablet for you"?
What do you foresee happening if you were to use an Android tablet? What do you think that you will be giving up?
Or do you just feel like you are "cheating" on Apple? haha